Samiril Posted July 27, 2002 Posted July 27, 2002 Really, I didn't quite know what to think at first. At the time, I downloaded a OCReMix of Saria's song, and after listening to it, unfortunately I was a little sound-blown. Like my mind was put into a blender, the organ noise in it was way way too much! So I thought that this was pretty poopy, too much noise. The next day I played it again because I wanted to weed out the songs I didn't quite like, and couldn't get rid of this one. Too cool! I love the sample from The Little Prince right in the beginning, "What about our sheep!" That's funny as hell! And the scream at :40. Samiril Quote
richbrf Posted August 2, 2002 Posted August 2, 2002 Just thought you might like to know the Paul Taylor WTF mix was played...and in The Cellar bar, in Oxford (uk). To an appreciative crowd. It's not often videogame remixes get played live yaknow... I've got a short mov clip but I haven't got anywhere to put it up... schnoop Rich Quote
veratek80 Posted August 2, 2002 Posted August 2, 2002 The first thing I thought about, upon listening to this mix, was.. Turret's Sndrome maybe? I heard the word "sheep", and thought, if sheep were involved, this could be sick. But what she said in reference to the sheep... to me... sounded like the was saying "five dollar". SO let's recap here.... I thought she said, "FIVE DOLLAR SHEEP!!" in a turett's syndrome-esqe manner. In which was WOULD have been pointlessly funny! But I find now that she said something along the lines of. "What about the sheep" .... not as funny, I think. Quote
AlwaysAlone Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Hehehe, this still makes me giggle every time I hear "Yeah, yeah noodles...". I don't know why, I just giggle. First off, I'll just say I had the sound up WAY too loud the first time I listened to it. I'm a bit more immune to it now, but the first time, it almost threw me out of my chair. I love it because it's so spastic. This mix is incredibly insane, so it matches me. I love it. ^^ Quote
MB Posted August 28, 2002 Posted August 28, 2002 hey! that was cool! i like it not only for my short attention span, but because noone else had the balls to try it. Then again, maybe noone else could pull it off quite so well! mad props to A Scholar & A Physician. Quote
nervous_testpilot Posted September 11, 2002 Posted September 11, 2002 I'm performing the Mario thing live again in London on the 22nd September at Plug 'n Play ( if anyone in the UK fancies coming down (Rich and Binst, you have to come or I'll kill you WITH SOUND). I think we should do another game remix, but I can't be arsed to start fact, if someone wants me to screw their mix like I did with this one they can send it to me...perhaps. Anyhew, we should perhaps do that Turtle Power thing at some point??? Quote
richbrf Posted September 12, 2002 Posted September 12, 2002 Mr Pretzel? Is there a way of getting a remix of the Ninja Turtles 'TURTLE POWER' track onto OCR? Or has it never appeared in a game to anyones knowledge? Rich Quote
MB Posted September 12, 2002 Posted September 12, 2002 Hehehe, this still makes me giggle every time I hear "Yeah, yeah noodles...". I don't know why, I just giggle. the "Yo, Noodles" was sampled from a Wu-Tang cd. just thought i'd throw that one out there. Quote
Durinthal Posted October 13, 2002 Posted October 13, 2002 I'd like to add that there is a visual.. erm.. addition that goes in time with the music. About the same amount of sanity in it as well. Quote
richbrf Posted October 13, 2002 Posted October 13, 2002 oh my sh****ng jesus christ...that is fantastic. Well done to all concerned. I never could have dreamed whilst laying down the first part of this track that....the shyguy playing the trumpet... ....[sheds a single solitary tear] sooooo good. This should bne on the front page...maybe a whole new section of Overclocked. Well done. [claps] [claps some more] [falls over] RichBRF Quote
binster Posted October 13, 2002 Posted October 13, 2002 Ello. Durinthal. What can I say. I'm sure the rest of the performers on the Dirty mix will agree with me on this. That is pretty much exactly what the music would look like. If sounds were visible. Basically, top work to you and all who worked on the video. I don't know if you've seen this website : : How'd you feel if we submitted the video as a link for the news letter? On the plus side, loads of people would see your work and hear our work. On the minus, being featured in the news letter does have the habit of eating up your bandwith with gusto. This video is definitely the stuff B3ta would go a bundle on. So, whadayasay? Should we tell the world? Again, muchos gracias for the fantastic vid. Binster Quote
