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Actually I hate DMC3. I actually like DMC2 more than 3.


Every version gets more commercialized and bastardized than the one before it. I shudder to think what DMC4 will be like. The previews already make me doubtful that I'll like it.

PS-If you notice in my sig, most of the pics are from 1 and 2. Only two of them are from 3, and one is from the preview for 4.

I know you hate DMC3, that's why I mentioned it because I think it's awesome.

But I guess it doesn't exactly fit in this thread because you seem to be the only one who bashes it, and not even because it's a bad game, but purely because it's too "commercialized" and "mainstream."


Do Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 count? Every place I've seen bashes them for being "too cheesy" and "not true Mega Man games" but I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Another one that probably not too many people have heard of is Azure Dreams.

Altered Beast!


Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms!


EDIT: oh, and a lot of people disliked that zelda game, but i thought it was okay.


I think it's just a case of my mediocre reading comprehension, but did you just refer to the original Legend of Zelda as "okay?"

You kids these days scare the shit out of me.


Oddllama: you've got to admit though, the battle music in FFMQ rocked your socks.

Dshu: You make it seems as though I hate things simply because they are popular, which is not the case.

DMC1 had an incredibly tight and well put together style that was quite different from any other game of the time. It was a perfect blend of mature action and storytelling with beatuiful graphics and one of the best non-orchestral soundtracks I have ever heard in any form (movie, game, TV show) of media.

DMC2 featured "new moves" that were just rip-off moves from The Matrix. The sad part is, DMC2 excutes these new features better than the Matrix games, but that's another thread all together. The overall exceution of both graphics and sound was horrible and bland. The music was cookie cutter industrial rock, with no flavor whatsoever. Every level looked the same. The enemies were interesting, but the game was so easy that they weren't terrifying in the least. The story is even more cut and dry than the first. (I personally loved the story of the first game. But I have to admit it was riddled with cliches and some questionable dialouge) However, Dante's character remains mostly intact. He's a little less talkative, but he's still cool hand Dante.

DMC3 is when the popular culture takes notice of DMC. Now the game has revived a much more stylish and upbeat nature, but its nowhere near the same environment that was present in DMC1. Dante, instead being a slightly arrogant, but mostly cool headed character, is now a whiny emo kid, complete with hair over his eyes and stupid catch phrases every ten seconds. Not to mention his voice itself is childish (I know this is a prequel, but he ain't that young). The music has regained the energy it lost in DMC2, but now its full-on rock with some industrial thrown in. The gothic-techno atmosphere is completely gone at this point. The only clue as to what this game is about are the demons running around trying to kill you. You could easily do a color palette switch on Dante and swap demons for guys with guns and swords. Then you would have Versus. Which leads to the next point. The cutscenes are basically Versus with demons. I know that the director of Versus was the one who did the cutscenes, and that;'s why it upsets me. They purposefully ignored the original style of DMC and called in some famous guy to do it instead.

Basically, DMC3 claims to return to the roots of DMC, except no one from the original team has any connection with the most important parts of the game. Its a disappointment and I hope that they learn their mistakes for DMC4. Unfortunately, they probably won't.

Just think about this, would you like an FF VII game if it had Cloud as a loudmouth badass tough-guy, instead of the soft-spoken brave warrior he is introduced as? Would you like a Zelda game where the music is all E.S. Posthumous and Enya?

Just think about this, would you like an FF VII game if it had Cloud as a loudmouth badass tough-guy, instead of the soft-spoken brave warrior he is introduced as? Would you like a Zelda game where the music is all E.S. Posthumous and Enya?

If they were PREQUELS in which Cloud and Link are SUPPOSED to be young and immature, then yes that would be perfectly fine. I would actually rather Cloud show some balls rather than being emo like he was in the game and Advent Children (which still had great action scenes).

Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but you sound like those people who complain about OCR because the arrangements are too "different" and don't keep the "spirit" of the original track. Gimme a break, that's not the friggin' point.

But thanks for reminding me I need to watch Versus.

And E.S. Posthumus is awesome BTW.

Maybe some Enya, but not all.

There are Enya games now!?


Just think about this, would you like an FF VII game if it had Cloud as a loudmouth badass tough-guy, instead of the soft-spoken brave warrior he is introduced as? Would you like a Zelda game where the music is all E.S. Posthumous and Enya?


I think it's just a case of my mediocre reading comprehension, but did you just refer to the original Legend of Zelda as "okay?"

You kids these days scare the shit out of me.

Yes, but fear not, as I've never actually played the game for more than 15 minutes past starting it. I merely included it for humorous purposes--specifically so I could post the screenshot of it in Meka, the world's greatest 8-bit Sega system emulator. Oh, and there's the ancient OverClocked skin that djp made some long time ago. I may include the game next time I make an NES rom disc for my <3Dreamcast<3.

also: Flicky!


Yo! Noid was one of my favorite NES games as a child. I loved it dearly, and still have it.

I also love The Lion King on the SNES. I don't care that it's a licensed sidescroller, it's tight. It has some great visuals, good music, and a wonderfully creative take on the events of the movie. That, and it's pretty tough.

I also love The Lion King on the SNES. I don't care that it's a licensed sidescroller, it's tight. It has some great visuals, good music, and a wonderfully creative take on the events of the movie. That, and it's pretty tough.

Hell yes, I remember that game. All kinds of awesome.

Yo! Noid was one of my favorite NES games as a child. I loved it dearly, and still have it.

I also love The Lion King on the SNES. I don't care that it's a licensed sidescroller, it's tight. It has some great visuals, good music, and a wonderfully creative take on the events of the movie. That, and it's pretty tough.

Hell yes, I remember that game. All kinds of awesome.

Yeha I loved that game dose BARRY ring any bells?


If anyone actually bothered to play it, they'd realise that Grabbed by the Ghoulies was actually quite fun. Not to mention it did the unthinkable and bested Banjo-Kazooie's voice work.

Blasto. Two player only. The game's utter shit, frankly. Part of the joy of playing it with two players is that your directions via stick and buttons are only a suggestion - the hilarity springs from the lack of control. Also, one person can get hit and keep going for 5+ seconds and not know they're dead. Lends itself to funny situations. Still, game is shit, but a blast (forgive the pun) to break out with some good friends.
Blasto. Two player only. The game's utter shit, frankly. Part of the joy of playing it with two players is that your directions via stick and buttons are only a suggestion - the hilarity springs from the lack of control. Also, one person can get hit and keep going for 5+ seconds and not know they're dead. Lends itself to funny situations. Still, game is shit, but a blast (forgive the pun) to break out with some good friends.

Haha, I still have that, but for the TI-99. I thought it was funny, that and "The Attack" which had similar controls.

Three games I liked for TI-99

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