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I really enjoyed the series, and I wish I could play II-final mix to get a 3D chain of memories.

I must say, that was a pretty impressive lil tidbit they threw out. I guess I'll be waiting to see what console they throw the next KH game before I buy another one. Just for the love of god do NOT put it on the Wii.

I really enjoyed the series, and I wish I could play II-final mix to get a 3D chain of memories.

I must say, that was a pretty impressive lil tidbit they threw out. I guess I'll be waiting to see what console they throw the next KH game before I buy another one. Just for the love of god do NOT put it on the Wii.

Would you really wanna play Chain of Memories more than once though? I played through the Sora half and most of the Riku half when I just couldn't take the game anymore, and I've heard similar opinions before...no matter what kind of graphical upgrade they gave it, it wouldn't be enough for me to pick it up again.

Also, I really don't see how it'd be so terrible on the Wii. I don't understand that logic..."(name videogame franchise here) would suck on (name console here)!" If they make it specifically for that console and don't do a half-assed job, then I don't see what the hangup is. Not saying "KH on Wii would be TEH BEST THING EVAR!!!11" but if were to end up being so, I'd personally be interested to learn about it instead of just damning it's existence right off the bat.

Would you really wanna play Chain of Memories more than once though? I played through the Sora half and most of the Riku half when I just couldn't take the game anymore, and I've heard similar opinions before...no matter what kind of graphical upgrade they gave it, it wouldn't be enough for me to pick it up again.

Also, I really don't see how it'd be so terrible on the Wii. I don't understand that logic..."(name videogame franchise here) would suck on (name console here)!" If they make it specifically for that console and don't do a half-assed job, then I don't see what the hangup is. Not saying "KH on Wii would be TEH BEST THING EVAR!!!11" but if were to end up being so, I'd personally be interested to learn about it instead of just damning it's existence right off the bat.

to the first part

I freaking LOVED chain of memories. I played through BOTH stories 2, maybe 3 times so yeah I'd TOTALLY play through it again. Don't ask me why, I just do.

second part:

I'd buy it no matter what system it came out on, first off. Waving my hands around to do stuff has already gotten old for me though...and I wouldn't wanna have to do that again in another 30+ hour game.


I enjoyed KH1+2. But I honestly don't know where they can go with the series next. I see the next game being new characters plugged into an old formula. Same worlds, same situations, blah blah blah. I was happy KH2 was complete, and didn't leave the player waiting on the sequel. It is for that alone, and because my disrespect for next gen, that I will not play KH3, regardless of what it comes out on.

Same worlds, same situations, blah blah blah.

or you know they could make new worlds and new situations out of the myriad of disney movies that they have not used yet

or you know they could make new worlds and new situations out of the myriad of disney movies that they have not used yet

All the good ones beside Robin hood and the sword and the stone have been used IMO.

to the first part

I freaking LOVED chain of memories. I played through BOTH stories 2, maybe 3 times so yeah I'd TOTALLY play through it again. Don't ask me why, I just do.

second part:

I'd buy it no matter what system it came out on, first off. Waving my hands around to do stuff has already gotten old for me though...and I wouldn't wanna have to do that again in another 30+ hour game.

Fair enough. Btw, I haven't gotten around to KH2 yet...how important is Riku's side of CoM to understanding KH2's story?

Personally, I enjoyed the control scheme in Zelda and it never wore on me so I'd welcome another game that did it well again. I guess it's one of those split issues, cuz I hear people on both sides. Anyway, if it comes to Wii it'd be cool IMO but wouldn't be torn up about it if it went to another console. Watch, it's gonna go Dragon Quest and end up on the DS lol :razz:.

Btw, Lyrai, you're sig is pretty frickin' awesome (may have said it befor too lol).

I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2, but this was one badass video. Square needs to just start making badass movies like Advent Children. Hook up with Frank Miller and out badass 300 or something.

I would really love to see more of Square's CGI talent put to use in the film industry.


And I think they might have to ditch the Disney worlds sooner or later in the Kingdom Hearts series.

Fair enough. Btw, I haven't gotten around to KH2 yet...how important is Riku's side of CoM to understanding KH2's story?

not completely important, but it definitely helps

Riku's story in CoM is a lot shorter that Sora's, doesnt hurt to do it

I would really love to see more of Square's CGI talent put to use in the film industry.

Hmmm... Epic production values and dependable release dates. I like the way you think. It would mean less brainless mashing of the x button for me and I'd still get to watch the cool movies!!!

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