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I hope no one minds me bumping this thread since it hasn't received any replies for a while... Just seemed silly to start a new thread when this was already here.

Going through this thread was fun. I really liked all the pictures and the concept of OCR having a mascot and all that. Who designed each tan? Blackmyst designed number 4, right? What about the others then?

Also did a quick one of number 4, myself.


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I hope no one minds me bumping this thread since it hasn't received any replies for a while... Just seemed silly to start a new thread when this was already here.

Going through this thread was fun. I really liked all the pictures and the concept of OCR having a mascot and all that. Who designed each tan? Blackmyst designed number 3, right? What about the others then?

Also did a quick one of number 3, myself.


I love your style, Otaku. But that's 4-Tan. :-P

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Ah, okay. I like all their designs. So props to original creators and whatnot. XD And thanks Halycon, BGC, and Kyle.

I attempted her darker to fit in better with a dark theme and that probably would have been better accomplished if I had stayed away from the browns. Ah well.


Not as detailed as it should be since I lost mah mojo towards the end. Blur tool abuse ftl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. This thread gets shuffled off the main page really quickly. I had no idea there were replies to this. And with artwork to boot! I love seeing characters reinterpreted in other artists' styles and I'm really digging yours, The Otaku. :nicework: Makes me wonder what the other girls might look like...

And speaking of other girls, with a new season comes a new sig. It's 3-Tan again, but I may add the others if I can find the time.


Sorry, but that's as big as it gets, and that's all of her that there is too. I would have done her legs, but it took me 10 straight hours just to get this far.

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Wow. Flippin' sweet. I love it!

Glad you like it. I draw not only because I like doing so, but also so others will hopefully enjoy the final product.

She's adorable!

Thanks! That's been my goal with her from the very beginning. Good to know she's cute enough. :razz:

I'd like to see a version of OCR4-tan to match Rama's black theme. Any takers?

The Otaku gave it a shot on page 59. Might be a bit too brown, but it looks good. Who knows? I might give it a shot sometime too.

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The Otaku gave it a shot on page 59. Might be a bit too brown, but it looks good. Who knows? I might give it a shot sometime too.

I did see that, but it's more like the new standard OCR colors (with the darker grays) rather than mimicking the full-on black skin. Not sure what The Otaku was going for there, but I envision a version of 4-Tan Black having more...well, black. :-P

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