Demitri Omni Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 One of the major issues people had with Final Fantasy XI was fixed the other day, making it possible for new players to select the World (server) they wish to create a character on. Though some argue this should have been done to begin with, the main focus of 'assigning' people servers was for population control. They've implemented new servers and server software, and have since decided to allow people to create characters on whatever server they choose. One of the major whines about the game from people.... fixed. Now someone play the damn game with me. Quote
Raenok Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Would, but I like playing solo sometimes. And I'm not being pigeon-holed into healer again, oh no siree! Quote
Demitri Omni Posted March 17, 2007 Author Posted March 17, 2007 My two highest levels are healers/support so don't worry about it. Quote
sephfire Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 If the world and aesthetic of FFXI could be combined with the fun of WoW, I'd pick it up again in a heartbeat. If only ... Quote
Raenok Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 If the world and aesthetic of FFXI could be combined with the fun of WoW, I'd pick it up again in a heartbeat. If only ... Exactly. WoW has a much more forgiving interface and mechanics. FFXI justs punishes and forces you to group past 10. Not to mention the Sub-jobs...UGH. The world itself I liked, but..all I wanted was survivability, variety, and the ability to solo if you felt like it. It just...didn't click with me much somehow. But I might pick it up again. That is, if i find a proper, friendly group who wouldn't mind a casual. Then again, casuality wasn't Japan's biggest selling point. Quote
Theory of N Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Yeah, I have a char on FFXI. Name's Arcolyte on Titan. Main reason I quit was because my LS died. After that, everyone split up and began to quit playing and I just didn't have anything to do anymore. So I'm stuck as a lvl 43 blm and I just don't feel the urge to party up anymore. It's still fun to log on occasionally and screw around w/ people, lvl up lowlvl jobs, and craft some, but it's just not the same. If I could get some people I know to get on the game (which I've tried the last three years...) it might get a bit more interesting. But that's really cool that they finally let you pick what world you want you char to be in. Those world passes were annoying... Quote
Bobwillis Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Oh God, the memories of bat trains in Garlaige and Beastmaster tk'ing are flooding back to me.... I'm gonna go see my therapist. Quote
Demitri Omni Posted March 17, 2007 Author Posted March 17, 2007 Well, if anyone feels like playing again, play Hades. I'd be willing to powerlevel anyone up to and possibly past 10. And if I don't, I'll party with you. Oh, also, they added a table game to the game resembling the Corsair's Roll. Basically you bet whatever the table amount is, then roll dice till you either hit 11 (maximum), or bust at 12+. Quote
Theory of N Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 ...didn't even know there was a game resembling Corsair's, I've been gone too long. Quote
Escariot Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 My old LS Site: I quit due to lack of funds...Then I got a job, and never restarted due to lack of time. Quote
irriadin Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Lineage 2 ftw. Sorry, I don't like killing giant bees and rabbits for hours and hours, coupled with a terrible user interface. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 I'm still recovering from that blasted damn game. Sucked me in like a tractor beam. I played up to 75Sam/65Nin/56Rng/55War/48Thf/22Mnk and 56 Goldsmithing. I got my brother into it and he got up to a 75Whm/50Blm and had a 56 Brd. So having a brother healer/support made it easy to set up parties etc. We finally just decided we were losing track of our real priorities and quit cold, passed off all of our craz to a pal and deleted. That's good they fixed that problem. I always wondered wtf was wrong with them not letting you select server. So gay. Uuggh I hate that ^%$@$ing game. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 One of the major issues people had with Final Fantasy XI was fixed the other day, making it possible for new players to select the World (server) they wish to create a character on. Though some argue this should have been done to begin with, the main focus of 'assigning' people servers was for population control. They've implemented new servers and server software, and have since decided to allow people to create characters on whatever server they choose.One of the major whines about the game from people.... fixed. Now someone play the damn game with me. You have no fucking idea how much I wanna play, dmitri. Hopefully I'll have EVERYTHING ready by the end of next month. Quote
Demitri Omni Posted March 17, 2007 Author Posted March 17, 2007 Lineage 2 ftw. Sorry, I don't like killing giant bees and rabbits for hours and hours, coupled with a terrible user interface. .... That's actually the reasons why I don't play Lineage 2, incidentally. Quote
TheCD1 Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Lineage 2 ftw. Sorry, I don't like killing giant bees and rabbits for hours and hours, coupled with a terrible user interface. .... That's actually the reasons why I don't play Lineage 2, incidentally. Agreed. The bunnies MUST pay for their insolence, ...and the bees...the bees have been lording their honey over us for FAR too long... Quote
linkspast Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 People still play this game? I used to play when It came out on the ps2... Quote
