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I wonder if putting competitions into 2-month or even 3-month cycles would work better? Maybe a 1-month break between competitions would be good, or maybe just randomly starting up competitions at different times. Although, that last one I feel would be best served as a last resort.

That's what we do at the Writing Competition Thread, and it seems to work out. Granted, the number of submissions has still been trailing off since I joined, but that started happening before the move to a new forum. Actually, the interest seems to have picked up in the last couple of rounds, even though several people missed the submission deadline.


We played a lot of chess for a year or so. Now we maybe all need a bit of a break. Every few months would be good. I still love chess and hope to hang and chess with you lot again one day. Lately, though, I've had too much going on. And in two weeks I'm gone to the other side of the world for at least a year.

No point forcing it. We all appreciate the effort you put in Kamoh. I've still got you all on my chess list on aim. I'll be in touch. I know I'll play you all again at some point.


I've mulled over the idea of moving current competitions back to General in order to increase viewership. For selfish reasons, of course, as one is potentially related to my project.

But the move underscores how many think stuff posted in Comps loses attention. When current compos complete, they will be moved back to Competitions as more of an archive. I haven't run this past anybody, so it's more of an impulse thing, and we'll see how it goes after I discuss things more with TO & Douli.

Too much math, too few hadoukens. Worst tournament game ever [/sarcasm]. Is that what you were playing when I was talking to you the other day?

Yeah I think so...

  • 3 weeks later...
I've mulled over the idea of moving current competitions back to General in order to increase viewership. For selfish reasons, of course, as one is potentially related to my project.

But the move underscores how many think stuff posted in Comps loses attention. When current compos complete, they will be moved back to Competitions as more of an archive. I haven't run this past anybody, so it's more of an impulse thing, and we'll see how it goes after I discuss things more with TO & Douli.

After djp thought about it, he's moved the Competitions forum under Workspace where it's not merely a sublisting and should remain visible. The arrangement will be kept like this, but hopefully this solves some of the visibility problems caused when this was a subforum under Community.

After djp thought about it, he's moved the Competitions forum under Workspace where it's not merely a sublisting and should remain visible. The arrangement will be kept like this, but hopefully this solves some of the visibility problems caused when this was a subforum under Community.

As long as we can keep current competitions on the GenDisc forum, this isn't an issue - I don't care where the repository ends up.

However, if this is where current competitions must go, then it's over and done here...if DJP thinks that visibility will be better as a Workspace forum he's out of his mind - it's now INVISIBLE to the casual forumgoer.


As long as we can keep current competitions on the GenDisc forum, this isn't an issue - I don't care where the repository ends up.

However, if this is where current competitions must go, then it's over and done here...if DJP thinks that visibility will be better as a Workspace forum he's out of his mind - it's now INVISIBLE to the casual forumgoer.

I don't think this forum is even designed for the casual forumgoers any moreso than the ReMixing forum is. Like that forum, this one is designed for a more specific purpose. After doing the move myself over the last few weeks and seeing the results, I don't think lack of visibility is the biggest negative, in that a lot more has to be done to make sure concepts thrive than just having it in the Community forum.


counter productive


Is there any way we can keep it so that new competition threads are first created in General then later moved here? Like, have a new compo in general for about two weeks to give it some views by those that don't visit the other sub forums, then move it here to finish it. Having this sub be the new place is worse than have this being a subforum of general.

counter productive


Is there any way we can keep it so that new competition threads are first created in General then later moved here? Like, have a new compo in general for about two weeks to give it some views by those that don't visit the other sub forums, then move it here to finish it. Having this sub be the new place is worse than have this being a subforum of general.

Well I'm under the impression that competitions will stay in Community until they end.

Larry, btw, competitions really need the casual visitor a LOT more than the ReMixing boards do - we have no other rallying point as a community.

  • 2 weeks later...

i thought the previous arrangement of allowing active compos in GD was a great idea, and a fair compromise.

I don't think lack of visibility is the biggest negative, in that a lot more has to be done to make sure concepts thrive than just having it in the Community forum.

could you elaborate on this point?



Beyond just making a competition, it has to be a good enough idea that it'll attract people and subsequently continue to attract people.

For now, everything active will stay in the Competitions area. I've got no problem with putting stuff in General, as it was my idea, but the buck stops with djpretzel. I'd PM him and explain your reasoning behind why you'd prefer current compo threads in the Community area.


I'm just putting in my two cents about the OCRCL. I honestly stopped playing hoping it would encourage more people to play. I just kept stomping people that eventually I had players simply forfeit/give up/give me the win for free when I asked for a game. From my point of view, I was crushing the community.

Now I haven't been lurking regularly but I've been coming here for 6+ years, and I signed up for the forums 5 years ago and immediately lurked. It wasn't until last year that I felt a part of the community, even if I lurked more than posted, what with actually competing in the long dead Speedrun competition (I was Dark_shadow5 if any of you recall the OCRVSC). Heck, I still have the old Geocities page bookmarked. But thats not my point.

My point is that because of you Kamoh, I actually felt a part of the OCR forum community and not another extremely avid OCR music fan.

I'm not asking you to stay, but for what it's worth, Thanks.


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