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MEETUP: Baltimore, MD + pixietricks' recital – pics p.9, recordings p.11

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That's why we need a Chicago meetup! I vote for a mid May meetup!

As much as I would also love to attend, there is no way to make it from Chicago to Baltimore (especially with the snow outside) around that time.

Good luck though!

Maybe I'll show up too.... If I did I'd probably drive this time. At least I could sleep in my car this time instead of under a freaking tree.

Y'know... Every single time I hear this, it never gets any less funny. (Sorry, Leon K.) ^_^;


Aww man, Zirc, Liontamer, Jiggles... it just keeps sucking more and more that I'm not gonna be able to make this one.

Here's hoping this translation gig I got is awesome enough to make up for it.


I wish I could make it out for a bit of meet-up/culture goodness. I hope that all goes well with your recital. (I can't remember if you tell singers to break legs like with actors...) A quick question for you, Ms. pixietricks: my mom used to sing opera when she was in college. She was a coloratura mezzo-soprano. Sadly, she doesn't sing opera nowadays. I wish she still did because just talking about opera I can see how happy it made her. I guess it's like that for you. It must be if you're going to school for it and everything. Anyway, my question is this: what voice are you?


Okay, everybody! I'm designating Peabody's main entrance as the official meeting spot for 6:00 this Thursday. There are a lot of doors to get into the building, but this is the only one that doesn't require swipe card access, so it seems like the best choice. (Plus, the steps leading up to the two big doors make it more recognizable!)

Here's a map to orient yourselves with:


If you can't find street parking, Peabody has a garage on the other side of the building, located on Saint Paul St.

zircon (and probably DrumUltimA) will be inside at the main entrance to meet you! If you don't have their cell phone numbers, I would definitely suggest PM'ing them now. I say this because I won't be available to answer my phone or see you guys until after the performance. ^_~


It's times like this that I wish I had a steady enough income to be able to afford a trip down to Maryland from here in Michigan... it would be more than worth it to get to hear Jill sing live, and to meet everyone in person. I know i'm not known here on the forums, rarely do I post...(Jill may remember me, I sorta stumbled upon some of her WIP's on her website awhile back and told her of the security issue ;)... but I do wish to say, I wish you the very best of luck on your recital Jill. I look forward to hearing the recordings.


I had a dream last night that I was at the recital, except that pixietricks started singing more jazz and funk tunes. At first, I was playing drums for the recital, but then Zircon showed up and since he was the better drummer, I moved to a B3 organ.

I think I'm going crazy; I've had too many wierd dreams this week.


^Whoa. That's a pretty weird dream all right. B3 organs are crazy old school... (but apparently, according to wikipedia, there's a new one that was released in 2002.) I've only seen the older kind though... they smell kind of musty.

Just make sure for next time that you don't let zircon push you around.


Why are you posting here this close to the big day? Go rehearse! =D

Seriously, my sleep patern has been really messed up and I've been having wierd dreams almost every night. In one, I was at a Pat Metheny Group concert and the pianist got sick partway through, so I sat in (as if I'd ever in my life be good enough to even think about playing with one of the best modern jazz groups). Pat started hitting on me after the concert. It was freaky. My wife looked at me funny when I told her about the dream.


I sure hope the next meetup is on a saturday.

And unfortunatelly I talked to green tentacle and he won't be able to attend. :( He doesn't have anyone to cover for him tomorrow.

But other than that I can't wait! See you tomorrow

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