COVERFIRE Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 O... k... Um thanks then I guess... *backs away slowly, unsure of why he made Dark Paladin bang his head against the wall*
OverCoat Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 It does! It's called "MIDI out" You gotta set up your midi (hit f10) first before it will produce sound... err data...
Holy Warrior Azar Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 I know somebody probably already answered this, but I'm to stupid and lazy to find much is fruity loops?
Katleikin Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 Okay, I might be doing something stupid...Or my question might not make any sense, or it could be my uh, sub-par comp skills messing things just touching the keyboard, or glancing at the evil monitor...(it hates me so) But have you heard of this? I have the Fruity Soundfont player installer..and I want to start using it with my 3.0 FL...but everytime I go to install it, it gives me this message..."Error - Something went wrong with locating the FruityLoops folder"...Help? Ahhhh..
Xelebes Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 Soundfont wont work with 3.0 Solution: Upgrade to 3.3 as a minimum but preferably 3.5.6
Xelebes Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 Use the Delay from FruityLoops 3.4< It has solved the denormalisation problems. Do not use the delay in the Function Tabs, unless you want to use the Resonance nob and Pitch Nob. There are other delays... like the karlette and a few others... but I don't know if you can be bothered with them....
ResdntEvilFreak Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 Okay, I kinda already asked this, and I couldn't tell if anybody was replying to me, and I was really confused, so I will ask again... (if you answered this already, sorry) Okay.... with the Fruity Phaser, you know how it's normal, and then goes into the filtered-ish phased mode.... well, is there a way to keep it in that filtered phased mode until I wanted to... like for techno, say percussion (it's done a lot, I've noticed) and also... How do I double an instrument temporarily, like for a fill with a snare for techno... how it's usually doubled like at the last moment.... you know (It'd help if these could all not involve the piano roll, for the piano roll is retarded on my computer and freezes either my computer or just fruity loops when it's ever up, so I can't use that.... but if anybody could help with that I'd be more than willing to be a sex slave, heck, I'm desperate, female or male... )
Xelebes Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 If I knew DSP... I might help you with the phaser. But there is a solution to the doubling. Okay... open a new project. Now, when you start this you'll need to figure out what tempo is being played in your 'main' project. Let's say your 'main' project's tempo is 120 bpm. Now, this 'sub'project will have a tempo of 240 bpm. There will be 32 steps in eaxh pattern (assuming you are doing 4-4 music) Now load the same snare you are using in your project. Now fill in every snare step. Play with pan if you want to... it might be fun.... and adds a touch of professionality to it.
Xelebes Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 Oh yeah, forgot to say, this will make a drum loop! render to wav format.
ResdntEvilFreak Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 If I knew DSP... I might help you with the phaser.But there is a solution to the doubling. Okay... open a new project. Now, when you start this you'll need to figure out what tempo is being played in your 'main' project. Let's say your 'main' project's tempo is 120 bpm. Now, this 'sub'project will have a tempo of 240 bpm. There will be 32 steps in eaxh pattern (assuming you are doing 4-4 music) Now load the same snare you are using in your project. Now fill in every snare step. Play with pan if you want to... it might be fun.... and adds a touch of professionality to it. Okay, maybe i'm not fully understanding this... but if i'm in the middle of a song, and i wanna double a snare, i'm not going to bring the tempo of the song to double it's speed, JUST for a snare.... you know
Xelebes Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 No... you have to start a new 'song' and then you bring up the tempo. See?
ResdntEvilFreak Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 No... you have to start a new 'song' and then you bring up the tempo.See? so then i'd put the two songs together, sort of layer them??? cause if that's the case that's a bit much.... for a snare... there must be an easier way, and if not, oh well.... thanks anyway Now I have a diff. If you've been to the WIP:OCR section, you saw this coming... I have a mario song, and I have .wav files (mainly sfx from mario) and i need to know how to put them into the song... i go to file/import/beat to slice, import the file, blah blah blah... but i can't find it, and need help with that
Xelebes Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 They are samples... you don't need to put them in the beat slicer... Unless you want to take them apart. Create a new directory in your samples folder and put them there. Anyway to hook those up to me?
Xelebes Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 No... you make a drum loop with the snare sample... thus it becomes a sample which you can use in your song. Now do you get the drift. You make your samples.
