Fo Shizzle Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 To my knowledge (heh) a breakbeat is any solo played by a drummer. It can be in a rock band, blues, whatever. Can be flanged and whatever else. Not sure but a pretty reliable friend gave me that info.
Blak_Omen Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 Hmm, I always thought those were called Drum Solos....
Beatdrop Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 *Sigh* A breakbeat is not a solo played by a drummer. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. A breakbeat is a drum rhythm in which another drum rhythm was taken, broken apart (thus the "break"), and rearranged into a new rhythm to give it a jagged edge where it was chopped apart. Breakbeat is also a style of Electronica that uses these rhythms. Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, Hybrid, Fatboy Slim, and many others have done this style of music. A breakbeat is rather simple to create. Take a drum rhythm, typically one you created, render it as a .wav. Put that .wav into a sound editing utility, such as CoolEdit or Sound Forge, and seperate it at any spot that you see a spike in the spectrum that would signify the hit of a drum. Take these new slices, render each one as a new .wav, and load them into your sequencing program. Rearrange them into a new drum beat, and you're good to go.
Fo Shizzle Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 Yeah, sorry about that. I originally had the right idea, but my friend and I had this argument. He's been producing music for 2 1/2 years so I trusted him. Some friends I have =\.
DM Lee Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 breakbeats generally do just that, break the beat. And often the use of gating is essential in breakbeat music, but its not absolutely necesary. For example, if you have a beat that follows a melody, you will drop everything out of the song for a measure except the essential parts of the beat and the main part of the melody and then have the melody not play on any sections where no percussion is present (use gating for this). And then viola, you have a break in the beat. Breakbeat songs would consist of doing this constantly throughout a single mix, well not constantly, but enough to make the song be classified as a breakbeat. Usually breakbeats are accompanied by a general drum n bass beat throughout. Dont everything i said too seriously since im not so experienced, but im just saying what i do know of breakbeats
Blak_Omen Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 Thank you Beatdrop. I like breakbeats if that's what they are. I really need to get myself CoolEdit/Sound Forge...
irus_xx Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Oh...sounds...easy. I guess. Heh, well, thanx for the info! Now I just gotta get crackin on this remix!
Rellik Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 I just have a quick question on FruityLoops... specifically the SoundFont player. Is there any way to... um... not have to buy this SoundFont player? Um... if, um, so... how would I go about this? I have tried something starting with a K and ending with a aZaA, but that didnt work out. Sorry if I'm being overly secretive, but I'm a newbie here and dont know what's what. Dont get all mad and defensive of the industry... if you dont approve of not-especially-legal computing than just say so and dont help me, or maybe ban me if I'm breaking some rule that I unfortunately did not know about... But, if I were to persue this not-especially-legal way to obtain the SounFont player (not that I will) what would I do? Hypothetical question (but its really not (but I shouldnt have said that)). I'm assuming many of you here are all very violently aversed to not-especially-legal computing, but... remixing is barely more than a hobby for me yet, definitely not worth many real dollars. Also, where do you think I could get some feedback for non-remix compositions? I will eventually get to doing some remixes, but I'd like some feedback on my experiments to know what's good and what's not before starting one.
Blak_Omen Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Ah, but the demo isn't as good as a proper working version. Am I right?
djcubez Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 I just have a quick question on FruityLoops... specifically the SoundFont player. Is there any way to... um... not have to buy this SoundFont player? Um... if, um, so... how would I go about this? I have tried something starting with a K and ending with a aZaA, but that didnt work out. Sorry if I'm being overly secretive, but I'm a newbie here and dont know what's what. Dont get all mad and defensive of the industry... if you dont approve of not-especially-legal computing than just say so and dont help me, or maybe ban me if I'm breaking some rule that I unfortunately did not know about... But, if I were to persue this not-especially-legal way to obtain the SounFont player (not that I will) what would I do? Hypothetical question (but its really not (but I shouldnt have said that)). I'm assuming many of you here are all very violently aversed to not-especially-legal computing, but... remixing is barely more than a hobby for me yet, definitely not worth many real dollars.Also, where do you think I could get some feedback for non-remix compositions? I will eventually get to doing some remixes, but I'd like some feedback on my experiments to know what's good and what's not before starting one. I found it on KaZzA easily. Search for Fruity Soundfont (NOT PLAYER) and you should get it. It's about 680 Kb or sumtin.
reelmojo Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 First... call me a dumbass. Second, when I import a midi and try to play it back... I get no sound at all. It doesn't seem to matter what I click... I know I know, I'm new to this though. Any help would be appreciated.
