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:( I think I'm just bitter there's no PC or Saturn category. :(

(Also favorites with a 'u' lol)

Yeah... that's how people from UK or anywhere colonised by them spell it. (aussies/canadians etc.) ;-)


While I do feel this is a glorified favorites thread, I still like the idea. I finally picked up a PS2 for the first time and I now have all 3 last gen consoles. I've been catching up on "must play" games on the PS2 for the last few months and a list like this would be a good guide line for what to try.

A few worth mentioning....

Ninja Gaiden - Xbox

Osu Tatakae Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents* - NDS

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow/Portrait of Ruin - NDS

Frequency/Amplitude* - PS2

Silent Hill series* PS2

* I know not everyone is into survival horror or rhythm games, but these are solid games if you're into that.

Also, no PC love? Bah!


I actually liked XIII, horribly voiced though it was. It's worth a play. I'm only mentioning it because about everything else I'd recommend has been said already. Also, I'd add Metroid Prime Hunters for DS. Fun online play even though everyone is better than you. Also Tron 2.0 for PC was severely underrated.

Other than shooters, I'll nominate Zelda: Twilight Princess (for either system) because I don't think it's been mentioned yet.


REZ. Play Rez for PS2 or Dreamcast at all costs.

Coop's list is lacking Lufia 1 +2, the most under rated RPG's for the SNES to date, therefore making it fail. Not to also forget Secret of Mana, a game that is also a bit overlooked and could be considered one of the best action RPG's on the snes, as well as the gold that is FF3(6).

see what a i did there

and if you're not afraid of playing rpg in japanese, seiken densetsu 3 is a valuable jewels too. ^^



-Beyond Good and Evil (best version)

-Shenmue II

-Panzer Dragoon Orta

-Burnout 3

-Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (same as BG&E)


-Pikmin 2

-Skies of Arcadia Legends (for the extra content, otherwise just count this as the Dreamcast version)

-Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Favourites thread etc. Might as well pimp out these games.


Super Nintendo:

Super Metroid

Final Fnatasy VI

Sega Genesis:

James Pond 3 (yeah this game owns, you people should give it a try)

Sega Saturn:

Dark Savior

Wait, weren't we talking about old systems...? =/


Here are some I forgot to list the first time around.


Jak and Daxter Series (all 3)

Burnout 3


Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2

For older systems that be added later:


Tekken 3

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Carsh Bandicoot series (especially 2)


Super Smash Bros.

F-Zero X


Kirby Superstar

Super Street Fighter II

Killer Instinct



Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion

Zelda Minish Cap

Super Advanced Series

Agian I am just nominating games I think won't be mentioned much or even at all.

I also feel this thread is becoming a favorites thread easily. You have people complaining about Metriod Prime 1 and 2, Wind Waker, and others being on the list. There are also people putting up games that have gotten bad or mixed reviews in general. I also just finished stating my opinion, further proving my point.

Basically, I think it is impossible to create a thread like this with out it becoming a favorites thread. Everyone has their own tastes in what games they play. I personally don't play or really like games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, or Halo, which most people seem to love. I, however, don't think they are bad games. I just don't care much for them and think it is stupid to say I am not a 'serious' or 'real' gamer if I don't like or own those games. I am sure others feel the same way.

EDIT: Why the hell was Metroid Prime 2 removed from the list. That game was great no matter what people say. The only people that don't like the game are the ones that found it to hard to play. That game improved on every apect of the first making it a much better game. It had better graphics, puzzles, gameplay, and story than the first. It also felt it felt more like a metriod game than the first with the inclusion of the screw attack, wall-jump, and colored themed doors. Agian this my personal opinion, which you can see is hard to aviod in a thread like this.

Why not just list every game from every system on there? No, seriously.

This site has a pretty big list of people that visit here daily, and each person has their own opinion on what is good and what is bad. This list has no chance of being successful, considering that one persons opinion may not fit yours.

We could play Devil's Advocate and argue why these games shouldn't be on the list.


Definitely add Metroid Prime 2, Super Mario Sunshine and Pikmin 2 to the Gamecube list.

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned Super Mario 64 yet, which should be a no-brainer (I noticed it wasn't on Coop's list for some reason).



X-Com UFO Defense


System Shock

System Shock 2

Deus Ex

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Command & Conquer (original, non-gold ed.)


Freedom Force


Transport Tycoon Deluxe

Rollercoaster Tycoon


Star Wars: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight

Total Annihilation

Duke Nukem 3D

Populous II

Warlords Battlecry


Final Fantasy

River City Ransom


Toe Jam & Earl

Warrior of Rome 2

Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage 2

Lemmings (underrated 2-player mode)


Road Rash 2

Phantasy Star IV

Herzog Zwei

General Chaos


Metal Warriors


Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy III

Super Bomberman 2




Maze Craze

Playstation 2:

Space Channel 5 Special Edition

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Katamari Damacy

Viewtiful Joe

Grand Theft Auto III

Gran Tourismo 3



Chibi Robo


River City Ransom EX

Nintendo DS:

Brain Training



Beyond Good and Evil

Animal Crossing

Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Star Fox Adventures

Star Fox Assault


Smash Bros. Melee

Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes



Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Shemue II

Star Wars Republic Commando


Panzer Dragoon Orta

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

MARVEL VS. Capcom 2


Metal Gear Solid 3

Shadow of the Colosus

Herdy Gerdy

Rayman Revolution (Rayman 2 w/better graphics and more challenging)

Those are all that I can think of, I don't have much for the PS2 cause I don't know enough of them...

Why not just list every game from every system on there? No, seriously.

This site has a pretty big list of people that visit here daily, and each person has their own opinion on what is good and what is bad. This list has no chance of being successful, considering that one persons opinion may not fit yours.

We could play Devil's Advocate and argue why these games shouldn't be on the list.

Actually, I think one way to add some actual value to this thread would be to ask people to argue why their nominations SHOULD be on the list. Basically write a mini-review, of sorts. Right now this thread is just a bunch of people spouting out lists. Making people write reviews would force them to actually THINK about their nominations, as well as let other readers judge for themselves if the games would fit their tastes. This way everybody wins, yay!


Super Metroid: it was chosen as Best Game Ever (in any console) in EGM, do you need anymore references?

And Im shocked that noone mentioned in their SuperNes lists. =/

FFVI Best FF in any 8/16 bit system.

James Pond 3: Its Sonic meets Mario game with very good music and long playtime.

Dark Savior: it has bad controls but the parallel scenario pretty makes the game replay value very good.

Actually, I think one way to add some actual value to this thread would be to ask people to argue why their nominations SHOULD be on the list. Basically write a mini-review, of sorts. Right now this thread is just a bunch of people spouting out lists. Making people write reviews would force them to actually THINK about their nominations, as well as let other readers judge for themselves if the games would fit their tastes. This way everybody wins, yay!

Yeah, let's get some actual discussion going on here instead of stupidly listing stuff. If this remains a list thread, then I'll have to delete it.

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