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MKDS was probably the best Mario Kart since MK64... at least in terms of playing offline or against friends over wireless. The online was a mess, Nintendo really should have tested things better and corrected the snaking, and they really needed to adjust the items. It gets pretty annoying how you can do an entire race perfectly while your opponent intentionally hangs back so that the game gives them a blue shell, which they hold for the entire race and then unleash right before you cross the finish line. I think it's a very good example of Nintendo's flawed philosophy of trying to "even the odds" for beginners at the back of the pack.

I also don't have a lot of confidence in the wheel thing. I would think a much better setup would be to use the nunchuk to steer and use the remote to aim projectiles. I just have a bad feeling that the wheel is going to be far less responsive than a plain old-fashioned analog stick, much as Zelda's remote swinging was less responsive and inferior to a simple button press (the bow controls worked great, though).

MKDS was probably the best Mario Kart since MK64... at least in terms of playing offline or against friends over wireless. The online was a mess, Nintendo really should have tested things better and corrected the snaking, and they really needed to adjust the items. It gets pretty annoying how you can do an entire race perfectly while your opponent intentionally hangs back so that the game gives them a blue shell, which they hold for the entire race and then unleash right before you cross the finish line.

Problem is that snaking has always existed since mini turbos always existed. That strategy has also always existed. Though, in DD, the Star+Speed Boost save was a more acceptable means of exploiting items. I loved MK64 at the time, but I could never go back to it like I do time and time again with MKDS and MKDD.

I also don't have a lot of confidence in the wheel thing. I would think a much better setup would be to use the nunchuk to steer and use the remote to aim projectiles. I just have a bad feeling that the wheel is going to be far less responsive than a plain old-fashioned analog stick, much as Zelda's remote swinging was less responsive and inferior to a simple button press (the bow controls worked great, though).

Reggie did say something about a choice of controls, so relax for now. They're giving us options in Brawl, so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us similar options in MK Wii.


Again I pose this question: With these options for multiple control schemes, will support for GCN controllers continue? I understand that the classic controller is meant to overshadow this and eventually take over, but at some point do you think that they will eventually pull the GCN support? I daresay that even MK:Wii is up for the ending point of GCN controller support.

Edit: Also, if that wheel isn't giving strong force-feedback (which I doubt if it's a WiiMote attachment, which I'll wager it is), then I'm not too interested. I'd rather it plug into the GCN ports so it can get the energy it needs for some -real- feedback.


I think it'd be silly to pull support for GCN. It can still work as a perfectly good controller for any game. Nintendo should follow what they're doing with Brawl and give multiple controller options with their games.

I think it'd be silly to pull support for GCN. It can still work as a perfectly good controller for any game. Nintendo should follow what they're doing with Brawl and give multiple controller options with their games.

This is the debate that came up when the controller first came out.

The problem with offering "traditional" control schemes is that it would undermine the whole idea of the new controller. Eventually, it could lead to no (or few) developers using the Wii Remote and then what would the Wii be?

That's right. A cheap, technically inferior system to the 360 and PS3. It would have no edge. Right now, innovative motion control is that edge.

Again I pose this question: With these options for multiple control schemes, will support for GCN controllers continue? I understand that the classic controller is meant to overshadow this and eventually take over, but at some point do you think that they will eventually pull the GCN support? I daresay that even MK:Wii is up for the ending point of GCN controller support.

Edit: Also, if that wheel isn't giving strong force-feedback (which I doubt if it's a WiiMote attachment, which I'll wager it is), then I'm not too interested. I'd rather it plug into the GCN ports so it can get the energy it needs for some -real- feedback.

It just seems like a piece of plastic you snap your wiimote into. Didn't some 3rd party company have one out at launch that came with a racing game?

Or we could just deal with the fact that a NEW system gets a NEW controller JUST like all of the past Nintendo systems and quit fucking bitching.


10 Characters

Or we could just deal with the fact that a NEW system gets a NEW controller JUST like all of the past Nintendo systems and quit fucking bitching.

Except that other new consoles haven't had ports for last gen controllers, rendering your point completely invalid.

Anything that works with the classic can work with the 'cube controller and there's NO reason not to support it for games that use the classic, except corporate greed.

As for whether there should be classic/cube controlled games, why not? Just because a system HAS a neat new control scheme doesn't mean the tried-and-true controller is suddenly obsolete. Let the developers make any kind of game they want. The system has such a wide variety of possible game schemes, that shutting out the classic style -- or the new style for that matter -- is dumb.


I've said it before in the Nintendo Wii thread, but I'll say it again: I think Nintendo re-releasing a Wavebird controller with a rumble pak would be awesomely successful. I'd buy one. I bet most people who have/had 4 GCN controllers broke one by now, and they can't buy wavebirds anymore. Either that, or they still have wired controllers, which are SOO last generation.


That is so not going to happen. If it does though, I will proceed to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce.

Edit: 'That' being a new wavebird with rumble.

That is so not going to happen. If it does though, I will proceed to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce.

Edit: 'That' being a new wavebird with rumble.

Why not? they can make it as an add-on for the wiimote so it can use the wiimote's rumble instead of waving its own. Kinda like the GCN controller the IGN showed back in 2006, lemme see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is:


Why not? they can make it as an add-on for the wiimote so it can use the wiimote's rumble instead of waving its own. Kinda like the GCN controller the IGN showed back in 2006, lemme see if I can find it.

EDIT: Here it is:


That would be coolio, if not impossible =(

The analog stick needs some depth for the mechanism

I made this monstrosity


for my emblem.

I hope I can make a better one on the mawiiokart.

WTF is that? Mega-Togepi? I wonder if they'll let us make emblems, It'd be kinda cool if they'd let us upload our own photos if they do

The classic controller is nicer than the GCN controller anyway.

if youre talking about d pad than yes

if youre talking about control stick position than no

if youre talking about d pad than yes

if youre talking about control stick position than no

Indeed, and I also think that the GCN controller fits your hands better.

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