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Death Proof was slow to start, but once it ramped up, it didn't stop.

And if you have a problem with people "yammering", Tarantino movies probably aren't your thing anyway, non?

I'm a pretty big fan of Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, and Pulp Fiction and was looking forward to Death Proof moreso than Planet Terror. I didn't realize he was going to spend 40 minutes on girl talk though. I can't remember any other Tarantino movie with such boring conversations.

There's a reason the sex scene in Planet Terror and the lap dance in Death Proof were cut, and it isn't censorship.

PT and DP emulated the Grindhouse films of the 70s. Back then, the projectionists used to cut the sex scenes out of movies, steal them, splice them together with other stolen sex scenes for their personal viewing pleasure, and quit their job at that theater.

What Quinten and Robert did in Grindhouse was a tribute to this.

Nope. In an interview http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=3&id=40814, they said the missing reel scene from Death Proof would be in the international version. I guess only America is good enough for this tribute. In Planet Terror, the missing reel was just funny when they cut back to the movie and a lot of exposition was missing. Death Proof was just so boring outside of the action sequences, I just wanted something that was at least marginally entertaining. The chatter in Death Proof reminded me of Reservoir Dog's opening conversation if had been allowed to go on for 40 minutes. And it just wasn't as funny.


planet terror was awesome. way more fun than 300 in my opinion. there was soooo much shock value, every scene had people screaming "ewwwww!!!" or "OMG!!!" or just laughing hystericaly. Death Proof would've been fine the way it was if it wasnt part of a double feature, but after watching the crazy action in PT it was hard to listen to all the chick talk. however once it got goin death proof was insane! and i lauged too hard at the ending. and the trailers were hilarious too. "and Nicolas Cage as.... Fu Manchu!" overall grindhouse was awesome and i would definitely watch it again. oh and rodriguez's score sounded just like his sin city music....which isnt really bad i guess. rockin'!


Planet Terror -- RIDICULOUS PREMISE! Instantly one of my favorite movies ever. The best dialog, so fucking funny, action-packed, campy as hell, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

Death Proof -- This is basically a Tarantino movie only more boring and with awkward cuts and splices. I almost fell asleep.

T H A N K S G I V I N G ! !

Also I hate Nicolas Cage but he gets so many cool points for his bit in this.


I saw it last night and had a blast! Planet Terror is easily my favorite film. I love how they 'cut' out a large part of the story. Apparently Tarantino has a film like that where a large chunk of the story is missing and that adds to the mystery of what's going on. Great splatterflick.

Death Proof, I had hope for this one and I thought it was going to be a slasher flick with a car, meaning more than two car chase scenes with more than just a small group of girls being killed. If they just edited down the dialog, then I would've been ok with, oh and maybe add something to Stuntman Mike, like why he's doing this or something it could've been better.

I'm extremely glad that Robert Rodriquez is going to make Machete, the first fake movie trailer, as a straight-to-DVD movie. Man after seeing that, hell any of the trailers, I wanted to watch them. I haven't gotten excited for a movie like that in a long, long time. Finally, it's fun to go to the movies!


"This time, they fucked with the wrong mexican."


Yeah yeah.

I read everybody's post.

Yes, Planet Terror was the shizz.

Death Proof was slow at first but then, (this is where I back DP up) that beautiful, gorgeous, 1969 Chevrolet Nova comes in...FUCK! I nearly shot myself in the leg. That's what Death Proof was about baby. The frikkin' cars man! I couldn't care less about the bitches talkin' and whatnot. I just wanted to see the cars. That's why in a way I liked DP better than PT.

DP ruined it for me a bit when I saw that shitty ass mustang. I hate ford and it's gay ass mustang that I don't even capitalize it. Then the 1970 Dodge Challenger. Oohoho. Oh but I was waiting for the main event. The 1969 Dodge Charger. FTW!!1! So glad they put real cars in a movie. I'm sick of this foreign/jap car shit. So stupid. American muscle man. Thats where it's all at.

So yeah DP. Too much talkin boring at first.

The cars coming in made up for the talking.


I think Death Proof was a little homage to Bullit. That movie took forever to get going, with lots of dialogue, and ended with one of the greatest chase scenes in cinema. Also, let's not forget the method of Tarantino creating characters on screen, making the audience attached to them. I think that was the point, to make you more involved, and the sequences more surreal.

Things that are supposed to be bad usually succeed in being bad. And contrary to hipster belief, bad isn't actually a good thing.

if you think army of darkness wasn't watchable then arguing with you is fruitless. i'll just stick to my hipster ideals and you can go watch "sideways" for all i care.

Hmm...is that you're take on this? Not saying you're wrong but in the script for Planet Terror for the sex scene, Robert writes that their love is so hot, the film LITERALLY SIZZLES AND BURNS THE STRIP. The lap dance in Death Proof...actually that was probably cut by the MPAA, bastards

No. I work at a movie theater and I've seen Grindhouse. During the sex scene in PT, the strip does literally sizzle and burn, but right afterwards, the words MISSING REEL appear and it advises the audience to tell Theater Management. In case you wondering, no one did. :)

Well, it doesn't burn literally...but..whatever. I'm being too serious.

The lap dance being editted out is clearly a part of the joke. Right before Death Proof starts after the faux movie trailers, there's a card that appears which states that "This film may contain one or more missing REELS. Please consult theater management." I'm not a pervert or anything, but DP was so slow that when that missing reel came up in the place of the lap dance I voiced my disappointment a bit more loudly than I should have.

One of my friends who works the Booth (the projector) told my manager that Grindhouse had a bunch of scrathes on it and our manager got pretty scared since we're going to have an audit soon. Those who've seen the movie probably understand.

