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Coming from NY, going to have a friend from Baltimore coming, and potentially a friend from even farther away in NY (3 hours northwest of NYC, from Binghamton, NY) coming. Going to travel via Amtrak one way & Chinatown bus back, probably going to be spending ~$200 on transportation total, staying for both concerts, and no time deadline...unless I'm expected to handle the burden of hotel costs. If it comes to that, I don't think it would be feasible it would be for me to go. I already had a whopping expense of $400-500 in unexpected costs of my one day/two night visit of Chicago from waiting for my plane, and I'm running on a very thin Xerol budget from other unexpected costs here, which I'm sure this meetup will also have.

Where are you traveling from?

Cherry Hill, NJ or Philly... depends on whats going down.

How will you be arriving? (car? plane? train?)

Well, me car is busted so there goes that, plane is not worth it for such a small distance... possibly train or catch a ride with someone who is going from around my area...

In pure Kroze Fashion , I will find a way to make it down there somehow...

What are your (estimated) travel costs?

Well, since I got Otakon, and Comic Con coming up near then which both are in a week of each other and then flying back out to LA, I don't have much... maybe $60...

When will you be arriving?

I would like to be there friday morning or afternoon but being me, we must account for getting lost, problems with public transportation, UFO abductions, monies, and rips in the space/time continuum, expect me within the year! So yeah.. no clue thus far...

Are you planning on attending BOTH concerts (Fri + Sat)?

I would like to attend both... but that depends on how I am getting down there and monies at the time.

How long are you staying?

I got that whole weekend off so... to sunday most likely if I go to the saturday concert. This also depends on how I am getting down there...

And I would be up for the saturday get together and willing to chip in for food...

I cook a mean burger!


Traveling from CT by plane, my brother will pick me up. Estimated cost is $150 or so. I will be staying at his place, so no worries on me sleeping on a bench.

I will only be attending the Friday concert. Saturday night and Sunday I will be spending time with my brother, and I will be leaving Sunday night.

I will be getting there early Friday morning, so I'm up for exploring. Similarly, I'm all for going to a park the next day.


I am traveling from Mifflin County, Pennsylvania (An hour outside of Harrisburg towards State College) and will be traveling by car. Estimated travel costs are around $100 round-trip. I plan to leave my house early in the morning if people are going to arrive in DC early enough. I will only be attending the Friday concert and will most likely be leaving when Taucer leaves.


Yay new smaller, more streamlined thread.

Where are you traveling from?

Montclair, NJ. It's in Northern New Jersey and about forty minutes away from NYC.

How will you be arriving? (car? plane? train?)

If anyone reading this will be driving through NJ to get to DC, I would very much appreciate a lift. I'll pay for half the gas or whatever, but it'll be cheaper than the bus or train (which I'd have to take otherwise).

What are your (estimated) travel costs?

Hopefully minimal, if I can get a ride. Otherwise I'll have to do the bus (cost unknown... I've never taken it interstate before) or the train (roughly $125 round trip).

When will you be arriving?

That very much depends on circumstances. If I'm hitching a ride from someone I'll come whenever they're coming. If not, it depends what will be happening before the Fri show.

Are you planning on attending BOTH concerts (Fri + Sat)?

Nah. I'll be spending enough as it is.

How long are you staying?

If I'm not hitching a ride, I'll probably stay through the OCR Saturday events and then leave around five or six.

Friday during the day is a gray area. That's why we need to find out when people are arriving. Me personally, I'll more than likely be there all or most of the day Friday, and I'd be fine just bumming around DC and seeing the sights until the show (which is at 8pm, for those who still don't know). Are enough people going to be there that this could be a group activity?

What time I'm arriving depends largely on whether there will be an activity. So for the purposes of determining that, count me in. I'd certainly like to go sightseeing so long as we don't spend too much extra money in the process. And, if possible, I'd like to sit down with some OCRemixers, laptop in hand (well, lap) and ask about mixing stuff in person.

