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Man, two more months until the game get release! Along with Halo 3, Final Fantasy IV DS, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, MGS4 is fucking own!

Hey, about the Beauty and the Beast units, more info on them (Besides the models and general backstory infomation)



The Metal Gear Online Beta is available for download (One day ahead of schedule!). Bust out your registration numbers from the preorder.

I'm downloading mine right now. 15%. Too bad I can't play it until Monday. But... hey, it makes me feel that much more closer to my beloved Metal Gear Solid 4 and MGO. :)


I can't wait to see this game. I've read next to nothing minus some of the footage shown for it.

But I can't shake the feeling that the story is just too far out. Yeah, sounds ridiculous (Robotic tanks walking, an undead vampire, double and triple crosses, a fat bomber who can outskate you, naked dudes running amuk, a hacker with a bizarre love with his mom, psychics, , how far has Metal Gear gone?), but to me it just feels like it's gone further into ridiculous territory, but that's just my opinion, chances are I'll love this one more than MGS:TS and MGS 2:SOL (never played MGS3).


So apparently EB left a message on the phone about the preorder bonus, according to my mom. If my brother doesn't pick it up later today I'm going to head out tomorrow to pick it up.

It'll be rad, and all of us who get our hands on the preorder should definitely try and play together.

I can't wait to see this game. I've read next to nothing minus some of the footage shown for it.

But I can't shake the feeling that the story is just too far out. Yeah, sounds ridiculous (Robotic tanks walking, an undead vampire, double and triple crosses, a fat bomber who can outskate you, naked dudes running amuk, a hacker with a bizarre love with his mom, psychics, , how far has Metal Gear gone?), but to me it just feels like it's gone further into ridiculous territory, but that's just my opinion, chances are I'll love this one more than MGS:TS and MGS 2:SOL (never played MGS3).

You really should play MGS3. It changes the way how you view the series and it gives light to some Metal Gear history. Also they go into a bit of history of the Patriots at some point.


Okay, so the downloading the beta went okay, but the thing had a patch that took 3 FREAKIN' hours... geez.

I thought it was cool that they added a Download from Server option and a BitTorrent option right in the game. First time I'd ever seen that. :)


We should definitely get everyone together to play online. :)

So is anyone else rocking a Metal Gear syled codename/username for MGO?


This is one scary, scary news concerning MGS4... Kojima is disappointed with MGS4:


Can't get worse than this. And I really anticipated the game. I hope he's wrong, because my PS3 purchase hinged on it. Now I really might stick with the 360 with Wii on the side.

Also, Kojima saying he 'overestimated' PS3's power is a major blow. For the hardware.


It's important to note that he's mainly disappointed with the hardware aspect, not the gameplay or story aspect. This is especially regarding the "vision" he had for the graphics of the game.

"Game-wise, it's pretty close to the original vision: you sneak into the battlefield and can choose whether to do a stealth game or interfere with the battle more directly. But the graphic, side things like motion-blending and the size of the map, totally was not accomplished to my original vision - to my satisfaction."
(follow injin's link to read more)

Kotaku also points out that Kojima is a "well-known perfectionist", and I can even recall him back in the development of MGS2 making very similar comments regarding his dissatisfaction with his graphical vision of the game near the end of its completion, as well as the initial difficulty in developing with the PS2 hardware. I wouldn't worry too much about it myself, even about his comments dealing with the power of the PS3. But only time will tell, I suppose...


Even if he's dissapointed that he could pull off everything he wanted, I'm willing to bet Kojima's partially realized vision is a more innovative game, jam packed with more cool things to do and try out than almost any other developer could pull off. As long as he managed the stuff with gameplay that he wanted, which he even says he did, then I'm sold.


You'll buy it and find out you don't play as Snake, because he dies an in. Instead, for the rest of the game, you will play as Little Orphan Annie who isn't REALLY Annie, just a 34-year-old man pretending to be her, and Snake's reanimated corpse is the final boss, but you gain the power to go Super Saiyan from Snake's soul and defeat his own corpse with a Jargon Blast.


All this coverage is silly, imo. All game developers have a vision of a game in their head. Just because he's not able to realize it in it's entirety doesn't mean the game or system are bad. If you just look at MGS4's videos (and the reviews coming from that bootcamp they just had) the press is creaming over the game. I think it's silly to be making judgements like this. Kojima is a perfectionist, we've known this for years. I think A LOT of game developers don't reach their vision, but they have to settle with what they have because of budgets, deadlines, etc.

I think the media coverage of this is just being blown out of proportion. Every site I see has this story, and the comments section is like "OMG NOT BYING PS3 NOW, NUB!!11!" For crying out loud.

The game will be revolutionary, just not as revolutionary as Kojima might have wanted it, and I'm sure this is the case with ALL the MGS titles. Again, he says gameplay is close to his vision, while primarily the graphics and level size were the only thing that were a little off. Is this a problem? Since when did we really value graphics over gameplay anyway? The game looks fantastic, and maybe its due to Kojima setting the bar so high that the MGS series continues to do cool things in the gaming world. Just because he sets the bar to crazy heights and can't hit it, doesn't mean the game is going to fail, or that Kojima Productions didn't reach crazy heights for gameplay and graphics. No big deal. This whole thing is getting out of hand all over the internet. THE ONLY complaint I've really heard of from reviewers are a few low resolution textures. *rolls eyes* Is that it!?!?!?

