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djp I translated the russian expression that you used to close your write-up and it still doesn't make very much sense D:

although I am frikkin stoked to see this was direct-posted

I double-checked with my girlfriend, who was born there and speaks it every day, first. So, whatever sense it's not making, don't trust babelfish for accuracy...


It's all for the best

[something unwelcome has happened but may may be a good thing in the end.]


*cough* http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=279708#post279708


(Not a very well written comment, really just posted that because I liked the song in its original form and wanted to shed some light, if it wasn't already evident enough... Also, I put two transliterations, sorry about that... But this WAS posted before this song write-up was written, so w()()tz0rz 2 /\/\3!11eleventy-one)

Don't get me wrong (trust me, I wouldn't lie, if Chthonic didn't have any good songs, I'd end this post sounding like a jerk and hurting his feelings, or simply not even post it), chth has some good songs, a few of which I have just listened to again to be sure I had something to fall back on so people don't think I'm just flaming (if you post a song that is sub-par, especially when compared to other mixes you have posted as of late, I will say so, rather than give blind praise to someone simply because they've got a bunch of other songs that happen to be great or blindly critisize them and leave without having given their other works just praise so the newcomer won't be misled), such as his entries from the Project Chaos and Rise of the Star projects, "It's my turn to dream", "Fleeting Ecstasy" and "Disconnected", all are very good, and often find their way into my playlists.

As for the remix... Well, it was certainly catchy at points, but I can't say it is something I'd think to put in my regular music rotation. It just seems a bit lacking, sort of like the sceleton part of composition where you are simply bringing a fun idea you had into a form you can listen to continuously, but haven't refined. But strangely, it also gives a sort of feeling that this is about as much potential as the song might have, and certainly not as this portion had to say:

"...If the tempo was a little less perfect and you added in some crowd ambience, it would almost sound like a live recording..."

I could definitely notice the synthetic nature of the song from the start, and just now reading that it was made a few years back, I can now see why some things sounded as they did.

No Grade.

You may now prepare your floods of counter-statements and insults to my character, not that I desire it as such, but it is inevitable and I don't want to delete my post just because I have a differing opinion.


dude you shouldn't be afraid to post negative criticism, seriously

as an interesting side-note, I was always confused about the rampant popularity of this song... so seeing that someone other than myself actually doesn't think it's all that superb is refreshing

so thanks for not liking this remix because I was starting to get worried

dude you shouldn't be afraid to post negative criticism, seriously

as an interesting side-note, I was always confused about the rampant popularity of this song... so seeing that someone other than myself actually doesn't think it's all that superb is refreshing

so thanks for not liking this remix because I was starting to get worried

Short Story: O_o... I think I need to lie down for a bit.

Long Story: That... I am baffled. For close to five years of frequenting countless message boards, I have always been met with a very constant theme, which is that there will be some icon(s) which are seen by the regular posters as infallible in at least one respect, and any opposition, logically introduced or not and no matter how well the person tries to recover with agreement in other ideas, they will be flooded with insults and hate. So when you, the one who wrote the mix and who I'd expect in any other situation to jump on the insult bandwagon, not only DON'T insult me but AGREE, understandably, I am deeply confused. There may yet be hope for the internet... ...Yyyyeah... I guess that's a bit of a stretch, but you get the point.

But in direct response to your post, I guess "Aye, no problem, just got annoyed with the rampant blind praise praise I see here, I mean, if someone has great songs, that's no problem, but don't just praise their crappy mixes just for the fact that everything else is good... Plus, your other songs = t3h ro><z()rz" will suffice.

But in direct response to your post, I guess "Aye, no problem, just got annoyed with the rampant blind praise praise I see here, I mean, if someone has great songs, that's no problem, but don't just praise their crappy mixes just for the fact that everything else is good... Plus, your other songs = t3h ro><z()rz" will suffice.

But now you're going into the full-on "this is crappy" deal, which I definitely don't agree with. Solid arrangement, cool ideas.


Dear... God... This is a great mix. Kudos to the author of this work, you did a great job worthy of making my top 10 list! To anyone considering downloading this mix, all I can say is, what are you waiting for?


It was a solid mix, I enjoyed it! I have to agree in part it seemed lacking in some parts, almost like it was building to a climax that wasn't quite there at parts, but I think your monstrous mod-wheel ability made up for any shortfall in the work - holy f.

Yeah, a little more direction would've been nice, but the mod-wheeling was an awesome surprise ;) great grooves, good samples, sounds good to me :)


This is definitely creative, and its an interesting take on the Tetris theme. I love remixes where the theme/atmosphere is radically different from the original, and I must say its cool to hear the kind of panicky vibe of the original converted into something more chill.

I do agree with IkutsukaNekkyonoOtoko though that this seems like it was a really raw version of something that could have become much better with refinement. It does seem hollow at points, and even in the parts where the drums pick up the dynamics don't seem to rise all that much to me beyond the intensity of the beginning. Even though its a groove piece, I felt some climactic direction could've done wonders for the overall enjoyability of this song. Its not really a bad mix, but it lacks the resolution and energy I really enjoy and aspire to in my own mixes that Ive seen in chthonic's other remixes (my favorite being Fleeting Ecstasy).


