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This is my first post here at OCReMix.org, so I will welcome myself and share some information about me. I learned of this site by downloading video game remixes from a P2P file sharer. I noticed that all the best remixes were from OCReMix.org. I checked out the site and downloaded all the big bundles of remixes. I love them. They are all I listen to anymore. My Ipod only has OCReMixes on it. I strongly salute all the remixers for their incredible amounts of talent. I have become inspired to make my own remixes, as well. I am very amateur, but i wish to become like you. I am very proud to be a part of this community, and i wish to learn from the best.


Yo. I'm AD. This is my livejournal - although I haven't been making much use of it lately. Those golden statues you see everywhere - those are me. OCR worships them five times a day.

Basically, the only thing you need to know is that I'm a misanthropic alcoholic that is superior to you in every way. When I'm not being a cynical son of a bitch, I actually give pretty good advice - though it's usually the kind you don't want to hear.

I know a fuckton about the comic world - particularly DC, less so with Marvel (and a handful of the indie comies). Ask questions about comic books, expect to get a treatise.

I am your average, run of the mill liberal democrat. I don't use my brain, I just kind of follow the crowd and hop on political bandwagons - but I do like to pat myself on the back about how righteouslly progressive I am. Like, I once killed a puppy to show how pro-choice I am. I also believe that the federal government should set up an environmental gestapo to enforce environmental concerns (it's like this: either drive a hybrid or recycle your cans, or the government black bags you and sends you to re-education and indoctrination camps - ie. public school). I believe that all wealth should be redistributed, and anybody who has the audacity to be financially well off should have their assets seized and effectively forced into slavery. I fully embrace a fascist and dictatorial regime that tells us all what to do, say and think and makes the world a place so that nobody can be hurt (by themselves or others) or ever be offended by anything. It's for the greater good. Es Lebe Amerika! Vote Democrat.


Like many others I've listened to songs from the OCR community for some years and have always been impressed. I've played music for years in different bands and groups but I've never had the patience (until now) to sit down and actually learn a bit of software good enough for it to make the sounds I want it to. It has always seemed easier to tell the drummer what to do or tell the 2nd or 3rd guitarist "play this." There's always too much to fiddle with in the softwares but I know that if I can ever grasp these concepts... I'll make some cool stuff. Looking forward to learning.

P.s. - Main instrument is electric or acoustic guitar but I also can manage on drums, piano, and some violin.

I'm sure I'll be asking for a lot of pointers/help on the "help me I suck" forums.... harharhar


I wasnt able to remix or make any music at all for over a month. my old computers motherboard faild and I was stuck without a computer. what hell that was! well I got an entire new setup and Im back on my feet! and Im a little happy that happend because my new setup handles fl studio way better than the old one! no more crackling from an overloaded cpu!

I also finnaly have some good monitoring headphones. they're the audio-technicas ATH-M50's and I love them! now I have to save up for a midi keyboard, monitors, and dual 24" widescreen displays.

also Im working on sky sanctuary rock agian and its sounding great! I'll post an update on it soon!


Hey everyone! I'm thinking I'm here to stay.

Right now, I'm working on the mansion theme to Luigi's Mansion. In my head it sounds awesome, but I'm trying to get that same effect to come out on the computer.

Hey everyone! I'm thinking I'm here to stay.

Right now, I'm working on the mansion theme to Luigi's Mansion. In my head it sounds awesome, but I'm trying to get that same effect to come out on the computer.

Just hang around the WIP forums and read tutorials and you'll be on your way :)



Though I've already posted a few times, I figure I'll be polite and use this thread to introduce myself.

Hey, I'm Mason. I play guitar and a wee bit of keyboard. I can only afford to be using GarageBand at the moment, but I hope to acquire Logic someday soon. I would gladly collaborate with ReMixers who need clean or ambient guitar-playing, and I look forward to becoming an active member of OverClocked ReMix.

Thanks for having me. :)


I've been a member of the forums for a while now and have made a few posts.. but I wanted to properly introduce myself here.

I'm called Kirie in a few places around the web, I'm 21, and of course a big video game fan. I've really enjoyed this site and the remixes for a long time now, but have only recently been active here.

Probably very obvious that I'm shy, but have been trying to get over that. I don't play music myself (except maybe a couple really simple songs on the keyboard) even though I'd love to really learn someday. To put it simply.. a self described big video game dork, who also enjoys web and graphic design.

Um, I guess that's it really, I don't want to go on a tangent or something. But It's really nice to meet all of you!


Heylo everybody - I'm a LONG time lurker (a year or two at LEAST) who just decided to finally establish an official account for no good reason.

I'm a freshman up in WWU (Washington State) studying international diplomacy and linguistics while trying to not play so many video games (hard to, what with Oj-Box/WC/Galaxy/Z:TP). LOVE music, have all the OCR albums and can play clarinet and piano (albeit not spectacularly). I come from a military background as well - spent my high school years attending an American HS in Naples, Italy.

*insert joke about porn and/or how I enjoy long walks on the beach*



Hi all. I've been listening to OCRemix for a year or so now (I was mostly introduced to it through listening to the Hedgehog Heaven and Project Chaos albums), and I thought I'd join in the forums. I'm used to messing about with MIDIs, either composing or arranging them, but I've never really got the hang of using stuff outside of the General MIDI set.

I'm actually trying to make a remix at the moment based around Theme Hospital (specifically, a number of the things the Announcer says set to "Fortune", one of the songs on the game's soundtrack). I think what I've got so far sounds pretty good, but I'll admit that it's probably a long way off OCRemix standards because it still relies on GM. I'm also using Microsoft DirectMusic Producer, which I bet will have some of you rolling your eyes, and I'm having trouble finding free instruments in the format it takes (.DLS). Anyway, feel free to have a listen to it and make suggestions (although the introductions thread is probably the wrong thread in which to say something like that): http://www.mediafire.com/?8wl1dbg3ljj


Greetings!!! I am a complete newbie to this concept, but I am looking for ways to expand my musical creativity. I am a guitar/bass player from AZ. Recently, I did some music clips for a friend who was designing a new game mod for his guild. Counterstrike was the name I believe. I enjoyed the concept and now I am looking for other ways to get some music out there. I also work with an international music collaboration site and have many other msuicians/artists who might find this type of site interesting and challenging.

I will try to lay low and get a feel for things here, but I wanted to say hello and get my foot closer to the door.



Howdy. I recently joined because I finally got around to torrenting the Project Chaos soundtrack, which is by and large quite brilliant.

I've been doing some S3K stuff myself, including remixes of material from the PC version, but I honestly don't feel it's worth posting around here since I'm rendering handmade MIDIs (i.e., non-humanized) through MidiG with the aid of some free soundfonts and such. Sounds not very great in other words, but I wouldn't be averse to having someone else cover it.

I'm a poor college student who composes in his free time; I don't have the materials or methods to do any serious performance and recording of this work, though the compositions in and of themselves are of decent quality at this point, I would say. (In fact, I think that Freezepop ripped me off!)


Greetings everyone, I'm Michael :). I'm 17 (18 shortly), live in Australia...on a farm :|. I thought after a few days since downloading "Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream" (which blew me away, some of the most awesome vgm rearrangements I've ever experienced) I thought I would join up and see what it's all about here.

I'm rather interested in doing my own rearrangements/remixes, I've never done one before however, I've had some experience composing some original midis, and recently I've learnt about VST and Soundfonts, I only have free VST and Soundfonts at the moment but hey, you do have to start somewhere :).

So I am just popping in to introduce myself and I will be looking forward to remaining in this community, hopefully for a long time :).

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