risingson77 Posted May 14, 2003 Posted May 14, 2003 Well, I found out why I wasn't getting MIDI from my sound card. I wasn't assigning a port to my MIDI output. :B I guess there's something to be said for RTFM.
.:Takuyuni:. Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 heh, i had that problem....often still do. now i've got an even more annoying problem. When I go to export a song into MP3, it will crap out on me, around 10%. I was gonna export one of the demo songs, XOR-AMZ or something like that, because my computer sucks (doesn't have enough power to listen to it through FL). anyone know why FL would just close 10% through an export into MP3? It has done this a couple times (every time I've exported into MP3 actually) which isn't often, because it takes me about 30 minutes to do one song. And if I even look at the monitor wrong, it will mess up.... I'll end up actually buying FL, but until I do, it would be kinda nice to have a functional version. speaking of version, mine is 3
Xelebes Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 3.0? get Studio..... yeah.... don't stay with the petty 3.0
.:Takuyuni:. Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 whats the...... okay, i must be out of the loop which is fruity... FL Studio!? *goes directly to FL.com, do not pass go* btw....whats that "soundfont" (or whatever they are) webpage that I keep forgetting
Patriarch K Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 I have a soundfontplayer, but i cant install it, when i do it then, an error message appears..something about "couldnt find the fruity loops directory"?? i need the soundfontplayer, because all of my soundfonts changes to one crap sound.....
risingson77 Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 Does the SF installer let you browse your file directory?
Patriarch K Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 Does the SF installer let you browse your file directory? No
risingson77 Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 Have you tried moving the SF installer to the FL directory and running it from there?
Patriarch K Posted May 15, 2003 Posted May 15, 2003 Have you tried moving the SF installer to the FL directory and running it from there? Yupp
Rellik Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 I had that problem too... it changes to Nineteen, right? That was so annoying for a while. I ended up just copying the plugin from the old version (glad I kept it) and overwriting it into Studio. If you have an old version, this should work. If you dont, then I don't really know what to tell you...
progressive Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 I forgot to thank shadow and Rellik for their help. I got it to work. --->progressive19
skulkrusha Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 I had that problem too... it changes to Nineteen, right? That was so annoying for a while. I ended up just copying the plugin from the old version (glad I kept it) and overwriting it into Studio. If you have an old version, this should work. If you dont, then I don't really know what to tell you... Maybe someone should inform the FL team, and tell them to fix it immediately.
Patriarch K Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 I had that problem too... it changes to Nineteen, right? That was so annoying for a while. I ended up just copying the plugin from the old version (glad I kept it) and overwriting it into Studio. If you have an old version, this should work. If you dont, then I don't really know what to tell you... Good idea, i will try that...
Slave Zero Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 Oh my. Before someone else gets around to ridiculing you, I'll try and help. After you've imported the MIDI into one pattern on the playlist, choose another, empty pattern. Add your kick sample of choice to the step sequencer. Then, on the step sequencer, add a kick every 4 spaces. I'm assuming your song is in 4/4 time (the default setting). Now you have a kick pattern. If your sample is a loop of kicks, as opposed to a oneshot kick, you have the option of a) changing the pitch of the loop to slow it down/speed it up or use a wave editor to isolate one kick in the loop and save it as a seperate sample. Once you've completed this DEAFENINGLY BASIC pattern, you can add it to the playlist, along with the pattern that holds the imported MIDI. This explanation was a waste of my time. I feel horrible for posting it. Yea, it was a waste of your time because it didnt help me at all but thanks for trying to help me and this time ill try to explain better The midi file i work with have a faster tempo than what fruity loops have. The metronome has a slower tempo than the midi song, so if i add drums it wont have the right tempo for the midi. But other songs ive worked with had the same tempo as the metronome and i can add drums without any tempo problems. Here are the songs im talking about: http://www.zophar.net/gym/gaxe2.rar They are in .gym format. Number 3 is a song that DOESNT have the same tempo as the metronome in fruity loops, but number 4 got the exact tempo and you can add drums without any problems at all(thats how i want all of my midi songs to be). So is there anyway to get the same tempo as the midi song for the metronome(like in song number 4)? I would be really happy if you guys could help me with this and thanks alot ! P.S. I used a singlekick(packs/extras/c_kick), not a sample with loops of kicks!
Xelebes Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 well... sounds like you might be using the wrong time signature
OverCoat Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 How can I add reverb to a track in Fruity Loops? Simple! Use the Fruity effects! Click on the channel you want reverb on. See the LCD number in the top right? Move that up to 2 (you can move it up to 16, 1 is the default FX channel) Double click that number, which will bring you to the effects window. You can also get there by clicking the "FX" button on that toolbar at the top with the 5 large buttons. Anyways, when at FX channel 2, apply reverb by clicking on the arrow next to an empty slot. Look for "Fruity Reverb" in that list... I think you can figure out the rest. btw the first channel in the effects window is "M" for Master, which means it applies to all instruments Hope I helped.
Holy Warrior Azar Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 okay despite my mass confusion using fruity loops, I'll try to ask this question and have it try to remotley similar to something that makes sense, here it goes... okay, I've been working on about 2 mixes for a little while now, but I have a problem. I dont want to use the actual song, because I've noticed most remixe's on this sight dont, they are re-done on diffrent instruments and such...now my question is...how do I do that? Do I have to figure each and every note out? Do I have to use another program? or what? I really dont want my first official remix to be something many will say they could have done in five minutes, so please, help me out...
Xelebes Posted May 16, 2003 Posted May 16, 2003 Record it live or through Midi.... make it sound like you heard it and want to recreate it but you have a big thing for a certain genre and you wanna make every melody to that style. I dunno... that's how you'd go about it.... then you shift to another style.... always shift.... Be the vagabond, the planete, the jack-of-all-trades...
Slave Zero Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 Thx alot Xelebes, but i have a even more noobish question. Everytime i try to save my work i get a warning that says: Some of the Fruityloops plugins used for this project are limited demo versions. They will be deleted before saving the file. Continue saving? Should i download other plugins or what? thx for helping me. ... Nevermind. Solved it. Hey, I have this problem! That's what I get for buying FL full. I downloaded plug-ins from kaaza. Maybe you can get it from DC 2
Paragon Posted May 20, 2003 Posted May 20, 2003 SOUNDFONT HELP NEEDED PLEASE. Edited: OK, I got the soundfont working after searching past pages. I still need a bit of help though. The way the soundfont (being a drum kit) loads, I have to use it all in the Piano Roll. Is there any way I can get a separate drum-like channel for each instrument?
Akrid Posted May 20, 2003 Posted May 20, 2003 is it possible to add an effect to a single channel? like say I want to add phaser to my bass or something, is it possible to do it?
OverCoat Posted May 20, 2003 Posted May 20, 2003 Akrid... I JUST EXPLAINED HOW TO DO IT Nice observation!
Holy Warrior Azar Posted May 21, 2003 Posted May 21, 2003 Record it live or through Midi.... make it sound like you heard it and want to recreate it but you have a big thing for a certain genre and you wanna make every melody to that style. I dunno... that's how you'd go about it.... then you shift to another style.... always shift....Be the vagabond, the planete, the jack-of-all-trades... so what your saying is I have ot re-record the actual mp3 itself into midi format? How? Do I use FL or another program? And how do I like put notes in? Also how do you stop something from repeating several times? And how do you get it so it will automatically shift to different beats and stuff? And one more thing, where the ^%& do I change the tempo?
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