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Wow, I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but that BC: Rearmed trailer annoyed me to the point where I almost stopped caring about the whole game. I'll admit the gameplay looks fun though.

But why? It's sung by one of the most legendary intro singers in television history with Ichirou Mizuki. He's the guy who sings all the over the top anime and big-robot TV shows. I suppose the song is a bit quirky for the non-initiated though. But it's amazing to see a legend just do a proper sendup for one of his favorite games.

This may be a more palatable send-up, and it's for the next gen Bionic Commando game:

so i bought blue dragon. i'm four hours in...


the voice acting isn't the bad part, the storytelling is terrible. people don't talk like that. it's driving me bonkers.

good thing i picked up oblivion at the same time.

From what I understand, the game is way better on the second disc, but seriously, if it takes that long for a game to get good...

and now oblivion's load times are driving me nuts.

oh well, too human's coming out soon.

I put like 135 hours into Oblivion, and I never saw anything irritating with the loading times. Granted they're a bit longer than many other games I've played, but they're not that bad..


^ Injin, are you serious?

Lost Odyssey is atrocious when it comes to its storytelling, minus the amazing dreams the main protagnist has. The actual story is told as if it was put together by a 5 year old, does it get better? Cause I am 5 hours into the game and I had to walk away, figuring I could just look up the dreams on a FAQ and read them there.


Yeah, I don't disagree that some of the 'serious' moments were a bit top-heavy and self important at times. But the combination of the mood, the gameplay, the music, etc, it felt like what a traditional Final Fantasy sequel would've been (and it's made by a lot of the people who made older FF games). Other than that, I can only name some Tales games, Suikoden 5 and Persona 3 as some of the more noteworthy JRPGs of the last 5 years or so. I just don't have as big an expectation so maybe that helps.

^ Injin, are you serious?

Lost Odyssey is atrocious when it comes to its storytelling, minus the amazing dreams the main protagnist has. The actual story is told as if it was put together by a 5 year old, does it get better? Cause I am 5 hours into the game and I had to walk away, figuring I could just look up the dreams on a FAQ and read them there.

Zaid's idea of the perfect RPG is Final Fantasy 7

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