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It's the 21st century, why haven't these games been realized?

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Theres basically only one game that needs to be made:

Massively Multiplayer....POKEMON.


What we have in Diamond/Pearl is good enough. A full Pokemon MMO would suck, let's not push our luck.


What we have in Diamond/Pearl is good enough. A full Pokemon MMO would suck, let's not push our luck.

Well I wouldn't call it an MMO but I remember a friend brought me onto a massive multiplayer Yu-Gi-Oh card dueling game. I wish I still had the information on it.. and if it were still open.. it was a great game.

Genre: FPS/Survival Sandbox

Title: Zombies vs Humans

Rain and fog can hamper vision. Zombies can't see very well at night, but you'll probably want to travel during the day too.

Edit: Oh yes, and it's supposed to be extremely scary and zombies will pop out at you and you'll need a flashlight sometimes. (not like doom, don't worry, but your battery might run out)

I think the ultimate zombie FPS would hinge largely on cinematography.

- The problem with using an FPS engine as applied here is that the graphics are too sharp, the edges of polygons too crisp. Things need to look grainier and a bit blurry, like you are in a really bad dream.

- Also, during zombie chases when you are running away, the camera needs to start shaking like crazy and the picture needs to have multiple quick cutaways to the zombies chasing you. I am totally serious about this. If you have seen 28 Weeks Later, the first scene when the useless coward of a dad is running for his life away from that isolated shed -- that is what I'm talking about. This style needs to be translated into videogame format, but only during select chase scenes so it doesn't get overused.

- I am tired of the robotically smooth glide known as the walk/run. If you are running for your life, you are not traveling like your legs are tank tracks. You will be stumbling, tripping, looking back, slowing down, speeding up, etc. You are a human. None of this Terminator bullshit for a zombie FPS.

- Zombies don't carry guns or anything of the sort, but they run fast and outnumber you. For a zombie FPS, it is imperative that your lifebar represents what it would be like in a zombie movie. That is, if you get caught, you are dead or nearly dead. If you get surrounded by say 5 zombies, even a shotgun wouldn't do you much good. The emphasis on running is what makes the Resident Evil series (except 4) so great. Too many zombies, not enough ammo or life. Running was the only option.

As for my own crazy new genre, I'd like to see Street Fighter 3 meets Final Fight.


Someone remember that game where you need to cross and survive a town after an earthquake on PS2? I found the idea fun. Survival Catastrophe sound more fun than survival horror. Omg zombies again.

Still, if they did make a Pokemon MMO, and somehow separated the kids from the older teens/adults.....that would be one heck of a game.....

You guys are total drama queens. MMORPG crowds aren't the smartest bunch for the most part since they're just taken in by the addictive qualities of the games.

Also, Pokemon MMORPG could work if it's based on the normal Pokemon battles. It doesn't have to be too fancy, nor too spartan and dysfunctional like the current Diamond/Pearl setup.

But back to the topic: Shenmue 3. Too bad that while game developers are better than ever, the gaming populace is too dull and without refinement to pick up new game series that tries new things. Dynasty Warriors 20. hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Someone remember that game where you need to cross and survive a town after an earthquake on PS2? I found the idea fun. Survival Catastrophe sound more fun than survival horror. Omg zombies again.

Wasen't that...Bad Day LA or something?

The emphasis on running is what makes the Resident Evil series (except 4) so great. Too many zombies, not enough ammo or life. Running was the only option.

I like your ideas, but I think the cutscene would screw up multiplayer. There's no way to integrate it into multiplayer.

Also, yes. running should usually be a good option. I want there to be vehicles sometimes available and blockading your way into a small room (by mistake) and having limited time to figure out a way to survive. Or strapping boms to vehicles, driving it into a mob, jumping out, and hit the explosive detonation button. These kinds of strategies that can be so open ended and players can come up with many ways to beat impossible odds.

I also had some crazy "map generation" tools such as "zombie sliders"

Slider 1: Zombie Speed - fixed zombie speed or random zombie speed of x speed to y speed

Silder 2: Zombie Size - Like above, fixed or random from x to y numerical value

Slider 3: Mob sizes - Like above

Slider 5: Population of zombies in zone

Slider 6: Zombie scatter - Slider decides how scattered or grouped the zombies are. Most scattered means more zombies pop out of nowhere. Grouped means most zombies not alone.

Silder 7,8,9,etc: Vehicle amount, equipment, weapons, ammo, bridges, gaps,

AND ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THAT "Oh look, a zombie spawned over near that tree because player A walked to spot A"

Edit: And one more thing. Death will be permanent (and you turn into a zombie unless you die some other way). BUT!... but... the other alive players can find lost soldiers and then a dead player can respawn as the lost soldier. If no one is dead and you find a soldier, you simply get supplies from him and he disappears. Or maybe you call in a helicopter to pick him up (and get resupplied). I dunno.