All I can say about this for sure is that I liked this mix. The mix of RL and digital sounds blew my mind. As for a genre, I couldn't say, but that's good, if you ask me. (Of course, right now I'm almost so confused that I couldn't place the Beatles in a genre, so...)


I'm sorry to say this, but...

I honestly don't see how it got onto the site. It's alright, but it's missing bass, and sounds like chthonic did this in 4 sittings (which was stated in the remix upon download).

Then again, I don't have the programs or ability needed to produce my own remixes, so just ignore my ramblings. But I say, take this down and refine it a bit.

it was a really raw version of something that could have become much better with refinement

I agree that this song is raw and lacks direction, but I don't agree that refinement necessarily makes something better. I think the song's fun and has a lot of character, and I think those qualities come (at least in part) from the disjointed variety of instruments coming and going, and the feeling that the song's just wandering instead of building to a climax. Further refinement might have given it a more traditional feel, but I think that would have smothered the whimsical quality that makes it what it is.

(iTunes says I've listened to this song more times than any other remix-- glad it's on OCR now)

I'm sorry to say this, but...

I honestly don't see how it got onto the site. It's alright, but it's missing bass, and sounds like chthonic did this in 4 sittings (which was stated in the remix upon download).

Then again, I don't have the programs or ability needed to produce my own remixes, so just ignore my ramblings. But I say, take this down and refine it a bit.

unfortunately ocr remixes aren't exactly things that can just be "taken down"

but I mean, if you listened to the greatest remix ever, like the best take on any video game theme you've ever heard in any genre in your entire life, and noticed that it's "missing bass", would that seriously be an instant turn-off for you? you need to give the music you listen to more room to breathe... it's art, whether you agree or not, it's art

like, get my point? I'm just saying you're focusing on the wrong aspects of the music

I honestly think you would enjoy this release a lot more if you threw out all the preconceptions you have about how the mix was made and what you believe it to be missing, and just listen to it in the context of "I played tetris, I recognize this song, let's see what this musician has to contribute to this"

also, I'm not arguing because I think you're wrong, I'm arguing to try and show you HOW to enjoy this remix... because I really think you're just approaching it from an awkward angle

if not, ignore me, but at least give it a shot


But now you're going into the full-on "this is crappy" deal, which I definitely don't agree with. Solid arrangement, cool ideas.

Aye, sorry about that, I honestly didn't think as I was typing it, but tiredness isn't a good enough excuse... I didn't like the mix, and I won't, like a coward, edit the message to change the past (I am well aware it isn't truly changng the past, but take the idea for what I mean), but trust me when I say that I didn't think to mean 'crappy' so much as 'not quite as good'. But I'll stop clogging this topic with my annoying defenses, this is for reviews, not for exhibition of my inability to hold my tongue, so I'll try to end any future discussion about this with a simple rule, "INO should not be held accountable for any incompetant wording he may use, he means well, but sometimes he just can't help his inept nature and pseudointellectualist diction".

Here, just to simplify it, take what I said about this mix before this post, and add the basic idea of it all to this sentence for the major idea for my opinion:

Great Remixer, but a mix that was 'just' good.

There, I doubt there are any misintended messages here, so I shall take my leave, and hopefully have made myself look like less of an ass-hat.


Whoa! That's a sound from the past. I hadn't heard it since the first version, which I think I got off VGMIX quite some time ago (it would have to be, if it really came from VG).

Cool to not only see it back, but as an accepted remix. I listen to the old version all the time. Guess it's time to update.


Yeah.. I dig this.

Listen to it at work. (slavery job)

Makes my day go a bit faster.

Love that bas. Sounds lika a lazy bastard like my self.

Like that organic drumsection with the guitar. Lightens up abit.

Really cool.

Anyone more than me that can hear Kefka pouring out that poison at

03.16? ;)

unfortunately ocr remixes aren't exactly things that can just be "taken down"

but I mean, if you listened to the greatest remix ever, like the best take on any video game theme you've ever heard in any genre in your entire life, and noticed that it's "missing bass", would that seriously be an instant turn-off for you? you need to give the music you listen to more room to breathe... it's art, whether you agree or not, it's art

like, get my point? I'm just saying you're focusing on the wrong aspects of the music

I honestly think you would enjoy this release a lot more if you threw out all the preconceptions you have about how the mix was made and what you believe it to be missing, and just listen to it in the context of "I played tetris, I recognize this song, let's see what this musician has to contribute to this"

also, I'm not arguing because I think you're wrong, I'm arguing to try and show you HOW to enjoy this remix... because I really think you're just approaching it from an awkward angle

if not, ignore me, but at least give it a shot


Eh, you're right. I've been listening to it more, and it's growing on me.

That being said, I still think it's missing something, but I can't put my finger on what.

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