Saunders Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 Secret of Mana 'Wandering the Wild Forest' Ah yes, I really liked this one when it came to us judges. I think I'll post my basic comments from the judging thread first: 1:20. That flute is a little loud/piercing at times. Although points for it sounding like the original flute from the game. 1:52. The guitar sound was icky. I personally didn't like it. I was happy when it stopped. 2:25. Then it comes back. 3:16. I like this part. That guitar is hella better than the previous bits. So as you can see, I wasn't fond of the sound of the guitar at first, it.. I dunno.. just the tone or something. It seemed sort of sickly and whiny. When it came back it was less whiny, but still sounded ugh. But when it comes in with some harsher/metallic goodness, it's all better! Quote
joe_cam Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 It's Thumper so of course it's great. Slow and melodic with a hint of kick ass guitars. Now we just have to wait for DJP to get Thumper's other tracks up here! Most importantly "Green Haired Girl" which is the best Terra mix I've ever heard! Sorry Sean... Cam Quote
DarkCecil13 Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 To start off, the intro is pretty mediocre. The lack of panning creates a lack of depth. At about 1:04 stuff improves. I sense more depth - I become more attached to this mix. Though, at 1:20, the mix goes boom. That flute hurts. Hurts a lot. At 1:52, the guitar is nice, but it becomes jangled with the piano. Again, no panning here. The strings, piano, and guitar are all center panned. It's beautiful, though, when the guitar goes solo. Then, at 3:00, it starts to sound like a porn groove (but less sexy). Eventually, the distortion guitar comes in. It's pretty nice, but it lacks dynamics. Overall, a mediocre mix. Could easily be improved simply by panning. Too many instruments mangle with each other in that center channel. Quote
Ginnsu Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 Thumper thumps out some really delightful work here. DJ Pretzel spoke of the Judges having many quams with this piece, but whatever they were I don't notice them. I'll have to read what that was about. I really like the wind instrument and the guitars in this piece. The kick drum gives this a really nice sound as well. Great work Thumper, I find it oddly refreshing. Quote
CaptainSyrup Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 I really like this remix. The flute sound font is really quite poor, but otherwise, the production values are fantastic. And the arrangement itself is a great interpretation. Good stuff. Quote
digital buddha Posted July 14, 2002 Posted July 14, 2002 I like this one - brings back memories of running around in those forests. secret of mana was dope. Guitars sound great and overall its very good, but what's with the odd garbled noise that comes in with the drums? I didn't understand the reason for using this and it makes the song sound somewhat muddled. Overall, though, a good mix. Quote
Solanalos Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 I loved the unsynch'd pianos and drums, I don't think it would have sounded right any other way. I didn't find any problems with the flute, are you guys cranking up the volume or listening to these at high vol on headphones with an amp? The guitar seemed unusual but fit perfectly with the piece in my opinion. Overall, great remix! Quote
fisherman Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 In a word, bleh. Not bad, just not fantastic. The ReMix equivalent of elevator music perhaps? (0:40) Intro's okay. A little "dizzy..." (1:52) I absolutely hate this guitar. I really do.... It's too "runny." If there was a driving background, a little sloppiness might balance out, but the swung piano vs. straight perc. thing gives everything a subtle disorientingness already, just by itself. (3:16) Now, the distortion guitar I like. The raw sound seems to compliment the nebulousness instead of magnifying it. I loved the unsynch'd pianos and drums, I don't think it would have sounded right any other way. Maybe it's just the theory geek in me, but I love opposing meters, 2 vs. 3 or 3 vs. 4, 4 vs, 5 whatever! Now 3 vs. 5, that's weird... Quote
Spaceroast Posted March 3, 2003 Posted March 3, 2003 Well, first off I'd like to say it doesn't really even sound like it's swung at all. It sounds like a triplet-based-echoed piano that is a bit messy at times. the peice is actually pretty simple at first, which can be good. but in this case it doesn't really strike me as being anything original. once the guitar comes in, I definately love it. the... let's say "lagginess" of the guitar sounds really nice. it isn't quite always on-beat, which makes a really nice effect. the ending is a bit bland, but it works. Maybe it's just the theory geek in me, but I love opposing meters, 2 vs. 3 or 3 vs. 4, 4 vs, 5 whatever! Now 3 vs. 5, that's weird... in some of my original stuff i've had some fun with 7 vs. 8. it's easier to work with than 3 vs. 5, but it just sounds neat in my opinion Quote
the warlock Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 The intro is so sweet and i particulary enjoy the piano melody. My only critisism is the ending which i don't hate but would prefer something a little different thats all. I really enjoyed the original from Hiroki Kikuta so this was a pleasure to listen too and remixed very nicely indeed. Keep up the good work Thumper, hope to hear more from you. Quote
blackstar Posted April 11, 2003 Posted April 11, 2003 Thumper has a great thing going through-out this piece, the swung piano, and contrasting drums did it for me. One thing I could have done without is the guitar track. I take that back, the track itself is good; mixed well, decent tone, but... that guitar is way out of tune. That minor flaw offset the simplistic melody (or solo) for the worse. If I wasn't such a bitch, I would say the song was cool, but out of tune instruments make a song hard to listen to. But I forgive Thumper. Keep up the good work. Quote
MrNemo Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 The pads are nice. I don't see why the piano couldn't have been quantized. Had there been no delay effect, the lack of quantization would have not mattered, but as it stands, it just detracts from an otherwise nice mix. The flute section is sweet, and the hollow body guitar is nice, except for the fact that sounds out of tune on parts, but it could be me. The breakdown at the end is really refreshing. The electric guitar was a total and welcomed surprise. Quote
synthetic_realities Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 I like the piano! I like pieces that can take one phrase, repeat it s the basis of the song, and then have other instruments come in to provide the variance in the song. I was never bored of the piano motif, and though the first guitar sounded out of tune, I found that instead of detracting from the piece, it actually added to it, with a somewhat loose feel. An interesting piece, and with good results. Quote
Bummer Posted April 27, 2006 Posted April 27, 2006 From my point of view, I'm not too much bothered by these "undesired elements", the piano plays for a while in the beginning, but the drums comes very slowly into the picture by using small and quiet cymbals at first and then bring in something more heavy. The flute maybe is playing a bit too loud, but not enough to get a headache (depending on what level the volume is). The guitar worked fine together with the piano, strings and drum equipment, and created a very chill and smooth atmosphere. Not very "wild" as the title says, maybe a little at 3:15, but that's about it. A very cool and descent remix, it's worth a listen or two.......or maybe 47. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 12, 2008 Posted February 12, 2008 This mix needs to go back in the oven because it is clearly not done. The piano at the beginning seems somewhat off, but the real issue I have with it is that it just goes on and on as elements slowly filter in. Having a drawn out intro like this is fine, but please make it more exciting than a 2 chord progression. When the flute finally comes in it is a nice copy of the in-game flute sample, but a few parts are piercing. The guitar that comes in later is pretty ugly sounding, sometimes out-of-tune, but just tonally unappealing. The drum breakdown is decent, though it's still the 2 chord progression, and the dirty guitar sounds slightly better, if not terribly thin. I just can't get into this mix on any level. Quote
Bahamut Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 Wow, I remember this mix. It was nice for its time, but with the continual growing of the scene, I think it has been bypassed greatly in many respects. It is a relaxing listen, if a bit harsh due to the guitar. Quote
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