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River City Ransom 'River City Rammstein'

Holy fucking shit. Beat me with an amp and call me Jessie, this is some

awesome work from Mazedude, who is very quickly becoming one of my

favorite remixers. A shame I'm not more familiar with the original,

because this one just tears all kinds of stuff up and throws it back at you.

I love it.


Okey dokey! This is something very good! It has a great action-feeling to it, and though I cannot remember the original (the last time i played RCR was years ago) this version fits the game perfectly. If they ever make a movie of River City Ransom, this would be in the teaser.


Overall quite a great mix, synths are absolutely astounding, and the drums kick as well. However, other than the very begining it doesn't sound really all the Rammstein-esque to me. Not that that's a bad thing, actually this is one of the better remixes on the site in my eyes. Most of them seem a bit too much on the techno side for my tastes. This song is great, it sounds like it came right out of a recording studio, really clean and cut sound to it. Ending's nice and strong, but the "bubbly" sound at the begining is sort of odd. I think it could have been a bit heavier on guitar, but that's just personal taste.

Anyhow, 9.5 out of 10

Also I recomend one of Mazedude's other Mixes, Super Metroid - Norfair Deathmarch, not the same style, but good quality nonetheless. It can be found here: http://remix.overclocked.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00381


hi hi

I can remember playing river city ransom a long time ago...now i cant really remember the music from it, but after hearing this remix, i'm going to have to go back and play it again. beating up endless big eyed goons with baseball bats chains and brass knuckles is portrayed excellently in this remix. my favorite bit is the part after 2 minutes 50 seconds.



As I read DJP's write-up of this tune, I kept thinking to myself "DJP may love it, but there's no way I'm gonna think as highly of it." But I download every remix so I preceeded. I absolutely agree with DJP on everything he said here. Wonderful mix, and I am highly impressed. Everyone should download this, fan of RCR or not. Mazedude kicks my ass again!


I've been on a huge Rammstein bender and finding this makes it worse. Remix wise this is an incredible job and sounds like something the band would do. Though I have never played the game before this makes me want to go out on a hunt. Most of the remixes I find on this site don't deal with much industrial sounds, and this definitly a pelasent change from the technos. Great job Mazedude!


This is definately a refreshing deviant from the classic techno of most of the songs I've heard so far; an extremely enjoyable remix, with incredible synchs and an amazing beat behind the unpredictable flow of the entire song. I'll definately be looking forward to more remixes by Mazedude.


Shame on those who haven't played RCR! :wink:

Anyways, this is the track from any boss fight. Which is clearly very awesome. Pretty much how I would've pictured it when some stumpy guy was throwing a wheel at me. It was really the one piece in the game that stood out as different amongst all of the bluesy stuff. Mazedude picked probably the best one he could've from this game, and he did a fantastic job. I have no gripes, which is a first. Good job, dude... Mazedude that is... :wink:


The song's very charming on its own, one of the first industrial mixes that hit OC ReMix i think. Great sounds overall, a bit risky around the edges because not everyone loves raw industrial like this.

This song rates a good 9/10 in my charts.

good show on this one.


Oh dear me. River City Ransom is without a doubt my favorite NES game of all time. I was curious as to what song this was going to be, and was surprised by the boss theme being the choice. I love the heavy bass, grinding guitars, and the synthy leads. It DOES sound like Rammstein. Very very nice stuff. It's making me want to take a crack at one of the other songs in the game ... the shop, perhaps?

If you guys haven't played RCR yet, give it a spin on an emulator. It's a game that stands the test of time for me.


This is an absolutely brilliant remix of a very underappreciated tune from a game which was also underappreciated in my circle of friends...Mazedude, this remix RULES!

Now, if only the Minibosses would cover it...

8O Bah to Minibosses, this is all I need. INCREDIBLE remix from my all-time favorite game, Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (Fsck the naysayers, the Jap version is superior). 8O

8O Holy. Mother. Of God.

This is brilliant. RCR is one of my all time favorite NES titles, and this track is straight from my mental image of "RCR The Movie".

My lord this is wonderful stuff, from the opening to the transitions around 1:20 - 1:36, and the stuff at 2:20 is just making me nod my head. It's Grand Slam with a trash can to the grill, and don't forget the Egg Rolls.

9/10. Easy.


OMFG this remix kicks ass like a soccer hooligan riding a donkey! this is so good i'll definitely try to make an anime music video with it! its also cool coz it sounds like this song in starcraft! :D:D:D:D


Great ReMix from Mazedude. My friends and I used to spend a lot of time playing RCR back then. The boss song was our favorite song of the game (the last boss song too). A shame that some here haven't came across the game :(.

This ReMix: Impulsive. I had the chills when I listened to that song... nostalgia. :D I like the first half part better that the second... Maybe I would have liked the first part to loop (not an exact loop) again or something... Still, the song is great. Definitely on my playlist :)

- CHOQ SOUL (RCR: How was cooler: Alex? Ryan? hehehe)


RiverCityRammstein by Mazedude is highly recommended. 5 Stars. Nice Heavy sound and yet its not industrial. Great Distortion though its not exactly rock. And great synth samples yet is not techno. I had to play this song 3 times to figure out it was a 'serious' mix of the boss music. Its like River City Meets WWF Smackdown. :twisted:

keep up the good work Mazedude, I want to here more like this.


well, everything i was going to say was pretty much covered by everyone else, so i'll just say "DITTO" regarding all the other posts.

keep up the good work, mazedude.

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