nervous_testpilot Posted October 15, 2002 Posted October 15, 2002 Mortisland, video producer people, I bow down to your might <bows>. What an absolutely brilliant piece of work, everyone involved should be roundly thrashed with a huge bitmap image of a pleasure-stick. Congratulations on your genius. Quote
ResdntEvilFreak Posted January 20, 2003 Posted January 20, 2003 Very very interesting I must honestly admit that everytime I listen to this, and it finishes, I'm left awestruck and kinda shaken up:banghead: .... it's so freaky, but so kewl!!! Great work!! Quote
Nevyn Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 I'd like to add that there is a visual.. erm.. addition that goes in time with the music. About the same amount of sanity in it as well. YESS!! I LOVE IT!! This is how I got introduced to the tune, and IT'S FRICKIN' GREAT! WOO! EVERYONe go SEE IT NOW! Okay. I might have a bit... odd taste in music, though... Quote
Reichu Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 I'm putting together a CD called "StuPid ReMix" (well, that's just what I'm going to end up scribbling in Sharpie on the top) -- basically, all of the VGM remixes I have that are funny, stupid, beyond definition, or otherwise amuse me in some way or another. This one is definitely going on there, no doubt about it. (And right between "Drunken Moogles at a Piano" -- not an OC ReMix, regrettably -- and "8 bit Eighties".) I don't really have much to add to the commentary on this ReMix -- except that the volume is WAY too high (i.e., excessive to the point of some distortion). As has already been mentioned, I'd love to have a comprehensive list of where all of the samples are originally from, but that'd probably ruin the randomness of it all, wouldn't it? Still, I wouldn't mind knowing whether I'm just insane (a definite possibility) or I really AM hearing "Magi-karp!" in there somewhere... --Reichu Quote
richbrf Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 Thanks for the reviews Comp CD? Spread the damage! However richbrf, nervous_testpilot, binster & A Scholar and A Physician would like to remind you that all distortion is intentional. Over & Out. Dirty Mix Spokesperson - Rich [KSSSHHHKKX!] (radio off) Quote
binster Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 Compilation CD sounds like a good thing indeed. Cheers to all who have commented - we're proud of the track and all that has been done with it. Who knows... maybe another mix is in the works... Binst Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted February 24, 2003 Posted February 24, 2003 honestly, who doesn't have this now? I know people who never have gone to this site but downloaded it from kazaa. That's all besides the point.... this stuff is great original fun. This should be everyon's first downloaded mix. It was mine. 7/8 Quote
feline_ki Posted March 3, 2003 Posted March 3, 2003 Great remix, I love it! Pure Mario insanity. However, I tried to download the "WTF Mix" from the link posted earlier, and it said that rthe file doesn't exist. Can someone re-upload it so that I can download it? I'd really like to listen to it. Quote
richbrf Posted March 3, 2003 Posted March 3, 2003 Hello. Me again. The WTF mix (by Paul Taylor) is as you say down at the moment. I've requested to Paul Taylor (the mixee) that he gets it up again ASAP as it's....[pause]....amaaazing. It will really make your head die. His site is and has good free music. ps - [whisper] their is another mix happening....[/whisper] Quote
BGBW Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 When I first heard this, I thought it was just crazy and I still do. But what really got to enjoy this song is the Super Mario Blitz movie which realy makes this song look crazy. But whats with that kids voice????? Quote
Aninymouse Posted March 24, 2003 Posted March 24, 2003 Whoa... this mix it intense. Without a doubt, the most kick-ass mix on the site. Just THINKING about it makes my adreneline skyrocket. "Hii-tah Sel-ectah" Quote
Evilhead Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 This mix is the shizzay in my nizzay, bitzzich! It's insane. Insanely good. Love those crazy dnb beats, totally sped up. I need the WTF mix!! Anyone have? Plz PM me if you do. Nice work guys! I'd love to hear another mix! Quote
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