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finally completed my national dex wh00t!

Nice! I've been playing through Emerald so I can get the ones you can't get on D/P alone. It may take a while because I only have about 270 of the 493 now, heh

  • 2 weeks later...

God dammit! I hate the bitch Bertha's damn Quagsire! Protect and double team, protect and double team, protect and double team...that's all the fucking thing will do! I can't land a single hit on it with anything!

God dammit! I hate the bitch Bertha's damn Quagsire! Protect and double team, protect and double team, protect and double team...that's all the fucking thing will do! I can't land a single hit on it with anything!

It's a pain. There are a few ways to beat it though. Here are some facts:

-Aura Sphere and Aerial Ace cannot miss, despite evasiveness. Shock wave also cannot miss but quagsire is ground type. Use one of these moves on a turn it's not protecting. I pack one of these on all my teams because of stallers like this.

-That Quagsire's moves, aside from protect and double team, are Dig and Sandstorm. Skarmory, Aerodactyl, and Gliscor are immune to both if you have one, and can learn Aerial Ace too. Anything flying or levitating only needs to worry about sandstorm, any rock,ground,steel just needs to worry about dig. Levitating Bronzong also works. And solrock/lunatone. lol

-If you absolutely have no recourse, and have a lot of time to kill, switch pokemon every turn and let it run out of PP, and it will kill itself with struggle.

-The first couple of Double teams are the most effective. For a move that does not normally miss, the accuracy goes as follows after double teams:







"Quagsire's evasiveness won't go any higher!"

This means kill it quick. Since Quagsire is the FIRST pokemon Bertha uses, have your counter for it come out first as well.


Bertha is one of the easiest of the elite four for me. I take out both her Quagsire and Whiscash in one hit each with my Torterra's Wood Hammer. Her Sudowoodo requires only a couple Surfs from my Whiscash, and Golem, having a 4x weakness to water goes down in one hit. Her Hippowdon is the only one that actually does any real damage to me.

I've been able to get all the way up to Cynthia without much problem, but I can't beat her Lucario. It's just too damn fast and powerful against my pokemon. Of course that may have something to do with my pokemon only being in the upper 40s. I've been meaning to try getting a Spiritomb since it's immune to two of it's attacks, but at this point, I think I just need to level up my pokemon, sadly.

Bertha is one of the easiest of the elite four for me. I take out both her Quagsire and Whiscash in one hit each with my Torterra's Wood Hammer. Her Sudowoodo requires only a couple Surfs from my Whiscash, and Golem, having a 4x weakness to water goes down in one hit. Her Hippowdon is the only one that actually does any real damage to me.

I've been able to get all the way up to Cynthia without much problem, but I can't beat her Lucario. It's just too damn fast and powerful against my pokemon. Of course that may have something to do with my pokemon only being in the upper 40s. I've been meaning to try getting a Spiritomb since it's immune to two of it's attacks, but at this point, I think I just need to level up my pokemon, sadly.

A wise man once said that if you can't fight it, grind it. Damn Victory Road.....

Also I need a chickorita if anyone can breed me one. Please PM.

Thank ye much!!

A wise man once said that if you can't fight it, grind it. Damn Victory Road.....

Indeed, I forgot how monotonous PokéMon can get. How did I manage to get a complete team of lvl. 100 PokéMon in Red, back in the day!?


Hey guys. Just dropping by.

I frequent the Smogon forums but I do drop by the OCR forums for the Pokemon & Brawl threads every once in a while. Anyway, I just got back from a convention and I'm feeling generous. I ended up playing Pokemon with a lot of people, and, well...

Next week I've decided I'm going to have a Jirachi giveaway! I'm thinking about a good 20 at least, with the intention to meet some people who're into trading and battling. I'm going to do something similar on Smogon sooner or later, too.

So, yeah, that's all. Happy Pokemoning.


Im surprised how much im enjoying this game. The last pokemon game ive played was Blue before this and that was when i was in 5 or 6th grade.Now as an adult its sad to see how addicting these little guys still are.

Atm im leveling some of my lower level pokemon on victory road. Being the poke'noob that i am. Im assuming i wont be able to get a squirtle or charmander (Nastaligic purposes) without picking up leaf green or fire red?

Im surprised how much im enjoying this game. The last pokemon game ive played was Blue before this and that was when i was in 5 or 6th grade.Now as an adult its sad to see how addicting these little guys still are.

Atm im leveling some of my lower level pokemon on victory road. Being the poke'noob that i am. Im assuming i wont be able to get a squirtle or charmander (Nastaligic purposes) without picking up leaf green or fire red?

I have breeding pairs for the old starters. PM me or go on the OCR channel to arrange a trade. Friend codes' in sig.


So I've been playing Leaf Green a little bit.

That is to say, I've logged about 60 hours on it thus far.

I've decided that I want to get Diamond/Pearl and the Wii PKMN whenever it comes out. The reason is, is that I want to start battling on the internet.

And since I don't really care about being the Best Pokemon Master Evar, I've decided that I will only use the first 150 Pokemon from the National Pokedex. That is, I'm gonna try to beat all the little sixth graders on WiiConnect24, using the Pokemon I played with when I was in sixth grade.

The trick is, I need to come up with the best team possible to compete in the fourth-generation. So with the research I've done since I've started playing again, I figure I should breed new Pokemans so that I get all the proper Egg Moves and max out the stats all the right way.

But the trick is. What should my team be? I've decided that I really like Magneton, since it gives me a Steel-type to work with. Also, I want to avoid the legendaries, because that's no fun. Also also, should I breed and train these guys in Leaf Green and then transfer them to the Pal Park thing or whatever, or do it all in Diamond/Pearl?

Aaanyway. Advice from those of you who know more about all of this than I do right now would be appreciated. Thankya.


HI, I have kind of a poll question for everone on here who battles competitively: What pokemon do you use in your line-up for competitive battle (or, what pokemon would you prefer in your ideal line-up)?

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