OverCoat Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 I can point you in the direction of the MIDI options. Press F10 while in FruityLoops. I've tried a lot of combinations and I can't seem to get midi working in FL, though. The good thing is, though, that I never use MIDI anyways.
djcubez Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Goto settings in the toolbar and click Enable MIDI output. Also check your MIDI settings and make sure you assigned the MIDI mapper or your sound cards MIDI to port 0.
jbnewberry Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 When you export, select "cut remainder" in the export options.
irus_xx Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Got 'nother drum question. When you start up FL and you have the 4 channels sitting there (C_Kick, C_HC, CHH, and C_Snare) is there any way to increase the amount of beats you get? Like 16th notes and 32nd? Because without them I cant get the timing quite right... (not sure if that makes sense, but thnx anyway! )
OverCoat Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Got 'nother drum question. When you start up FL and you have the 4 channels sitting there (C_Kick, C_HC, CHH, and C_Snare) is there any way to increase the amount of beats you get? Like 16th notes and 32nd? Because without them I cant get the timing quite right...(not sure if that makes sense, but thnx anyway! ) I totally answered that a few pages back, go look.
Blak_Omen Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 To repeat for the lazy, change the snap in the top to something like 1/4 or 1/2. Experimentation is the best way to learn this. If you really wanted you could probably go into song settings and scale up the tempo but...
Elex Synn Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 I've downloaded a bunch of rather nice soundfonts from Bananaquartz Studio, and they play just fine in Fruity Loops (I have the full version now. Early Christmas present ). But when I try to save my work, FL says something about "Some of the FL plugins used in this project are limited to the demo vversion only, and will be deleted. Continue saving?"... Or something like that. Then once I did save (Trying to figure out what this means), all my soundfonts are erased from the project. Why does it keep deleting the soundfonts? Please, and thank you.
jbnewberry Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 How about reading the previous page in this thread. While you're at it, read the entire thread and many more questions will be answered.
Elex Synn Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Ouch. So that was the 4th / 5th time my question was asked. I'm just lucky I actually had time to read all the pages of this thread.
Dyne Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Once more, because I asked the same question, which has now become the jaded topic of late. There are demos in the new version of Fruity Loops. Unfortunately, that are not savable, so unless you leave your machine on 24/7, you have a one shot deal to encode your work to MP3, WAV, or what have you.
DjNioN Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 Ok this Q is for the super-advanced users of FruityLoops, i know its possible on FL to make those choir vocal-sound alikes but I have no idea how to do it. Ive heard songs made by FL that have them in it but it is still a mystery to me on how to do it. Can anyone help me out on this? (Example, Metroid, The norfair/magmoor Awes) Thanks EDIT: Nevermind, got it.
Ghetto Lee Lewis Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 I don't know about vocal sounds, but there are ways to make all sorts of neat sounding pads. You can use simsynth to make them, but I prefer 3x oscillator. To make pads with the 3x oscillator, first select your waveforms. I prefer to use saw waves for all three, but there are variations that can give you different sounds that may sound better. Adjust the tuning either all to zero semitones or all to -12 semitones for each oscillator (so they're all the same). Set the fine tune on one oscillator down to -35 cents, and the fine tune to another to +35 cents. This will give them a very thick sound. If you prefer, you don't have to detune them as much, or even at all. You can leave all 3 at 0 cents, if you prefer. Now for envelopes: Under the volume envelop, turn the attack knob slightly up, and the sustain knob all the way up. Make sure the cutoff knob is turned way down. If you want you can turn up the resonance up also (up to halfway is probably good). There, now you have some OK sounding pads. However, they probably still sound a bit cheesy. You want to add some effects to make them sound a lot richer. For effects, you should add some reverb (the default preset should be fine, although you may want to add more). Also add a flanger effect for some fun. I normally use the "Ultra Fat Chorus" preset so it sounds like it takes up more space (and sounds a lot richer). If you want, you can also add a phaser effect. I'd suggest experimenting with the different phaser presets until you find one that suits you, or you can play around with it yourself to get the effect you want. Now that you have your sound, you want to make it work. Go to the piano roll view and build your chords and stuff. If you want, you can play around with channel panning in the piano roll. You can also give it some more phasing qualities by going back to the envelopes section of the sample, rigth clicking the "cutoff" knob, and selecting "edit events". Now you can draw a bunch of stuff on the graph to control the sounds cutoff. I'd suggest first selecting from the top left corner, Init events (to put the graph at the current cutoff position), and selecting ("use smooth transitions", or whatever it says). Now you can draw curves on the graph for some cool cutoff effects. Hope that makes some sense or helps. Now go out there and make some badass pads.
jbnewberry Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 That is just a matter of finding the right sample or soundfont you want. You can search through the various free soundfont sights like and and see if any of those strike your fancy. I'm sure there are some decent free choir samples out there. There is a crappy one in one of the FL sample folders. If you don't have any luck there, you might try some place like and lay down a little cash (or a lot) for some high quality samples. Some of the online sample dealers will even sell individual sample downloads from 2 to 10 bucks each. Hope that gives you a start.
Ghetto Lee Lewis Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 If it's soundfonts you want, go here: (I'd recommend the "uncompressed section) The soundfont I've been using for choir has been the "Florestan Choir" soundfont
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