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I doubt it's April Fools. Look how many European magazines have rumored at NiGHTS unveiling last month. I wonder why Europe got coverage first though.


Time to add a pesimistic view to this thread...

The guy who made NiGHTS also made Sonic Heroes and Shadow...

Hopefully he only sucks at making sonic games.

Time to add a pesimistic view to this thread...

The guy who made NiGHTS also made Sonic Heroes and Shadow...

Hopefully he only sucks at making sonic games.

...Whut? We already know the answer to that.

This better be true.


Great. There's a Wii thread for this stuff though.

EDIT: I was trying to translate the text in the magazine, since protuguese and spanish are very alike, and noticed some details.

The game will be avaliable for 2 players, and will have an online functionality(doesn't says what thought). New characters as well.

Takeshi Lizuka says that he will try to mimic the original while adding the new functionalities that the wii offers, which he hopes will make old and new fans like this game. He says the new character will have different abilities so, we'll have to look forwards to that.


An observation:

Somehow it feels like NiGHTS' flight controls should go well with the Wiimote, but when I try to figure out how that would actually work, I keep coming up blank.

The only thing I've come up with that remotely works is that you draw a trail with the wiimote pointer sorta like Kirby's canvas curse, but that would make the game so easy as to be pointless. And while I've been looking forward to a sequel to NiGHTS for a decade or more... the desire not to see it screwed up like Sonic is even stronger. We should all wait for more info before we start creaming our pants.

We should all wait for more info before we start creaming our pants.

Frankly, you should have posted earlier in the thread, waaay too late by now.

When I saw this thread on the OCR front page, I literally did a double-take. I've dreamed and hoped for this for so very long. I loved NiGHTS as a wee one and to this day I bust out the Saturn to play for a few hours. I can't wait for this.

Way to ruin the party, asshole.

Well we can always pray can't we?

I seriously do hope that the game turns out good but given Sega USA's track record as of late I am going to wait on passing any judgment.


Man, I'm a NiGHTS fanboy myself, but I have to admit I'm skeptical about this game. I mean, the first one was near perfect for the type of game that is, replicating it in a sequel would be impossible. I don't know what else they could add without making up half-assed worlds, crappy rushed music, or anything else of the sort. A remake with better graphics woulda made me happy, but hey, can't please everybody can they?


It's worth noting that Iizuka was the lead game designer for the original NiGHTS, so it isn't like he's entirely clueless about what made it great. As long as they don't deviate from the formula or atmosphere much, this could very well be great.


So...that was like the first time I had seen those screenshots and uh...crap that looks sweet. Haha Splash Garden makes a return? SWEET. No only if they could bring back Soft Museum with that awesome music haha. This game MUST deliver with music, the first one totally did.


Man, that rumor a year ago was right. This is, so to speak, a dream come true. I'm glad to hear that the director was on the original team. Sonic Team isn't what it used to be, but if there ever was a game on which to turn a new leaf, NiGHTS is it.

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