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Alright, in the latest Nintendo power, They had an interview with the bigwigs there.


NP=Nintendo Power

MB=Matt Bozon

TH=Tomm Hulett

Pretty cool, no?

I liked the "If I catch our songs on [website] OC Remix I'll be satisfied."

Edit: Also for those who don't know, Jake Kaufman is Virt, Who created VGmix.


One never knows, maybe he's just keeping it quiet because he doesn't want the attention, or the people who're upset that VGMix3 still isn't up, to stop him from living his real life. Can't really blame him if that's it.

Still, that'd be pretty cool if virt was on board doing Contra 4's music. I'm waiting for the day when several of OCR's remixers get music featured in games and mass media, I think that'd totally rock.

It'd be nice to get a 100% certain answer, so we can properly mention this in our Wiki and give Jake some props in a mix writeup or something....

Hey Dave, everyone. :)

Yep! I did music and sound design. I couldn't confirm it until Mr. Bozon outed me himself, and I'm REALLY glad he did. I was worried that they'd think I violated my NDA if word got to them that people knew I was involved, even though I didn't spill it.

(and yeah, it's a big reason VGMix 3 isn't done yet - my freelancing is sucking up TONS of time.. Gonna have to start snorting meth and/or build a flux capacitor. But this is a big chunk of time freed up, anyway.)

Hey Dave, everyone. :)

Yep! I did music and sound design. I couldn't confirm it until Mr. Bozon outed me himself, and I'm REALLY glad he did. I was worried that they'd think I violated my NDA if word got to them that people knew I was involved, even though I didn't spill it.

(and yeah, it's a big reason VGMix 3 isn't done yet - my freelancing is sucking up TONS of time.. Gonna have to start snorting meth and/or build a flux capacitor. But this is a big chunk of time freed up, anyway.)

solid snake, nice work jake.

Hey Dave, everyone. :)

Yep! I did music and sound design. I couldn't confirm it until Mr. Bozon outed me himself, and I'm REALLY glad he did. I was worried that they'd think I violated my NDA if word got to them that people knew I was involved, even though I didn't spill it.

(and yeah, it's a big reason VGMix 3 isn't done yet - my freelancing is sucking up TONS of time.. Gonna have to start snorting meth and/or build a flux capacitor. But this is a big chunk of time freed up, anyway.)

Thought so. Congrats to you. I'll have to get the game when it comes out.

Hey Dave, everyone. :)

Yep! I did music and sound design. I couldn't confirm it until Mr. Bozon outed me himself, and I'm REALLY glad he did. I was worried that they'd think I violated my NDA if word got to them that people knew I was involved, even though I didn't spill it.

(and yeah, it's a big reason VGMix 3 isn't done yet - my freelancing is sucking up TONS of time.. Gonna have to start snorting meth and/or build a flux capacitor. But this is a big chunk of time freed up, anyway.)

I doubt anyone who enjoys videogame music is gonna mind the tardiness on VGMix 3 due to you getting ahead in your career.


Thanks guys :)

And at the risk of sounding like a weenie: Thanks Dave, for helping fuel my interest in arranging from the start. No matter what happened along the way, we both owe a lot (most, I'd venture) of our musicianship to this awesome hobby.

Wayforward was totally supportive and open to ideas, just like with Shantae - so I hope you guys aren't disappointed with my work. Lots of fan service. (you can hear my panties in one song)

I'm totally excited just as a Contra fanboy.

I'm totally excited just as a Contra fanboy.

Yeah, how does it fucking feel for you to have fucking written the fucking music to a fucking Contra game?


After I got off the phone with the dude I couldn't stop pacing back and forth for like 10 hours. I was afraid I would suddenly grow tentacles and then question reality and then wake up in my bed and it was all a dream.

Alas, my tentacles are REAL.


I'm still bound by my NDA.. :( The only stuff I can tell you is what they've made public knowledge. I hate saying that, because I'm SO EXCITED I just want to talk about everything.

I agree an official soundtrack would be awesome, though. I've never had one released yet!


Major props. Your music is amazing. It always had that *great* Konami-style feel to it, and the fact that you're getting noticed, appreciated, and hired to compose music for Contra 4 is pure awesome.

I am so looking forward to this game.

Planned September release? Noted.

Let's get this info wiki'd.


Wow this is awesome! I head a bit of the tunes in the 1up preview video on gamevideos.com. Fantastic stuff! Plus the fact that it's fucking Contra is just sweet as hell!! Congrads!


I say somebody gets him to secure the OST for the community to start a remix project of it.

And then get him to mix on it.

Because that would be goddamn hilarious.


Yeah I was so happy to find out that virt was composing for this game. He'll be able to show off his remixing skills as well as make some original music for the game. Lucky guy.

I find it a bit ironic to mention Jake side-by-side with OC Remix. Then again, OC Remix is more popular than VG Mix these days due to the latter being on hiatus.

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