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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, why all the complainers? Personally I think this mix is fantastic, the guitarist included!! I prefer the guitar to be a little sloppy, as I pretty much hate over-chorused, over-produced butt-rock guitar. I'm so glad they went the punkish metal route with this one! Seriously, how many of you people who complained about the guitar-work actually PLAY guitar? I do, and I'd have to say that he did a pretty good job, especially since it's all live. Rock on!!!


While the arrangement is awesome, I play guitar and I'll complain about the quality of the distortion. A thicker, juicier distortion would really work in the song's favor. Especially the FF4 boss theme. That melody screams for sustain and massive amounts of distortion. The style with which it was played fits perfect, although the "solo" really struck me as, well, not all that great. The bass guitar sounded really good, although I can tell it was played with a pick. Not enough thump to it. I can understand why, cos if you know how to play these basslines, they are pretty heinous. Overall, truly awesome. Recommended.


I thought this was a very excellent piece. Of course, it gets really good around the FFIV boss theme. Then it just gets better. It really sparked a craving for more FF music. Nobuo Uematsu has about 20 more copies of his songs on WinMX now.

In any case, I really also think this could be worked on a bit more. FOR EXAMPLE, they should emphasize the crescendo's a bit more. That's what really makes me have an orgams with this kind of music; the crescendos. They flat out RULE. Sadly, they aren't emphasized enough. A viola might fit in nicely here. Pretty damn good, otherwise.

  • 4 weeks later...

Loved everything--EXCEPT the Atma Weapon sequence. Taking liberties with the original I can deal with, but a guitar doesn't suit the Weapon's tune. I couldn't recognize it.

Even so, it was a great piece. Bravo!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great concept and great arrangement. I've been waiting to hear some guitar mixes of SNES FF battle music for a long time. Unfortunately I feel like the execution was rushed. Often it seems like 1 guitarist is trying to handle 2 or 3 different layers of melody at once, so he skips or cuts off some notes early to get to others. Other times it just sounds off key, or some nots get drowned out by others, or by sheer distortion. Plus, the overall recording quality just is kinda low. It's allready good, but I think it could be 10x better if they went back and redid it in a studio, with the time to really work things out and do multiple takes for each part, and work it till it's perfect.


I think the mix was alright. The guitars definatly need some work, but my hat's off to you for figuring it out as wel as you did. the bass was on the money for the most part. the drums I thought were a little off at times. Perhaps the guitars would have sounded better if there had been a second guitar player involved. I am a musician, so I understand the value of a second guitarist when playing harmonized leads. The solo for the Atma theme needs a little work too. I realize that in the original, it was kind of wishy-washy, but there are some definat miss-slides there. I'm not a fan of the trebley bass, but those bass lines are hard enough, so do what you gotta do. overall, pretty good


Oh I agree that it was well played. I just think that it could have used a little bit more time, or at least a couple different takes of it so iron out the wrinkles. I think it's awesome that he figured out all that stuff, and I realize that some of it is pretty hard to do, but don't you think that maybe a few more takes to perfect it would have made it sound better than it already did?

  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Hi there ! I am a fan of Final Fantasy, I played every single adventures of this masterpiece, and I still listen often to Final Fantasy music...

I would say that this remix is not that bad, except at 57 seconds and at 1min16 precisely, there is a really bad dissonnance there, you guys are like 1 tone down.. please do something about that, It just dont fit.. I know you guys can understand that and correct it.


  • 4 months later...

I'm basing my review on the song itself, because I've never played the game.

I like this song. I think that the guitarists were very good. To be able to switch to three different styles of music - and to play them well - in one sitting is very impressive. It was fun to listen to the song go from a light rock in the beginning, then to a hard rock, then use of a wawa for the last part of the song. There was nothing repetitive in the song at all, and it's a good song for any rocker to listen to, wether you're a hard rocker or an old-school rocker, it fits all the catagories, I think.

The worst part of the song, though, was the drums. At times, it seemed like it was all fills, and there was no definite beat going on the drums.

All over, it was a good song, and I liked it, but it still had it's problems.

  • 11 months later...

Oh dear, I was surprised that these actually made this mix LIVE, but it sounded so bad I thought. I´m not saying that I would do it better, cause my result would be unrecognizable, give everyone headache and my fingers would have scars all over their prints. What I´m saying is that when someone makes a remix, it should have some skills. Onca again, I´m not a remixer either, so the results would probably be the same as the guitars, and these guys really did well for being live, but personally I didn´t like it.

  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Let me start off by saying I'm an expierenced guitar player and I'm slightly offended that this mix made it on the site.

Positives - The drums are a nice mix up and the set sounds really good for the most part. The fills are neat sonding and aptly placed. The arrangement is well done, a few transition mistakes and sloppy shifting but nothing to throw a fit about. The overall mix of the audio is also very good.

Negatives - Guitar parts are played out of key, guitar sounds slightly out of tune, chords are sloppy, very choppy at times. Some parts of the songs are not played by the guitar at all, and there is only 1 guitar lead throughout making them sound very plain and dull. The tones are awful and at times you can't even tell what is being played or what is happening. Don't get me wrong, it has potential but wow, the playing needs some SERIOUS work. Good things could be done with this piece, but put simply, they were not.

Overall - 4/10

  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can't say I really care for this mix. I agree that the guitars are off.

Still its obvious that effort went into this and people were tributing a game that the love.

This mix gets an A for effort.

  • 10 months later...

I don't know if there's too much to say about this one other than its quite different in quality to what else is on the site. It's not garbage and has a few merits, but something has to give when performance and production is so messily presented in the one package. There's a disregard to quality here that I can't really get in the spirit of, to tell you the truth. I don't really care all that much for the arrangement as it reeks of a forced medley.

I will say that some standalone tunes appealed to me and there are some moments where things click in place and work. The latter half, for example, is miles better than the first and seemed to have a better grasp on direction by the time it had finished. But as a full package, this is way too sloppy for me to condone. Not much flies over my head, but if this sound was intentional, I don't want to understand it. There is no reason why this couldn't have had the same rough edge without totally ignoring the more basic principles of music-making. Keep it dirty if need be, but for god sake, make it make sense.

  • 4 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00689 - Final Fantasy IV "SNES Battle Medley"

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