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Hi, I am Aaliyah aka DJ Aaliyah or sometimes DJ Sparkle or DJ Sapphire. 27 years old, love music, mixing classical tunes into hip hop or dance, one of my favourite songs like that is Sweetbox Everthings Gonna Be Alright.

I loving gamin on my PC, Sims 3, NFS, Splinter Cell. I like watching films and anything with vampires in.


I hail from the OCR TF2 server! My brother was a fan of OCR a while ago when I started playing TF2 for srs, and I stumbled across the server and was all "oh hey it's those guys that that guy likes". Recently I've started learning guitar and music theory and asked myself, "What's a good community I could join online to foster my interest in music?" Then, while playing TF2, the answer dawned on me.



Hi Everyone,

I am a HUGE music geek. (Failed at going to college for music engineering, but that's mainly because schooling + me = not so much...) However, I have a fairly good ear for music, and a thoroughly varied pallet.

I ran an internet radio station for several years, and am currently employed by a non-profit organization that works to connect people to civic engagement initiatives, and thus build stronger and healthier communities. I am their main tech-person-of-doom, and have been managing the back-end of their systems for two years. (Mostly focused on web-technology, but have recently branched out into writing a technology-training curriculum). Before that I ran my radio station for 3 years, and before that I was an assistant store manager @ a Gamestop (when it was still Funcoland is when I got my start.)

Anywho, I haven't had a good chance to work my creative juices in some time now, and since I've been poking around here for a while now, decided I would finally create an account and open my mouth.

Tactical RPGs & SNK Fighters (Samurai Spirits/Shodown & Last Blade specifically) are by bread & butter, however like any good gamer I have a deep grounding in the platformers of yore.

I have a decent amount of production & remix experience, and have done production for several local acts, mostly as a way to connect with people and expand their art (so yeah, I will travel with my laptop & record people for free). I started with a tascam 8-track back in my high-school days, and have since gone bozo on a MacBook Pro with Logic & an M-Audio Firewire 410, and a supplementary Behringer mixing board.

Oh wow, my "gee look imanewb" post has gone way over my comfort level in terms of ramblieness, so I am going to stop now. However, i look forward to being a part of this community (though I may be a sporadic contributor at times as my job makes me SUPER BUSY) and hope that I can get a remix that will be judge worthy in the coming months.




hi guyz lol im new here and just wante dto say hello and this is the best site on the internet! i love the music but there definitely needs to be more halo remixes!! i hope to get to know all the music and artists and get some advice on how to make some awesome final fantasy mixes (im working on a remix for cloud's theme right now with garageband lol). peace!!

ps how to do put pictures as my signature??



What does the scouter say abou- ...nah, I'm not gonna do it. This is a forum that has not yet been taken over by strange memes, and I don't want to present the wrong image :nicework:

But honestly, how often does this opportunity come up??

Here's the official newbie welcome thread:


Welcome! =)

ps how to do put pictures as my signature??

Click "User CP" in the bar near the top, then "Edit Signature" under "Your Control Panel".

Posted (edited)

thanks guys! i don't know what a yashaman is but it doesnt sound very popular here :P sorry for this thread please delete it if it is necessary!


Edited by Kenobio
haha sorry it was just a really lame attempt at sarcastic trolling too

If by "a lame attempt at sarcastic trolling" you mean "making an alt account and pretending to be new" then yeah.

Alt accounts aren't allowed. Please use the forum for actually talking about things, rather than screwing around.

Enjoy your week off.


Hey all. I'm Ryumaru-MG, Ryumaru or just Ryu for short. I've listened to a good deal of the Sonic remixes from here, and kinda wanted to get in on the act. So if I seem like a total n00b... well, there you go. I hope I can pull off some awesome stuff here, eventually. Now, I just need to get pointed in the right direction...


Hi OCRemix forum community people!

I'm Metroidfan10, and I'm a fan of Metroid (go figure right?). I've been enjoying mixes from here since 2003, and finally decided to join in the discussion. I might even try to do some remixing of my own. I'm a guitarist, so that would probably be the media I'd use.





I'm new to this site.

I have a good friend who is part of this site and such.

Helps out from what I gather.


My names is Jordon but prefer it if you call me Jaydee Toxicity:D

I am a newb when it comes to remixes and the like.

I hope to one day be a good contributor, til then I lurk :D

And cuz I'm daring.

Here is a pic of me :D




Hi OverClocked ReMix community ! I'm Edge, fifteen, french and new comer.

I surely will do a lot of mistakes (I don't speak english as well as french), but I promise I will try to work on it.

Well then, welcome to everyone ! :-P


Hey folks!

Long time listener, first time poster...

I've been a big fan of OCR for a long time, ever since I started feeling nostalgic for old game music. I first tried to find the original songs, but this was often difficult or expensive. but then heard of your site and was blown away by the consistent high quality of the remixes, and I've not looked back!

I wish everyone here the greatest of success, and eagerly await those projects that are currently in progress.

I did have one question to ask though, which is I suppose why I registered. I was looking at the requests thread, and noticed it was geared towards asking about specific games or specific tracks within games.

I was looking to make a general request for a few well known PC game series, but wasn't really sure if that was the appropriate place to ask... and I feel a bit forward in asking, since I can make very little contribution due to my complete lack of musical ability!

requests is for all requests. if you want to hear remixes of starcraft songs, you can make a general post there detailing what you mean.

just don't expect anything. it's rare for things to come from requests, in case you didn't notice.

Thanks, I've made my pitch.

Better to ask and hope, than stay silent and never know.

I'll be happy with several of the upcoming projects anyway, and there always seems to be plenty of new remixes whenever I visit.

Thanks again!


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