Yes... AN MMOFPS. MORE HEADSHOTS, LESS GRINDING. With linkshells and guild halls and HEV suits! Maybe a much bigger battlefield-esque game. Any time period, I don't care, do the year 9671 for all I care, just give me a game that WORKS. Or howabout Bethesda gives us a Co-op/Multiplayer compatible Elderscrolls? None of this sloppy mod community stuff.

I wish developers would get a bit risky and make an MMO-type game with permanent death, but that doesn't sell too well... Maybe they should make a seperate mode for those who live on the edge? Sorta like the hardcore mode in diablo II? God that was fun.

And we need WAY more PSO-esque games. WAY more. I CANNOT stress this enough.

Okay I'm done not making sense. :sleepdepriv:

Yes... AN MMOFPS. MORE HEADSHOTS, LESS GRINDING. With linkshells and guild halls and HEV suits! Maybe a much bigger battlefield-esque game. Any time period, I don't care, do the year 9671 for all I care, just give me a game that WORKS. Or howabout Bethesda gives us a Co-op/Multiplayer compatible Elderscrolls? None of this sloppy mod community stuff.

I wish developers would get a bit risky and make an MMO-type game with permanent death, but that doesn't sell too well... Maybe they should make a seperate mode for those who live on the edge? Sorta like the hardcore mode in diablo II? God that was fun.

And we need WAY more PSO-esque games. WAY more. I CANNOT stress this enough.

Okay I'm done not making sense. :sleepdepriv:

PlanetSide much? Also, permanent death is the most terrible idea I've ever heard. As if MMOs weren't masochistic enough already.

Anyways I had this idea for a game. An MMO space sim. Kinda like freelancer only on a much larger scale. And a more realistic model (with the exception of superluminal travel of course). An entire galaxy could be created, with a scale from enormous space objects, black holes and crap, down to cities and civilizations on certain planets that meet the criteria for life. You, the player, are some joe schmo from wherever. A citizen of the galaxy. You can become a mercenary, a freelancer doing odd-jobs, a criminal, drug runner, soldier, space policeman, etc, etc. When on the ground, it would play kind of like a futuristic GTA. Vehicles, people wandering all over the place, etc. In space it'd be similar to freelancer, with space being populated by random factions and other freelancers, civilians, corporations, etc. Or something.

Star Fox done without furries. Sure, the fanboys would complain, but they're retard furries anyway so who cares what they think?

I have plenty of ideas for the game concept, but that's pretty much the only concrete plan I have right now.

...useless... Maybe you want to get rid of anthropomorphism from all games, ey? Animal Crossing? Diddy Kong? Donkey Kong Racing? Does a glove count as an anthropomorphic?

Maybe while we're at it, burn all anthropomorphic art and burn any anthropomorphic artists, AND THEN we can burn all the anthropomorphic fanboys...and fangirls... Especially you need to plant a nuke in Disney Land, World, and their HQ. Oh, and burn movies such as Robin Hood, does Lion King count? By definition it counts anyway... Rescuers DOWN UNDAH! Little Chicken... dang there's so many. You're screwed...

anyway im just joking. don't take me seriously.

Anyways I had this idea for a game. An MMO space sim. Kinda like freelancer only on a much larger scale. And a more realistic model (with the exception of superluminal travel of course). An entire galaxy could be created, with a scale from enormous space objects, black holes and crap, down to cities and civilizations on certain planets that meet the criteria for life. You, the player, are some joe schmo from wherever. A citizen of the galaxy. You can become a mercenary, a freelancer doing odd-jobs, a criminal, drug runner, soldier, space policeman, etc, etc. When on the ground, it would play kind of like a futuristic GTA. Vehicles, people wandering all over the place, etc. In space it'd be similar to freelancer, with space being populated by random factions and other freelancers, civilians, corporations, etc. Or something.


They have several videos and a few working betas for the game. Apparently the team consists of one programmer and a sheeeitload of artists and musical peoples.

In any case, win.

...useless... Maybe you want to get rid of anthropomorphism from all games, ey? Animal Crossing? Diddy Kong? Donkey Kong Racing? Does a glove count as an anthropomorphic?

Maybe while we're at it, burn all anthropomorphic art and burn any anthropomorphic artists, AND THEN we can burn all the anthropomorphic fanboys...and fangirls... Especially you need to plant a nuke in Disney Land, World, and their HQ. Oh, and burn movies such as Robin Hood, does Lion King count? By definition it counts anyway... Rescuers DOWN UNDAH! Little Chicken... dang there's so many. You're screwed...

anyway im just joking. don't take me seriously.

I'm not, so don't worry. :wink:

Dhsu pretty much summed up the point. The fact that there are people who actively fap to this stuff is what ruins it for me.

Besides, I wasn't talking about everything anthropomorphic, I was just saying that Star Fox would probably work as a realistic Space flight sim/shooter.

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