You know, what's sad is that when I worked in our movie's ticket box, not a lot of people came to see Grindhouse. I daresay, more people came to see 300 more than likely. Grindhouse isn't doing too good overall either. Seems someone might have forgotten how bad an idea it is to put blood and guts against three family movies opening up.

The movie is three hours and 10 minutes long, which does not bode well in it's favor. Luckily for me, I just got me free ticket in hour or so into the movie so I could see DP instead of sitting for all that time. For those outside the states, I do sympathize. While Kill Bill 1 and 2 could survive being cut in two, these two movies seem to...work together in a quirky way. I don't really see how well the inside jokes can work without the two movies.



Ha, yeah, I heard that they REALLY DID fuck up the films reels a bit. Also heard stories of people complaining to the managers, to the point where before it started the manager had to come out and said, "don't complain to me D:<"

Yes AFTER the sex scene there's a MISSING REEL and then it cuts to the BBQ Joint and all hell has broken loose but I was only talking about the actual sex scene. As far as I know Europe is getting the lap dance, so I'm not sure why it's cut here other than the MPAA being bastards and the "Missing Reel" gag a way to get it out cleanly without reshooting or cutting.

Yeah, god damn the Easter Break for a release, really hurt the film, as did the length. But it really is a film made for movie nerds by movie nerd, they just thought they could sell it to everyone else. Also I feel that people don't really know who Robert is, they should of explained "From the director of Sin City." That would get some people in there. The talks that they might redistribute the movie into two seperate films are terrible. There goes any hopes for a sequel, unless the DVDs do well (oh god they should)


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from now, but seeing just how much is seen in Planet Terror, a lap dance really wouldn't be anything. Either way, having the lap dance being shown in Europe isn't going to make up for breaking a movie in twain.

What's really sad is that, had the movie opened up a few weeks prior to this, it probably would've ran the theater. To be more specific, had it been released before Meet The Robinsons, despite it's length, it would have been the only new movie worth a look that had just arrived. Shooter has run it's course, and 300 is finally beginning to run out of fumes. All the fathers who are being dragged off to see Are we Done Yet?, Firehouse Dog, and Meet The Robinsons may have formed groups and gone to see Grindhouse in much the same way a whole lot of groups came to see 300.

It's a pity, but you see, Grindhouse is a perfect movie to see on DVD except for the fact that watching it at home ruins some of the premise behind the film's very existence. It should do well on DVD.

Ha, yeah, I heard that they REALLY DID fuck up the films reels a bit. Also heard stories of people complaining to the managers, to the point where before it started the manager had to come out and said, "don't complain to me D:<"

Yes AFTER the sex scene there's a MISSING REEL and then it cuts to the BBQ Joint and all hell has broken loose but I was only talking about the actual sex scene. As far as I know Europe is getting the lap dance, so I'm not sure why it's cut here other than the MPAA being bastards and the "Missing Reel" gag a way to get it out cleanly without reshooting or cutting.

Yeah, god damn the Easter Break for a release, really hurt the film, as did the length. But it really is a film made for movie nerds by movie nerd, they just thought they could sell it to everyone else. Also I feel that people don't really know who Robert is, they should of explained "From the director of Sin City." That would get some people in there. The talks that they might redistribute the movie into two seperate films are terrible. There goes any hopes for a sequel, unless the DVDs do well (oh god they should)

Ahem... where is my script?

Ha, yeah, I heard that they REALLY DID fuck up the films reels a bit. Also heard stories of people complaining to the managers, to the point where before it started the manager had to come out and said, "don't complain to me D:<"

Yes AFTER the sex scene there's a MISSING REEL and then it cuts to the BBQ Joint and all hell has broken loose but I was only talking about the actual sex scene. As far as I know Europe is getting the lap dance, so I'm not sure why it's cut here other than the MPAA being bastards and the "Missing Reel" gag a way to get it out cleanly without reshooting or cutting.

I'm pretty sure Tarantino and Rodriguez planned it that way. Also, since they're exploitation flicks, I don't think it matters either way. I actually think the 'burned tape' idea works since those movies were supposed to be crappy in terms of their editing and a lot of the sexual scenes were borderline in a lot of movies of its genre. Maybe the occasional topless scene or the strip tease, but almost never full blown sex scenes. I actually think stuff like that would detract a bit from the fun atmosphere both movies were going after. Not that I necessarily care about the possible MPAA involvement either way. Another thing was that I heard Tarantino supposedly "never" had a problem with MPAA too. So it's also possible they intended it that way for America to begin with.

Yeah, god damn the Easter Break for a release, really hurt the film, as did the length. But it really is a film made for movie nerds by movie nerd, they just thought they could sell it to everyone else. Also I feel that people don't really know who Robert is, they should of explained "From the director of Sin City." That would get some people in there. The talks that they might redistribute the movie into two seperate films are terrible. There goes any hopes for a sequel, unless the DVDs do well (oh god they should)

Which is funny, since I think they both probably would've done a lot better if they were released separately and spaced out. The double feature idea is cool, but there was no way they could have sold a 3 hour movie that doesn't have the precedence and loyal following like something like Lord of the Rings had. King Kong, even though it finally made profits world wide, was hampered by the long showtime too.

But I had one of those surreal movie moments where I was one of the few people in an entire theater watching Grindhouse. The last time that happened, I was watching Corpse Bride.

So, I'm curious...

Was it cheesy-bad

or cheesy-good?

I'll likely rent it eventually, but I am just wondering if it is "no plot, ultra violent" kinda flick.

it is cheesey-VERY GOOD. and there is definitely a plot. Both films and every trailer are very well concieved and shot. Its an overalll GOOD picture. i really suggest that you get some friends together and go see it in theaters rather that just waiting to rent it. You'll have a blast, i promise you.

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