SomeCrazyGuy Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Stupidity knows no age, if that weren't the case, I dare say I might actually have moments of happiness... But of course, it is, so unfortunately, I don't. ; If you'll excuse me, I need to find a way to pack a high-speed chainsaw so as to not activate sensors... The plane leaves in 3 hours.
Lemonectric Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Kureejii Lea said: Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots like that out there. I've had people take my drawings and post them elsewhere as their own, going so far as to make up little stories about how/when/why they drew them. Why these people try to enjoy pride and praise in something they had no hand in creating is beyond me. What cracks me up is the fact that one person who stole my fan fiction actually copied my pre-chapter messages (I was posting the fanfic on a message board). He couldn't even make up his own. The funny thing is, some of these messages were replies to posters in my topic. They didn't even make sense in the context in which he used them. And nobody ever asked him what the heck he was talking about.
entropicdecay Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Ripper McDouchebag needs his comeuppance. I wanna get in on the fuckery, so I'll use my specific "bugging-people-for-fun-and-profit" email.
SomeCrazyGuy Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 I have an idea: send him an e-mail with a link to this topic... An entire topic full of people insulting the plagiarist he really is, making fun of his (at best) tenuous grasp of proper word formation, and, of course, his continual lies to people pretending to be fans. I've a strong hatred towards idiots and the truly incompetent, so this topic, in its entirety, is as close to joy as my jaded soul will ever hope to get. Let the degradation of the distained fool continue!
The Author Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Hylian Lemon said: Will do. A few emails so far:Haha. This guy can't possibly be 18 (which is what his myspace profile said)...though he does have a picture...which may or may not be him... Well, whatever age he is, he's still an idiot. Ask him if its true he ripped it off, if not, ask him if he can make an original remix... something that is like on the OCR front page...
Fratto Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Hey im Alex.. People call me trippa cause of my last name "Tripitiris" im in a band called "this way in" i sing and play guitar.. as well as that ive been skateboarding for 4 years now i also love making people laugh and want to be a Comadian.. Hmm what else i have a bed room with a single bed!! so a double bed would be a dream to have .. I hate bullys who think there top shit.. YES i am single but i aint looking for a girlfriend anytime soon for personal reasons but if u wanna talk to me boy or girl my msn is: EDIT: He has a band. i an a retarded
Pyrion Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Kureejii Lea said: Why these people try to enjoy pride and praise in something they had no hand in creating is beyond me. They're attention whores with nothing to offer humanity other than a reasonable excuse to reconsider eugenics.
Lemonectric Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 IkutsukaNekkyonoOtoko said: I have an idea: send him an e-mail with a link to this topic... An entire topic full of people insulting the plagiarist he really is, making fun of his (at best) tenuous grasp of proper word formation, and, of course, his continual lies to people pretending to be fans. Noo. We have to have fun with him before we let him in on everything. He doesn't suspect me yet.
The Damned Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Hylian Lemon said: Noo. We have to have fun with him before we let him in on everything. He doesn't suspect me yet. Damn right. I want to see this guy in epic fail for stealing. I know it's wrong to call upon Anonymous to do stuff for you, but is tempting...
Arek the Absolute Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Anon wouldn't do shit, especially for this. They aren't your personal army.
The Damned Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 I know that, but I'd really like to see that sort of level of screwing this guy over. I guess I'll just have to settle for what the local OCR guys do.
The Author Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 The Damned said: I know that, but I'd really like to see that sort of level of screwing this guy over.I guess I'll just have to settle for what the local OCR guys do. I'll spite him with adequate levels of apathy.
Bahamut Posted August 19, 2007 Posted August 19, 2007 Eh, as bad as this is, there's no reason to give him any leg to stand on for any more retaliation.
Lemonectric Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Ahaha. Quote [flashback] Alex: people were spamming it alot, also saying it wasn't my peice of art [/flashback]Me: Really? That sucks. Are you going to keep making stuff, though? Alex: yeh for u, what song would u like hun? xx I think he has the hots for me...excellent. Anyway, I shall now request something exactly like an OC ReMix. :3 Does anyone have any suggestions? I didn't see his profile before he deleted everything, so I don't know what he had up.
