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When is Beautiful Katamari due out anyways? I CRAVES IT.

But yeah, hacking...eh, I just didn't care once I got the acheivement. All I hacked after that was safes, and maybe the occassional vending machine or u-invent.


Great news for 360 fans I guess, because Ninja Gaiden 2 will become a full exclusive.

It's almost a foregone conclusion that it'll be the best action game ever made if they can even marginally improve on the first game.


I was considering making a seperate thread just to celebrate the awesomeness that is Ninja Gaiden II, but I figured that's why people have been posting on this thread.

But yeah, I want a 360, NOW!

I was considering making a seperate thread just to celebrate the awesomeness that is Ninja Gaiden II, but I figured that's why people have been posting on this thread.

But yeah, I want a 360, NOW!

The video can't come fast enough really. It's like waiting for a new video on E3 years past.

Also, Call of Duty running at 60 frames per second is making my eyes hurt. It's almost too beautiful how well it runs.

hey ue i didnt know you were in the call of duty 4 beta also

i got in through gamespot yesterday and am having much fun

i suck horribly though

Yeah, we got two invites at GAF for media purposes. Most of the people playing it are like machines; it's all they do. It looks and plays great, but the class system has some balancing issues with gun strength and whatnot.

If you ever want to play, just send me an invite (if you can pry me away from NHL 08 :P)


Is anyone else getting their butt kicked horribly on puzzle fighter? I played through hard mode twice for a warm-up, and then was smashed by the first person I played. I seriously think I'm doing something wrong.


Oh man, the Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay videos are out on XBLM. I was a huge fan of the first one for the Xbox, and I loved Black and bought Sigma as well, so my $60 was already down for this game, but this all but confirms my longing for the game.

In other news, stupid Xbox Live gold ran out, now all I have is Silver. I only played the CoD4 beta for like a week god dammit. Oh well. Stupid being a poor college student.

You think you're poor? I can't even sprint the 12 bucks for enough marketplace points to buy the full version of Puzzle fighter.

I can't even afford to go to kinko's and print off a copy of my Social Security Card so that I can keep the job I was just hired in to. So yes, I think I'm poor.


Yeah, Infinite Undiscovery looks really cool, as does Last Remnant. It'll be interesting to see what else Tri-Ace brings, I'm hoping for a Valkryie Profile, but I'm sure that's wishful thinking.

And hey, I'm not going to be poor for long, it's just a short term thing, so I can become poor again when all these games come out this holiday for the 360, Wii, and... well the PS3 will continue to collect dust, anyways, until next year.


I picked up Eternal Sonata today with the Alegretto faceplate. Game's really fucking pretty but the intro almost put me to sleep. No seriously.

EDIT: it's not the alegretto faceplate but Frederic Chopin himself, i just got them mixed up apparently.


shut up about scam sites i got the guitar hero 2 bundle HERE for only $10. I'd say go for it you can get some games(including halo 3)/accessories (including the halo 3 controllers/headset) for REALLY cheap.

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