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dude. i need hlep with fruityloops, how can i get decent sines with the 3xOsc and default effects? :(

That really depends what you want to do with the sine wave oscillator. You can use the sine wave to make portamento lines (for hip hop and stuff), basses (for hip hop, trance, and lots of other stuff), and even pads. If you want to use it for pads, you probably want to refer to the other post I wrote on making pads (like a couple pages before this one). You probably want to tweak the tuning all to the same or an octave apart (when I make basses, I usually turn the high oscillator all the way down from the default setting and it works). Really though, you need to be specific with your questions, because each different kind of oscillator can have multiple uses, and you can blend them together. I like the sine wave because it has a really pure mellow sound. Probably the best thing you can do is experiment and find out how it works.

For the tempo change use automation. If you don't know how read on. Create a new pattern with solely nothing in it. Name it whatever you want in the playlist. I prefer Auto. Then make it play for the first block of the playlist. Don't put anything in it. Now, for automation, select that pattern, and hit the record button. Then hit play. Now anything you do in the song at the specific time you do it will happen automatically. So basically the pattern is the automation tool, you record with it when it is selected, and put the play pattern in. if you record within another pattern it redoes the automation thing when ever that pattern plays.

um, there's really a lot easier way to do automation than recording and trying to do stuff live (especially if your computer is unresponsive or you don't have a really decent mouse). If you right click on the tempo bar and select "edit events", you can control the tempo as precisely as you want. From the event editor, select "init current position" and events will automatically be placed at the current tempo position. Now, whenever the playlist comes across that pattern (make sure you place at least one of them in the song view), it will read the events in that pattern to control the tempo.

The neat thing is, you can right click in almost any of the knobs in most of the editors, including the VST/VSTi plugins that come with Fruity Loops, including the Buzz adapter plugins, and edit events for almost anything. Just edit events for them in the same way as the tempo, and you have yourself custom made envelopes for cutoff, attack, sustain, reverb depth, or whatever else you need to modify.

The drawback is, and you must be careful, is that any changes you make to events will actually control the corresponding knobs. That is, changes in the event editor will stay in the song permanently. Therefore, if you want changes to be reset to how they were before changes were modified, you must make corresponding changes in the even editor (I've had this problem with some songs, when playing through or rendering a song and when playing it again the cutoff for a pattern start too high. This however, can be fixed, either by playing the pattern with events modified where they should start or making the changes back to how they were in the right pattern).

The event editor can make Fruity Loops an incredibly powerful piece of software. Just figure out how to use it right.


Here's a simple question that'll probably have a simple answer. Let's say I want a sound to continue on long, maybe make it a whole note or whatever. How can I do that? Basically, how can I tie the beats together?


piano roll, djkarma. if you have the song settings at default, it will already be looking like a 4/4 signature anyway, 4 beats per measure. if you want a longer note, just pull the whatchoocallit, the trigger so its longer, but make sure that the envelope has a sustain on it, or no volume envelope at all, or else your note won't continue beyond what its hold is set to.


Ok, I just installed 3.56. I imported an MIDI but when I tried to play it back, it wouldn't make a sound. It's not even funny how much off a n00b I am at this...


You have to set up midi first. in FL, press F10. I also have a problem with MIDI though. for SOME odd reason, Midi will not play even when I have the correct device selected to port 0! (I use the creative PCI sounds, not GS wavetable) Logically it would've worked, but I have problems with this.

EDIT: Nope, no answers! Help!


Does the piano roll frustrate anyone else? You cant select large groups of notes and move them all, you cant copy and paste (lets say you want something to repeat, you have to click everything in again) and... its just so frustrating. Sometimes the snap has problems with it, where it gets stuck snapping in the wrong place. Grrrrr... isn't there any better way? And also, could I copy notes from Fruityloops and paste them in Cakewalk, since that is so much easier to edit?

Does the piano roll frustrate anyone else? You cant select large groups of notes and move them all, you cant copy and paste (lets say you want something to repeat, you have to click everything in again) and... its just so frustrating. Sometimes the snap has problems with it, where it gets stuck snapping in the wrong place. Grrrrr... isn't there any better way? And also, could I copy notes from Fruityloops and paste them in Cakewalk, since that is so much easier to edit?

Press the "e" key to go into selection mode on the piano roll. There, you can select large groups of notes, press ctrl+c then ctrl+v to copy and paste.

Once a group is selected, you must use the pencil or hand tool to move the groups around.

Snap is something you just need to work with, the 1/2's and 1/4's of beats just give you the opportunity to pen out 16ths and 32nds.

Couldn't get much easier, eh?

You have to set up midi first. in FL, press F10. I also have a problem with MIDI though. for SOME odd reason, Midi will not play even when I have the correct device selected to port 0! (I use the creative PCI sounds, not GS wavetable) Logically it would've worked, but I have problems with this.

EDIT: Nope, no answers! Help!

do you have soundblaster? no right? well, go to that sound icon in the system tray if you have it. double click and make sure MIDI isn't on mute or at low volume. I had this problem, thought i couldn't play MIDI's for ever and then I found out when i hooked up my guitar :D
You have to set up midi first. in FL, press F10. I also have a problem with MIDI though. for SOME odd reason, Midi will not play even when I have the correct device selected to port 0! (I use the creative PCI sounds, not GS wavetable) Logically it would've worked, but I have problems with this.

EDIT: Nope, no answers! Help!

do you have soundblaster? no right? well, go to that sound icon in the system tray if you have it. double click and make sure MIDI isn't on mute or at low volume. I had this problem, thought i couldn't play MIDI's for ever and then I found out when i hooked up my guitar :D

I so have a soundblaster, and midis will play in winamp, just not FL. it's definitely not muted.

Could anyone that actually has midi working just tell me exactly HOW they set it up. Like, which buttons should be on or off or whatever...


Okay, Seattle. Goto start>programs>Fruity loops>advanced>reset settings so you can reset anything that screwed it up or anything. Then open up a midi by doing file>open and select a midi. Play back the Pattern. (sorry i'm treating you like a complete idiot but this is for everyone SOCs) Don't hear anything? Hit F10.

In remote control input you should see your sound cards default MIDI control. Leave it. Mine says "SB LIVE! MIDI UART". don't do anything to master synth, leave it at "none". Remote control should be "generic controller" and "auto-accept" should be on. Then, on the output port mapping, select one of the items you have there and the port option should appear. Select Port 0 because that is the default port MIDI's play through. Now goto options and enable both "midi remote control" and "midi output". Now when you play it back you should hear the MIDI.

What you can do if that doesn't work is in the output port menu, select different items to see which one works. What they are basically are different Midi banks with different MIDI sounds for the slected instruments.

Hope this helps SOCs.


i think you would find the answer aout 2 or 3 times if you read through the thread though, hearing it in different ways may help.

I really suggest fruity users read this whole thread.

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