The Author Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 A metal adaptation of Cyan's theme, you know something that starts instrumental and then goes into something harder. Ya know... This: Which by the way kicks righteous ass.
Shadowe Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Nicholas said: Anon wouldn't do shit, especially for this.They aren't your personal army. Don't try to second guess anon, nobody knows wtf they will do or when. Besides, if nothing else this guy is the perfect candidate for milking lulz from.
Arek the Absolute Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 No, applemilk was the perfect candidate for lulz. Starla and Dhsu know what I mean when I say that. This person isn't worth the effort.
Raziellink Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 I wonder if i would recieve shit about putting this in my sig: marcelstf the Plagiarist said: Suck my dick and smell my balls.
Prasa_U. Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Alex:fruity loops & guitar pro, i make them Alex:ive been doing music since i was 10 Xrt:You should submit to those vgremix sites, you know them? Alex:no, what are they? Alex:i should put some on there yeh? Alex:ive always wanted to make zelda ones
Tenucha Posted August 20, 2007 Author Posted August 20, 2007 Woah he atleast knows some of the program names. Someone should talk technical to him about the programs XD Or see if you can "sell" Mac's "Garage band" as being totally awesome haha
SomeCrazyGuy Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon, hope it gets some awesome results: Date:Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:43:29 -0700 (PDT) From:"Ocee Remiks" <== Hope this isn't too direct Subject:Sorry about the YouTube stuff, man. I heard from a friend of mine about these awesome songs he found on YouTube, that were taken down because abunch of posers were giving you shit. Damn, I never even got to hear any of it, and it sucks 'cause the guy I was talking about never lets me down on stuff like that. Forget about those jerks, man, stand up to those losers, I mean look at them! They're just wasting time giving shit to people like you who are putting their own hard-made, inspired art on the intenet for the world to enjoy! Artists like us... Er.. Well, maybe just you, but artists all the same need to stand up to this kind of stuff, otherwise, what has this world come to?... I probably screwed up my point, but you get it, right? (Sorry for wasting your time with a long e-mail like this, but whenever shit like this happens, I can't help but get mad!) Final Fantasy rocks! ~ Mikael Oceer The signature name is there in hopes of dissolving doubt if he is somehow smart enough to see the relation between "Ocee Remiks" and "OCRemix" If it doesn't work, then oh well.
Prasa_U. Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 Uh yeah....a bit too obvious......He may be immature but he's not a complete idiot.
Cecilff2 Posted August 20, 2007 Posted August 20, 2007 comments said: Cecilff2 | August 20, 2007u guyz r just jaelous u cant play good. culd u make a awesmoe guitar song out of terras theme plz? then mabe they wil shutup an recongize real tallent. Countdown to in 3... 2...
DarkeSword Posted August 21, 2007 Posted August 21, 2007 IkutsukaNekkyonoOtoko said: Couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon, hope it gets some awesome results:Date:Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:43:29 -0700 (PDT) From:"Ocee Remiks" <== Hope this isn't too direct Subject:Sorry about the YouTube stuff, man. I heard from a friend of mine about these awesome songs he found on YouTube, that were taken down because abunch of posers were giving you shit. Damn, I never even got to hear any of it, and it sucks 'cause the guy I was talking about never lets me down on stuff like that. Forget about those jerks, man, stand up to those losers, I mean look at them! They're just wasting time giving shit to people like you who are putting their own hard-made, inspired art on the intenet for the world to enjoy! Artists like us... Er.. Well, maybe just you, but artists all the same need to stand up to this kind of stuff, otherwise, what has this world come to?... I probably screwed up my point, but you get it, right? (Sorry for wasting your time with a long e-mail like this, but whenever shit like this happens, I can't help but get mad!) Final Fantasy rocks! ~ Mikael Oceer The signature name is there in hopes of dissolving doubt if he is somehow smart enough to see the relation between "Ocee Remiks" and "OCRemix" If it doesn't work, then oh well. You couldn't possibly be more obvious.
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