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oh man I love the Shadow of Colossus pictures-- they're so breathtaking and grandiose! (Guess it helps that the game was a work of art in the first place//). I also really like the twisted versions of Super Mario Bros., they're just pretty interesting. oh and the first picture of Samus without her helmet is so well-done.

Gah! makes me wish I could make pictures of this quality on my own!


ok to hopefully prevent posts like Phalanx's from repeating I am gonna post the link to this month's Fan Art Competition RIGHT NOW so NONE OF YOU CAN SAY YOU DIDN'T SEE IT.


If you are a crappy artist enter anyway I suck and I do

If you think I'm lying


that is beauty and it belongs in this thread btw

I guess to ACTUALLY contribute to the thread here are some greats from past months

guys phalanx is an incredible artist look at his DA account (i have no link)


and Electronic Samurai


and Bean


there is some TALENT 'round these parts


phalanx is my favorite so i post more of his



heehee i like that last one i wonder why hmmmm

heres another of beans


and monobrow


there is more and i'll post it at a later time


Wow. I wish I had the artistic abilities as some of these people. But I am seriously lacking in that.

Instead, I will make witty comments.

Nahh. Good stuff, by the way. Very detailed.

Holy crap those SotC pics were amazing.

Someone posted this at Vampire Hunter Dan's myspace page. Pretty friggin sweet IMO.


Damn that's good. It really reminds me of the art in Castlevania games.


This doesn't count as fanart since I paid Andy Lee to paint it for me at last year's wizard world but I don't care and here it is anyway.


I have more wizard world stuff that isn't fanart but it's awesome should I post it?


I basically just search deviantArt and come up with some extremely nice ones.

A few of my favorites:


by *shilin


by *animetayl

...and one of my previous wallpapers:


by *shirotsuki

There are plenty more...

Also, there was this one artist I used to always check out about 6 years ago on The Grand Adventures Zelda website called "Min", who I thought was phenomenal. But she took her work off of there... I found her on Elfwood, but I couldn't find any of her old Zelda artwork >_<. Anyone familiar with her?


Every time I see an example of fan art my appreciation for the source material depreciates. Some of this fan art, but it begs the question... "Why can't any of the assholes come up with their own ideas." Granted, after spending 30 seconds in their Deviant Art gallery's it's obvious that their ideas are just recycled clones of their favorite games, manga, movies, etc.

But then again, it's always heartwarming to see a nice surreal drawing of pyramid head on DA you almost believe that "they get it."

90% of the fan art you see is just surface, and it kind of bugs that meaningless drawings of Naruto can get so much damn praise.

But I'm being overly cynical, fan art is an excellent way for an artist to experiment and flex their creative muscles. Hence my sig. ;)

But that girls of Final Fantasy one made me die a little on the inside.


Actually all of the pictures SVdoctorD posted make me die on the inside.

Every time I see an example of fan art my appreciation for the source material depreciates. Some of this fan art, but it begs the question... "Why can't any of the assholes come up with their own ideas." Granted, after spending 30 seconds in their Deviant Art gallery's it's obvious that their ideas are just recycled clones of their favorite games, manga, movies, etc.

But then again, it's always heartwarming to see a nice surreal drawing of pyramid head on DA you almost believe that "they get it."

90% of the fan art you see is just surface, and it kind of bugs that meaningless drawings of Naruto can get so much damn praise.

But I'm being overly cynical, fan art is an excellent way for an artist to experiment and flex their creative muscles. Hence my sig. ;)

But that girls of Final Fantasy one made me die a little on the inside.


Actually all of the pictures SVdoctorD posted make me die on the inside.

...Thanks :'(.

Anyway. I appreciate fan art because it shows how big of an impact the source material had on the artist and because of this, some extremely beautiful pieces of art come into light. I do sort of agree with you though, a lot of fan art isn't based off of the artist's imagination, but it's also called fan art for a reason - they don't come up with the ideas! Visual art also doesn't have to "mean" anything, it's just nice to look at every once in awhile.

Then again you probably have a completely different perspective on fan art then I do anyway.

...Thanks :'(.

Anyway. I appreciate fan art because it shows how big of an impact the source material had on the artist and because of this, some extremely beautiful pieces of art come into light. I do sort of agree with you though, a lot of fan art isn't based off of the artist's imagination, but it's also called fan art for a reason - they don't come up with the ideas! Visual art also doesn't have to "mean" anything, it's just nice to look at every once in awhile.

Then again you probably have a completely different perspective on fan art then I do anyway.

since youre obviously somewhat new here go to the fan art competition in the competitions forums (click my signature). since no noobs ever go there ever I figure I have to do this.

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