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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Gerudo Peeples'

A fairly well produced mix we have here from Scott Peeples. Although not quite as inventive as most of his other stuff, it's still good. We've got flutes, guitars, some pretty cool drums (as always) as well as some strings and an acoustic bass, lightly panned in all different directions. It would have been really nice if Peeples actually got some more realistic guitar on here but nothing's perfect eh? The song starts out with the bass, then everything comes in with the layers of instruments changing every now and then to keep interest. The mix possesses quite a soothing sound (much like the original I suspect), especially in the flute areas. It's 3:21, but for some reason it feels really short - very weird. A decent mix, probably not one of Peeples' best, but still good.

  • 2 months later...

This is a nice mix of the Gerudo theme, though it's a bit slower than I would have thought necessary. Not Peeples' best, but pretty good, and with the Gerudo valley theme being as good as it is, you can't really go wrong. :D

  • 2 months later...

I'm one of those who don't like the original Gerudo Valley song. It was sorta annoying. But still, I like the remixes of it on this site. Especially this one and pretzel's.

Oh, and by the way. Is it just me or is the bass a bit, well, off-key? Not exactly off-key. More like out of tune. Sorta annoying. It gets more obvious towards the end (at 3:03 when it's only bass and guitar). Of course, it could be me being not too musical. That's probobly it. ;)

  • 1 month later...
:evil: This woulda been a really good remix.... IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT BASS! ^^() it's really offkey... I had to turn it off because it just didn't sound good at all... @_@ anyway... good job... just fix the bass pleeeease?
  • 1 month later...

At first, I didn't suspect anything...this mix started out with a nice standard bass line. But the instant the guitar accompaniment came in...I knew something had gone wrong. Horribly wrong.

No offense, Scott, but give your bass a tuning (so to speak). Or, sheesh, remove it altogether. It's for the remix's own good.

  • 3 weeks later...

Heh, I've never really heard the theme before because I never play Zelda all the much, but I love it! ^_^ This is my kind of music. My friends thinks so too. ^_^ Keep up the good work! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

the song kicks major ass. The bass isnt off key, its just playing the wrong notes on beats one and three. At least people have stopped using that annoying hand-clap synthesizer voice as the drum beat for this song. Peeples has gold here, if he would just fix the bass line and submit a fix.


  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

UGH. That's what most people say after downloading this. Well maybe. How should I know? What I do know is that bassline is terrible. On anything besides the cheapest computer speakers (AKA mine) the bass needs to be dropped to nothing. Otherwise the pain starts. Everyone in the world seems like they're obsessed with bass, so this is a bad thing for peeples. His other stuff is great but, really, even if you can get passed the bass issues, you still end up with a mediocre remix. 1/8- it would have been 2/8 but the voice told me otherwise.

  • 4 weeks later...

Personally, I want Bass more on remixes. While it does seem off-key, you got to give Scott Peeples some credit here. Overall, I like the remix. I actually enjoy the bass on this, but if the off-key thing is fixed, it would make it a better remix. Nontheless, it's Good Stuff.


I really don't understand why everyone is complaining... this is one of my absolute favorites. I certainly don't have any problem with the baseline - in fact, I thought it was one of the best parts of the song.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Man this would have been perfect had it not been for the starting out of tune bass note...or at least it sounds like a quarter out of tune and the vibrations don't match up with the chords. That is a tiny detail though. The song is awesome, clear, crisp, and excellent production quality.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Here's how you solve the bass problem.

Get some headphones. Don't turn them up all the way like some of you idiots do. And there you go, the bassline is fixed.


Its not an issue with the quality of the bass sound... its an issue with the bass playing completely out of key with the rest of the piece...


Is he ever going to fix that freaking bass?!

Gar! I love this mix, minus the bass.... its a real shame... that bassline is really driving this one into the freaking ground...

Scott, if you are out there! Dude... how can you live with yourself knowing that this bassline blows in every way digital and audial.

Man, drop that accoustic crap of a bass, and put the funk back into this mix.

you may drive me to have a crack at gerudo valley myself.


I can't find a fault with this song. It just sounds damn good. The offkey bass works for me. The guitar work made me expect Ricky Martin's voice to break in =P

  • 1 month later...

Okay, I know that several posters have said that the bass is off-key and detracts from the rest of the song, but I personally like the bass and think it adds flavor to this mix. Scott has some sweet mixes, and this one's my favorite...and this is also my favorite Ocarina of Time remix.

  • 2 months later...

I really like this song alot....except for one thing of course. One repeating bass note is off key by 1/2 step. Imagine each number representing a step in a chromatic pattern (ie: 1=A 2=Bb 3=B 4=C 5=C#).

This is how the bass goes in the song:5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3...when it should be 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3. Just fix that one problem please. I hate to see an awesome song be ruined by such a mistake. I like the song alot...I really do...but that off-key note really rubs me the wrong way and I gotta stop listening to it.

Besides that, the guitar sounds great and the whole song flows smoothly and its really relaxing.

  • 4 weeks later...
Here's how you solve the bass problem.

Get some headphones. Don't turn them up all the way like some of you idiots do. And there you go, the bassline is fixed.


Its not an issue with the quality of the bass sound... its an issue with the bass playing completely out of key with the rest of the piece...


Is he ever going to fix that freaking bass?!

Gar! I love this mix, minus the bass.... its a real shame... that bassline is really driving this one into the freaking ground...

Scott, if you are out there! Dude... how can you live with yourself knowing that this bassline blows in every way digital and audial.

Man, drop that accoustic crap of a bass, and put the funk back into this mix.

you may drive me to have a crack at gerudo valley myself.

Yes. *head explodes*
  • 2 weeks later...

No wonder it sounded weird on my iPod. Last time I turn the bass booster on... being the total music moron I am, I switched it to Treble booster. Sounds fine, actually. But someone reading this is probably thinking, "NO NO NO!!!" Any suggestions?

Oh yeah. The review. Pretty good. One of the best remixes of Gerudo Valley. It's one of my fav. OoT songs.

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