And about PS3 processing power. He says he's pushing the Cell to the limit, but if I remember correctly he said the same thing about MGS2, and a few years later Snake Eater came out and blew the effects MGS2 had out of the water. There are always optimizations and tweaks these devs can do to use the power more efficiently. Kojima goes out of his way not to blame the PS3 hardware, which I think is important.


SUMMARY: everyone chill, seriously, it's not a big deal. All you need are your own two eyes to see the game looks fantastic. Most game devs set the bar high and don't reach it, which I believe is a common practice. I respect Kojima for his candor. All game developers deal with this. Not. A. Big. Deal. Would have been cool to see his vision fully realized, but that's what his next games are for... (Snatcher plz).

While I love the candid response and chat from Kojima, I just don't think the internet can handle this type of interview. (sighs @ Kotaku comment makers). Kojima's being too hard on himself because, like I said above, he's a known perfectionist.




Metal Gear Online BETA starts in a day and a half! I got my Konami code (Thank God!). I think the id.konami.com website is beginning to work for people too, so if you're in the beta and gave up on that dumb site (like I almost did) just a heads up. :)


Maybe you're right in the way that MGS5 or something might push it further. Actually, it should anyway.

As for the whole controversy, I think it more revolves around the hardware in itself and not MGS4 entirely. The bottleneck of memory was always suspected and now more developers are being upfront about it. That just doesn't sound good for Sony IMO.


Okay, so if they put the beta online when the clock hits 12 in Japan (like they did with putting the beta up), then the beta should be available in... hmm... 8 or 9 hours.

Here's hoping it happens again like it did with the original download.

I'll have to squeeze all my finals to a small little corner while the majority of my time will be taking place in the beta. haha. Psh, university. I know what's important. Laying porno mags on the ground, and running around inside a box.


Beta servers are shut down until further notice. Man, Konami's servers just got pwned.

US BETA start time to be decided. They say they'll have an update on the 22nd (Tuesday night) at 23:00 PDT... 11PM Pacific Time (technically Wednesday morning for the rest of the US; 1AM CST, 2AM EST).

Totally blows, but they're making up for the inconvenience by extending the beta 5 more days. :)

I'm not entirely sure about the times for EU dates, but they're in the same boat pretty much.

... GameFAQs is always crazy, but it's madness in the forums right now.

EDIT: Supposedly it will be up Friday at midnight Pacific Time, according to the English (U.S) website. So at 2 AM CST Friday morning, barring any problems, I can play MGO ... =)

  • 4 weeks later...

Tons of news... new trailers... and a day ago Kojima did some damage control and said he was NOT disappointed with MGS4, and was only being humble.

Also, new theatrical trailer... it all fairly recent right now on Kotaku.

Some people weren't digging the product placement stuff, but I think it's kind of funny. There's something about Snake holding up an energy drink and smiling that makes me lawl.

Below are kinda-but-not-really-Spoilers:

And I guess that Young Snake we saw was just the OctoCamo mask based on the trailers making the OctoCamo sound when transferring from old Snake to younger. Which is cool. Maybe we'll get some interesting Easter Eggs for different heads. :)

I can't wait to see this game. I've read next to nothing minus some of the footage shown for it.

But I can't shake the feeling that the story is just too far out. Yeah, sounds ridiculous (Robotic tanks walking, an undead vampire, double and triple crosses, a fat bomber who can outskate you, naked dudes running amuk, a hacker with a bizarre love with his mom, psychics, , how far has Metal Gear gone?), but to me it just feels like it's gone further into ridiculous territory, but that's just my opinion, chances are I'll love this one more than MGS:TS and MGS 2:SOL (never played MGS3).

it was his step mom


I'm diggin the new videos they released last week. :)


Somewhere I heard that in the intro video of MGS4, there is some footage from the live-action Hollywood Metal Gear Solid movie... can anyone show me where this was said or uncovered? I think I might have heard Ryan Payton say it over a month ago during his (apparently dead?) podcast. Anyone else know anything about this?

When I saw that picture, I immediately set out to make this post, only to scroll down and see that I'd been beaten to it.


I'm not sure if anybody has said anything about this, but there is actually some odd connection to David Bowie and MSG3. In an interview with Hideo Kojima, Kojima stated that he wanted to use space oddity and ashes to ashes as ending themes to MSG3, but when the game shifted away from the "Space race" theme, the songs went with it. Also, Major Zero is first named "Major Tom" in the virtuous mission in the beginning of the game. Major Tom being the dude from space oddity.

I couldn't find the interview with Kojima, but it WAS on wikipedia...so take with a grain of salt, huh?


Also, super stoked for MSG4. Seriously. I'm gonna highjack my buddy's PS3 when he gets it, just like I did for GTA4. Because I'm broke and a terrible person =D

DJ Metal

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