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Hi I made the mistake of posting this in general but I don't want to retype it all so I'll just say hello to you all; I LOVE the site.

welcome on board like zircon has already said.

and ctrl+C if oyu don't want to retype a post :wink::lol:


Hey i would be new not really to this site but using the site for things other then music is a little new and is ffmusic DJ a mixer or spinner of Music

(sos about my thread i waz curious how come u guyz were so hostile far out...)

(sos about my thread i waz curious how come u guyz were so hostile far out...)

From what I gather it's basically the way you made the thread, and the fact that you didn't read the big stickies or even the announcements on the Remixing forum.

You might also wanna work on your spelling and grammar. The OCR forums are not a chatroom, you have plenty of time to type out and spellcheck your posts before hitting that big old tempting Submit button.

Anyways, FFMusicDJ is a remixer. Should say enough, considering his works have been posted on the site before.

(sos about my thread i waz curious how come u guyz were so hostile far out...)
You might also wanna work on your spelling and grammar. The OCR forums are not a chatroom, you have plenty of time to type out and spellcheck your posts before hitting that big old tempting Submit button.

Ya, that's about it.



Yo! I'm Papi, and it's nice to be here! I've been listening in to this site for a while now, and finally registered (as per advice from someone in the chat room)...anywho, one more gamer/videogame music lover for the fold, everyone. Feel free to drop me a message or look for me over an IM (I'm on 3, I think...AIM...YIM...MSN...yeah, that's it)

Well, I'm about to grab some dinner, so I'll be around later (and tommorow, and so on). Adios!!!



Hey, I'm Ninjawho.

A friend of mine refered me to OCR and I've been hooked ever since.

I'm very interested in remixing so this was a Godsend.

I think I'll go lurk now...



Hi, I'm pinao212.

I play runescape on my spare time, and I make flash animations. I will admit that I've downloaded music from here before for the animations. You will usually see me in the unmoderated section, as I love and live to spam and talk about other subjects. I will not spam in other sections, though. Also, I'm 14, almost 15, and am happily awaiting the Nintendo Revolution.


ctrl c ctrl v

Sup all you crazy cats out there and welcome to the world that shall consume your soul @_@

Seriously though, welcome to the forums. PLEASE NOTE that you DON'T have to be a remixer to have fun and contribute to the community.

Since you are all starting, I highly recommend in staying JUST in general discussion. That way you can get used to the flow of things. Once you are ready, go ahead and check out PP&R. I only recommend checking out Unmod if you really feel like you know how to work the boards inside and out AND have the guts and bravery to endure getting flamed to hell.

Anyhow younglings, have fun!


I'm new, hence this post in the newbie thread. I have dreams of becoming a great remixer...

But that will take work.

hello buddy, and welcome here, I hope you'll enjoy your stay.

if you're here to become a remixer, my suggestion is to download plenty of these awesome remixes, and then don't be shy and post your questions here and your remixes here. feedback from talented people is going to arrive. :wink:


I'm new, hence this post in the newbie thread. I have dreams of becoming a great remixer...

But that will take work.

hello buddy, and welcome here, I hope you'll enjoy your stay.

if you're here to become a remixer, my suggestion is to download plenty of these awesome remixes, and then don't be shy and post your questions here and your remixes here. feedback from talented people is going to arrive. :wink:

Thank you. I've been downloading mixes from here for years... it's great.


Hi to all OCR Forum members.

I'm just the normal newbie who knows nothing about how to mix but enjoys mix's.

I used to enjoy rpg's, the latest rpg I played (properly) is grandia 2. Latest completed FFX.

I'm more of a fighting game fan so i'm very much into all the SF games and Tekken.

P.S. I have looked around and have failed to find tutorials on how to get started on mixing. There is many help and tutorials on what software to get what not but there is no basic introduction to editing guide. I dont even understand half the lingo that goes on round here... If you hadn't already guessed I want to get into mixing.:)


Hey guys.

I'm Mahon.. my real name is Tim. I'm 16 years old, almost 17. I'm from the USA; South Carolina to be exact.

I have been visiting this site for quite awhile now, I just haven't registered until now.

I have loved Music for as long as I've been old enough to appreciate it. There is just something about music that makes me go crazy. I have an incredible passion for it.

I have been playing guitar for about 3 years now.

I'm trying to teach myself piano, but I guess we'll see how that works out.

For about 2 years of my life [since I first saw this site] I've been frustrated trying to figure out how to hook a MIDI controller up to my computer and use it to sequence music. I finally got Reason 3.0 a few days ago and got it to work. :) I'm pretty excited now!

As far as other things:

I like to play video games, I love art, I love to be creative, and I love graphic design. I'm pretty much involved with anything artistic.

So that pretty much means that I'm a beginner when it comes to piano,Mixing/ReMixing and all of the technical stuff that comes along with those categories. I'm not a beginner to music, but I struggle with piano and hardware setups. :(

I have a question though..

I have been reading over the Judges' section of the forum and I'm a little bit nervous at how many NO's I see. I'm a beginner, so I feel that most of those people have been creating music for some time. Also, the ones that get accepted, for the most part, are incredible. Is it normal to feel intimidated as a beginner?

Well, that's it for my long post. Thank you for reading. I just wanted to introduce myself.. I hope to talk to all of you in the future. :wink:


Thanks for that link nineko but I already checked the stickies. Infact I only joined the forum after I found no luck in the stickies.

Maybe I will ask there thanks.


sup, you guys. im warrior kin. im 14 years old. and you might think im the youngest remixer youve seen. well, im not sure bout that. :| i think this is an awesome site. heh, heh, heh, alllriiiiight.

i like classic games and first person shooters. even fighting games. and remixing........i have fl studio 6


I'm not exactly a 'newbie', but I'd like to say Hi to everyone. I'm 19, I go to the Peabody Conservatory(which means I'll most likely be at the April 1st meetup), I study Composition, and I'm also a pianist and organist.

I love (some) video game music, namely that of M. Hamauzu, and of course, Uematsu, N. Sano, and N. Mizuta. I've done in the past numerous piano arrangements(Unlimited:SAGA, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, etc.), and have always wanted to collaborate on various other instrumental pieces. Now that I've found some people at my school who are also interested in vgm, I might be able to contribute some remix stuff to this site!

Also, I belong to other forums you guys might have heard of: I'm Appasite Ire over at Gamingforce IF, and Nickthoven over at Squaresound. Although, I'm not really active at either anymore...oh well.

Anyway, HI! ;)

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