ResdntEvilFreak Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 okay, i get exactly what you're saying now... but i don't know how to do that, i'm still relativaly new to FL, i've only used it since like january... thanks a bunch! (just in case, for other people, i have that question three posts up, just in case you missed it...)
.:Takuyuni:. Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 i know i've asked this before, and that I could find the answers to this question previously stated, if i could sit here for an hour and sift through the forms (it would take me like 5 minutes if my connection wasn't 22.2kbps) and since this is a relatively painless question that i know quite of few of you could answer without batting an eyelash, i wont think too much about posting it again... where can I get some new instruments? i used to have the places bookmarked, and im sure i could find some with google or whatnot....but, its just such a drag having to wait so long to do so little. *ph33rs the flaming*
ResdntEvilFreak Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 i could be an asshole and tell you to go to the link section, but it won't hurt my relatively short life to say this: Hammer Sound (pretty good amount of stuff, many diff. formats though) The Sound Site(excellent amount of soundfonts and soundbanks, can only d/l one at a time which's a bitch, plus the d/l's aren't really that fast, even on my cable) Enjoy... this actually brings up another question i have.. i've downloaded soundbanks before, now how do i get different instruments out of them!? (i bolded because my questions are rarely seen when attached to other replies)
.:Takuyuni:. Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 thanks for not being an ass about it... ye know, after you mentioned "link section" i felt really, really stupid. 'nuther question i ran into that stupid midiOUT problem again...this time i think its determined to not work. last time it was simply corrected, by assigning a port number to the midi out (there are three midi out things for me to select) and making sure each channel was set to that port#...but now, it doesnt matter what port# i assign, or what hardware I assign to through...or whether or not the channels are appropriated coordinated, it just wont work. Anybody know what could be the problem?
Nobbynob Littlun Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 I read the whole thing, but I spaced out for a good portion, so if this has already been asked... don't be hating on me Er, please. -Can you switch Fruityloops to 3/4 time, or even something even more rare like 4/5 time (though I don't expect to be composing in 4/5 for possibly ever)? Among other things, putting it in 3/4 time would work for triplets in the drum sequencer, though ye'd have to modify somethin' fierce to the tempo -Also, with the shuffle bar on the top-right of the sequencer - is there a way to have different shuffles for different patterns? Life would be easier...
skulkrusha Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 I'm having trouble with my Fruity Slicer ... It refuses to slice speech synth samples. WAV files slice just fine, but not .speech files. What's going on? ~ Nobbynob Littlun: See the little blue/green box in the top left hand corner of the step sequencer? Than controls the beats per bar. If you hit "options" then "project general settings", you can edit the meter to a greater extent. Edit: Also, triplets would only work in 6/8, if you wanted that sort of composite time signature. 3/4 doesn't have triplets; just quavers, although they sound more or less the same. As for the shuffle, you can automate it. There should be a guide to automation in the FL readme, but basically, go to a blank pattern in the playlist, hit the record button next to the stop button where you want to automate, hit play, then when you want an automatable part to change, just adjust it accordingly. You should notice a new pattern appear underneath when you've finished your tweaking. Now, the next time you play it, the part you automated will adjust itself. Using this technique, you should be able to do what you described with ease.
Xelebes Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 I read the whole thing, but I spaced out for a good portion, so if this has already been asked... don't be hating on me Er, please.-Can you switch Fruityloops to 3/4 time, or even something even more rare like 4/5 time (though I don't expect to be composing in 4/5 for possibly ever)? Among other things, putting it in 3/4 time would work for triplets in the drum sequencer, though ye'd have to modify somethin' fierce to the tempo -Also, with the shuffle bar on the top-right of the sequencer - is there a way to have different shuffles for different patterns? Life would be easier... Yes... go to options menu and look at song settings. You'll see something set to 16. That is 16 steps. For 3/4 time, drag it down to 12 steps! I dunno about 4/5 music.... use Finale or something like that... that's the only type of software that lets you do that. About shuffles: There is the graphs option... you know that in the step sequencer... okay there is a time shift graph... this is useful, make use of it for practically infinite types of shuffles...
Nobbynob Littlun Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 Oh! Duh I knew that, I just didn't know I knew. Thanks muchly.
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