-Saturday morning/afternoon, it has been proposed that we gather in a (currently undecided) location for food, games, etc. The current leading candidate is Burke Lake Park, where they have pavilions, frisbee golf, boat rentals, swimming, etc. How many people would be up for this? Also, it should be understood that if we do such an activity, we'll probably require that everyone who attends contribute some amount towards such. It won't be much, and the money will go toward things like parking and the cost of the food. (No one's trying to turn a profit or anything, rest assured).

That sounds great to me.


Well, as I'm in the area, I'd be around all day Friday. Like Taucer, I'd probably leave sometime (probably early afternoon) on Saturday. My preference, therefore, would obviously be a meetup on friday before the concert, like in the afternoon or something. If not, we should all at least come to the concert early for the costume contests, gaming tournamente, and MEET AND GREET WITH COMPOSERS OMG.


Burke Lake Park sounds like a great idea, assuming the weather's good. Maybe we should have a backup plan if it looks like rain? Just in case.

Andy and I will be arriving on Friday afternoon, most likely. The two of us would love a ride, if anyone's going to be passing by/through Philadelphia. If not, Amtrak will cost us about $100 each round trip. We'll probably be staying at Dave's both Friday and Saturday nights (if that's cool with him) and leaving Sunday. Only attending the Friday night concert.

Well, me car is busted so there goes that, plane is not worth it for such a small distance... possibly train or catch a ride with someone who is going from around my area...
If anyone reading this will be driving through NJ to get to DC, I would very much appreciate a lift.
The two of us would love a ride, if anyone's going to be passing by/through Philadelphia.

Ya know, I do love the irony of 4 people all around the same area and none of which have a working car...

I like to think that the universe got bored all of a sudden and needed some people to toture to keep itself occupied.

Only explanation for things like this...


Yeah...I wish I had a car :( . But then again, there would be the issue of figuring out who else I could take then, seeing as there're several of you guys. If you guys can make it to Baltimore, there is the possibility of my friend being able to drive some of you over to D. C.

Well, as I'm in the area, I'd be around all day Friday. Like Taucer, I'd probably leave sometime (probably early afternoon) on Saturday. My preference, therefore, would obviously be a meetup on friday before the concert, like in the afternoon or something. If not, we should all at least come to the concert early for the costume contests, gaming tournamente, and MEET AND GREET WITH COMPOSERS OMG.

There's a costume contest? I could bring my cosplay! (not a chance)

I like to that the universe got bored all of a sudden and needed some people to toture to keep itself occupied.

Only explanation for things like this...

I'm less ticked with the universe than my folks, who will not let me take the car out of state, and my brother, who will be galavanting around with it in my absence.


Provided that my car gets out the shop in the next few weeks, I'll be able to pick up up to 3 people from the Philly area. And I would definitely be interested in a Friday chill session that BGC was talkin about before the show Friday, as well as hangin out Saturday afternoon

Provided that my car gets out the shop in the next few weeks, I'll be able to pick up up to 3 people from the Philly area. And I would definitely be interested in a Friday chill session that BGC was talkin about before the show Friday, as well as hangin out Saturday afternoon

Wha? Are you sitting with the group, or you just are in the area?


I live in DC....I just figured the pre and post-concert activities were open to anyone who happened to be goin to the concert; I didnt know there was a preset group.

I live in DC....I just figured the pre and post-concert activities were open to anyone who happened to be goin to the concert; I didnt know there was a preset group.

Yeah, anyone is welcome to chill with us, it's just that you're the first to come forward to do so :razz:


Change of plans, gang.

I've trying for quite some time to take classes at Second City here. Registration is soon, but auditions (yes, you have to audition for classes) is the Friday of the get-together. So I'm prioritizing the audition. So it looks like I won't be making it. In any event, enjoy the free $40. Use it to buy booze and wine and cheese and freedom and whatnot.

When play or whatever comes here to Chicago, I'll take you all on the town.

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