sephfire Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Two things that FFXI has and WoW lacks: a sense of community and a relatively mature user base. FFXI's community was great. Players couldn't create as many characters as they wanted in any server free of charge, so most people made one character and stuck with it. And because there was no PvP and no soloing, it really fostered a team mentality. It didn't take long before you got used to seeing certain players regularly in cities and transports. And just as important: the user base. I'm certainly not saying FFXI didn't have it's share of immature dipwads. It did. But the ratio between dipwads and immature assholes seemed much better in FFXI. You couldn't just go around Vana'diel being a prick, ditching parties, trash-talking and such because you needed other people to play the game. If you alienate all the other players with your dumbassery, your grind is gonna get a whole lot harder. As a result, your average FFXI player is more polite, helpful and tolerable. I've met very few players in WoW who fit into this category. Perhaps I've just been unlucky in that reguard. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 The ratio is asshat is directly related to the size of the userbase. If WoW was a less popular MMO I'm sure there'd be a lot less idiots, too. But since it DOES have 8 million users every anti-social 20 something year old plays along with their 9 year old little brother, their 45-something uncle and his 32-year-old fiance. Their thuglife 16 year old neighbor with his tall T and Tupac CD, his "kind skanky, but kinda hot for a whitegirl and that short skirt is really helping her anyway. I don't need to pay attention to her personality, I'd just hit it and quit it" girlfriend, and even her dog has a level 23 pally on Arthas. Point being: I went to a LAN cafe and there was an 8 year old who just had his parents buy him a level 60 NE druid on eBay...WoW's demographic is ridiculous. (Note: Almost all the scenerios, save for the dog, are based on real-life examples I've ran into...most of the ages were made up on the fly, but my 9 year old cousin does have a troll hunter.) Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Well I guess it depends on the player, but I found WoW pretty boring past lvl.20. I won't mentioned the grouping factor of FFXI, 'cause what needs to be said has already been said for the umpteenth time, but I will say that I pretty much remained solitary in WoW even when I was in the five different guilds that I joined. People just never talked much. I don't even see the point of partying in WoW. "Casual game, casual friends" is what it feels like. I like a sense of direction and purpose, AKA, a story to involve me in a game while I play, and quite frankly, the convoluted storytelling used in the Warcraft and Starcraft series as a whole has left me disappointed. Another point for FFXI. Of course, it DOES take hours to get alot of things done in FFXI, but when you're in the middle of Yhoator Jungle killing gobs at lvl.31 with an awesome party that you can just chill with/die together while running like bats out of hell to the zone to avoid multiple aggro, well you can't put a price on that kind of fun. Quote
Theory of N Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Of course, it DOES take hours to get alot of things done in FFXI, but when you're in the middle of Yhoator Jungle killing gobs at lvl.31 with an awesome party that you can just chill with/die together while running like bats out of hell to the zone to avoid multiple aggro, well you can't put a price on that kind of fun. Couldn't have said it better myself. Ah...good times. Good times... Quote
skenter4 Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Man, people are gonna think I only made a forum account for THIS game... Anyways, as a level 75 player on the best server, Siren (Not to be an arrogant comment, just we placed 1st in both English and Japanese Ballista Royale, and we're 1 of only 2 servers left undefeated in Besieged), I believe that people often give FFXI a bad rap just because of how much partying it does take. Truth be told, things have improved for those who just want to solo or do things in smaller groups. There are at least 3 jobs now that can be soloed to 75, and many duos and trios can do it as well. Experience points bonuses can now be gained by leveling in the new areas (Level 50+) or by using a charge out of the experience bands that doubles gains for a short period of time. Signet now gains you a bonus in any of the areas it kicks in at for groups of two to five people. One of the other main complaints that people had is that Square Enix did not listen to their player base. This has changed drastically - many efforts have been placed to stop the gilsellers, they are nearly completely out of business at this point. I think sometimes people like to give FFXI a bad rap, is my main point, despite only giving it a few months. Jericho of Siren Edit: Someone PLEASE make some remixes for this game that can pass the judging community ^_~ Quote
Demitri Omni Posted March 18, 2007 Author Posted March 18, 2007 Edit: Someone PLEASE make some remixes for this game that can pass the judging community ^_~ Batallia Downs me love you long time But yeah, if anyone wants to create a character on Hades, I created a relatively new Galka Monk (level 10) and I would be willing to powerlevel anyone up to 10 to party with him, or higher if someone joins late or something. I don't care what nation you choose, but I prefer Bastok or Windurst, so yeah. Quote
Moguri Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 There are at least 3 jobs now that can be soloed to 75, and many duos and trios can do it as well. what are these 3 jobs? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 what are these 3 jobs? Puppet Master(FFXI version of necromancer... well that's what the director said in an interview anyway), Corsair(YAR! I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! Functions kind of like a gambler from what I can tell), and Blue Mage(how they balanced this out to work with the game is beyond me, but I've always wanted to see it done, so yay!). I'm not too partial about these, well, maybe Blue Mage, though. I wanna go for either monk, thief, or ninja. Quote
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