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The new shooter game Trigger Heart Excelia looks pretty good but it seems pretty steep in price ($10).

Apparently it's a bullet hell game much like the doujin/fan games online.

The difficulty can be pretty crazy but it only goes into a relatively short level 1 though. I think it looks pretty good, but the price..

The new shooter game Trigger Heart Excelia looks pretty good but it seems pretty steep in price ($10).

Apparently it's a bullet hell game much like the doujin/fan games online.

The difficulty can be pretty crazy but it only goes into a relatively short level 1 though. I think it looks pretty good, but the price..

I might pick that up I didn't know it was out. I saw it on some Gamespot show the other day. It looks very interesting.

I played the demo just now and it seems pretty cool I'm just wondering if there are unlimited continues on the full game? Because i'll probably die every 12 seconds.

i use the component cable and set it to 1080p

it works for me just fine

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Unless your TV and 360 are hooked together across different rooms of the house, 1080p through component or HDMI is virtually indistinguishable., especially if your TV isn't larger than 50 inches.

The new shooter game Trigger Heart Excelia looks pretty good but it seems pretty steep in price ($10).

Apparently it's a bullet hell game much like the doujin/fan games online.

The difficulty can be pretty crazy but it only goes into a relatively short level 1 though. I think it looks pretty good, but the price..

Looks sweet, $10 ain't much for a bullet hell when you think about it. SUPPORT THE ART DAMNIT.

Now I really need to get that harddrive..

Got Project Sylpheed Today btw, I'll be back with impressions later.

also.. Geometry Wars Retro Evolved scores plz :3

Geometry Wars Retro Evolved scores plz :3

Just friend, then check your leader board. I don't know my score off the top of my head, but it's not good.

Geometry wars gives me a lot of trouble.

Aegis wing however... over 195,000. =D

Now that I think about it, Triggerheart was a Dreamcast game, so I think it could be worth it.

Awesome, awesome to the max. (anyone who knows where that line's from gets a cookie)

I've been playing the three first missions on Project Sylpheed btw, the controls are hard to get a hang on but now I'm starting to get it and enjoying it more. It's not an easy game on normal but for beginners there's always Easy Mode and the tutorials. The story isn't half bad so far!

I'll be back with more

Just friend, then check your leader board. I don't know my score off the top of my head, but it's not good.

Geometry wars gives me a lot of trouble.

Aegis wing however... over 195,000. =D

Well, I'm not on Xbox Live a lot since my connection is messing with me and I haven't gotten a wireless adapter yet. :/ I'm so happy I finished the "Pacifist" achievement (survive a minute without shooting) so I assume I kick ass ;P

Also, the 3 free XBLA games ain't free in Europe :/

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Unless your TV and 360 are hooked together across different rooms of the house, 1080p through component or HDMI is virtually indistinguishable., especially if your TV isn't larger than 50 inches.

I thought component 1080p starts to degrade significantly past 1 meter or something.


It was about 5:30PM. We were eating dinner, me and my brother had a half-finished plate of spaghetti that, while delicious, we were just not feelin' last night. My dad comes over from the living room.

Dad: Guys. What are some good RPG's to play? I kind of want something new.

Brother: Well, there's Lost Odyssey for JRPG's and I've heard good things about Mass Effect.

Me: Yeah, but we don't have a 360.

Dad: Okay, let's go. Like right now. And buy one.

Me: Ehh... well... yes. Yeah, okay.

Brother: I'll get the keys.

Lost Odyssey is fucking fantastic by the way.

It was about 5:30PM. We were eating dinner, me and my brother had a half-finished plate of spaghetti that, while delicious, we were just not feelin' last night. My dad comes over from the living room.

Lost Odyssey is fucking fantastic by the way.

I hate you, with the burning passion of a thousand white suns.

Yes, Lost Odyssey is beyond boss, and hopefully I'll be done with it by the end of the day after I get home from work so I can proceed to my next acquisition, Project Sylpheed.

Played the first mission and I thought it was faptastic, although I guess I'm too used to the controls for Ace Combat 6. But hey, any game that lets me shoot off an insane amount of missiles ala Macross is a sweet ride to me. It also reminds me of Gundam SEED, which I also loved.

But alas, playing games while I'm drowsy around midnight isn't the best time to truly enjoy them, therefore I shall be back with better impressions. Rest assured however, the current verdict is that the game is excellent.

I hate you, with the burning passion of a thousand white suns.

Me and my brother paid for most of it, but it still makes me laugh thinking about that single conversation that lead up to it. My best friend was sitting next to me at the time too and the expression on his face was, "Are you guys... is that even allowed? Isn't there some societal rule where you have to plan these things? Or something?" then the expression was "Fuck it, that's awesome."

Anybody got the arcade Xbox thing? Is it better to buy an elite/pro or getting an arcade one then buy a Hard Drive?

Go with the pro for the HDD if you can. Unless you think you'll be downloading lots of movies or buying lots of Xbox Originals games from the XBL marketplace, 20 GB should be enough for gaming. I usually hover somewhere between 11 and 7 GB available at any time depending on how many demos I have downloaded.

It's also always cheaper to buy the Pro than to buy the Arcade and buy a separate HDD.

Necrotic, your dad sounds like he rocks.

That's pretty awesome...your dad asking about RPG's and all. The only RPG that my dad beat was Shenmue, and I'm not sure one would consider that as RPG.

My dad has never played a game. Ever. I think I tried to force him to play some random kart game but he soon lost and never played again :/

My dad has never played a game. Ever. I think I tried to force him to play some random kart game but he soon lost and never played again :/

Funny story. Back when N64 was the shit, my dad went on westpack. He and his shipmates pretty much perfected the art of Mario Kart 64, mastering the short cuts and shit. When he came back and wanted to play with my friends and I we were like "k..." and he fucking owned us in Wario stadium. Pretty much we were speechless. He also taught us how to powerslide.

Anybody got the arcade Xbox thing? Is it better to buy an elite/pro or getting an arcade one then buy a Hard Drive?

Xbox hard drives are ridiculously expensive. The tard pack AKA the Arcade is pretty shitty. If you're even semi serious about gaming I would say pickup the pro (or premium whatever its called). Unless you're going to download a shit ton of HD movies off the marketplace or put your mp3 collection on the HDD then i would say stick with the pro instead of Elite. I've had a pro since launch and it works pretty well for me, At any given time i have about a gig free. and I've got some music and a lot of DLC on it. Pro systems also have HDMI ports now. But so do the arcade ones (possibly?)


Ok so I've been playing more of project Sylpheed.

This game is BOSS.

Seriously, if only just for the level of control you have over your Delta Saber, which beats the hell of Ace Combat 6(another awesome game). Just keep in mind that your first objective should be to hit the tutorial. It might seem boring at first, but once you see the amount of shit you can actually do, you start loving it.

The missions are pretty damned challenging, and there are multiple side objectives that you can accomplish in addition to whatever main objectives that will increase your overall mission score, which in turn is converted into points with which you can research different types of weapons and such for your fighter, and trust me, you want these upgrades. There's just something awesome about having a missile launcher that can fire off somewhere around 20 missiles at a squadron of enemy fighters that are headed right for you.

Graphically, it's not anything particularly amazing to write home about, but the game DOES have some pretty visuals and with all the shit going on at once, you really feel like you're in the middle of an awesome battle. I mean you're flying around and between multiple boss looking carriers and other cap. ships, not to mention the sheer amount of enemy fighters. One of the cool things that turn a lot of people off where the streaks of colors that trail after fighters making it look like "confetti". I actually think it's cool, since it reminds me of another favorite game of mine, Homeworld. I believe that I DID notice some slowdown on occasion, but nothing that would impede my game.

When it comes to games like this, a good narrative isn't always on the top of my list of priorities, but it just so happens that the story of the game(thus far) has actually helped me to enjoy the game even more. There are some pretty cool cut scenes thrown in that give some decent plot, and overall it's just something great.

I got the game for $30 bucks. For that price, it was definitely worth it to me, and they even added 5 or so(I think) levels via Xbox live in the latest update for the game. If you're into flight games and have some extra cash burning in your wallet looking for a new game, grab this one.

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