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yeah guys because prime 2 was not a carbon copy of it's predecessors than it must be absolutely terrible

You DID read what he said, right? He gave perfectly valid points that have little to do with a game being or not being "a carbon copy of it's predecessors". I won't call you a "fanboy", but I will comment on your nice use of capitalization, and the words "it's" and "than".

... unless it was intentional, then maybe it WAS nice usage??

Sounds good enough for me to get them all then. Thanks.

Prime is usually always 5 bucks at gamecrazy. Prime 2 is usually 15.

For 20 bucks, I say it is damn well worth the purchase.

You're assuming they already have it. I know at many stores like Gamestop the games often don't even arrive until late morning/early afternoon on Tuesday after a Monday ship date.

Boy speaks the truth. Speaking from experience, both Gamestop and Gamecrazy almost always got their games the day AFTER the shipping date, usually around 1-3 PM. The only exception to this were "prestreet" games shipped early like Madden or Halo


If you haven't played Prime 1 & 2 yet and plan to get them, do yourself a huge favor and play those games before you even touch Prime 3. Going back to playing 1 after mastering 3's controls is not pretty.

Alright. 24-hour Wal-Mart. I am going to be a terrible customer and demand they give me my game just a wee (wii?) bit after midnight.

My Walmart didn't have copies on the shelves yesterday when I went searching, so I asked the nice lady working there if she'd kindly check her shipments to see if the game arrived. Sure enough, after a short bit of searching, she came back to the gaming area with a copy of the game for me and I left a very happy man.

Is the 27th a worldwide release, or just the American?

Why doesn't anyone read the Prime 3 preview on the Wii.

On the very bottom of the screen I remember clearly that said: Release date August 28th.

Not 27th.

Which sucks because I remember in E3 Nintendo said the 27th.

In my GameStop wont come out until today in the afternoon, which I hope that means 12pm, since I wonr at 2:30 that wont leave me much time to play :(

But at least I'll have it when I get back :D

Why doesn't anyone read the Prime 3 preview on the Wii.

On the very bottom of the screen I remember clearly that said: Release date August 28th.

Not 27th.

Which sucks because I remember in E3 Nintendo said the 27th.

In my GameStop wont come out until today in the afternoon, which I hope that means 12pm, since I wonr at 2:30 that wont leave me much time to play :(

But at least I'll have it when I get back :D

This is so damn old already. The 27th was the ship date. Almost everysingle videogame arrives the day after the ship date. Also when companies announce when the game is coming it out, it always usually the ship date that they give. This is nothing new. I have been reserving games for years now, and every single game (except for the Wii and DS launch titles) came in the day after their ship date.

Besides, I think we'll see the end to this question now that the majority of us are recieving it today. I'm going to have to wait awhile because I have a full 8 hour day at work today.

You know it occurred to me that (very) early on they had a mock up of Prime 2 running on the Wii controls. I wish they'd rerelease the first two with Wii controls (and yes, I realize that it's not going to happen).

(retracting what i said here because it might get me in trouble)

actually i hear next year they are releasing a prime "box set" for the wii. but technically noone is supposed to know that.

yes thats 1 and 2 on the wii.

Well, people have been talking about that possibility since the Wii came out (wiimakes, if you will).

I thought I'd throw my two cents into the whole Prime 1 / Prime 2 debate: Prime one had great level design. It may not have captured the alien-esque atmosphere as well, but the way each environment was designed and animated was absolutely beautiful, and I'm glad they went to such cliche locations (fire, ice, forest, mine) in order to show it. For the record, you can turn off your hint system, and I usually do, leaving purely the explorative elements. To be honest, much like the 1up reviewer said about Prime 3, I find myself enjoying any backtrack through Prime 1 because of how beautiful the environments are - and that's a game I've owned for four years now.

Super Metroid, while perhaps its level flow and design are better for speedrunners and sequence breakers, I believe, as a common player who isn't trying to break the game, has the same good level design as Prime, but nothing better. Call me crazy, but I don't think average players like myself will really appreciate SM's level design over Prime while we're not trying to speedball or anything else. (Not to discount the fun of speedrunning and sequencebreaking in the least.)

Prime 2 is where the level design suffered, and I wholeheartedly agree on this. While we got some interesting new puzzles from the light/dark aspect, I agree with Eten that it became "complete this section, get this weapon, do it again" over and over. We did get the Screw Attack and Sanctuary Fortress (<3 music from Sanctuary Fortress and the Submerged Temple, but the rest was forgettable), but the Keys were a pain in the ass.

So yeah, I don't really agree at all with the statement that the Prime games are broken. Maybe the second one, but definitely not the first one.

WSuper Metroid, while perhaps its level flow and design are better for speedrunners and sequence breakers, I believe, as a common player who isn't trying to break the game, has the same good level design as Prime, but nothing better. Call me crazy, but I don't think average players like myself will really appreciate SM's level design over Prime while we're not trying to speedball or anything else. (Not to discount the fun of speedrunning and sequencebreaking in the least.)

as one of those said sequence breakers/speed runners, metroid prime works just as well. consider this: the 2 fastest 100% runs for each game was :58 (SM) and 1:36 (MP). MP's is not much longer, especially for a more complex 3D game with a huge world. it shows how in-depth SM was for its time.

what i liked about SM was that exploration took a bigger role than in MP. it was more about explore/find, while prime seemed a bit more lock/key and fetch quest-ish. even without the hint system, the path was a little more apparent thanks to a fully detailed map with color coded doors.

im not saying prime was a bad game, its just, super metroid is superior.


Arguing about Metroid games, bleh. barf. They are all good. There was never a bad Metroid game, and there never will be. This is coming from a guy who actually played the entire series from the launch of Metroid up to the reserved Metroid Prime 3 that I'm picking up in seven hours. They are all fucking awesome games. Yes, that includes Metroid Prime 2, which was hard as hell, very scary, and full of badass powerups (including Screw Attack), and the ability to die very easily when being careless.


Damn, my order got delayed at amazon by a week for some reason, so I'm gonna try going to a couple local Gamestops after work and hope they still have a copy left.

UPDATE: Trying to get the game via Best Buy. Said online that it's available at my local Best Buy, so we'll see in the next 45 min if it's really available for in-store pickup.


7 hours in, the only complaint I have is the game forcibly (er sp) gives you hints even if you have the hint system turned off (for example you'll get a radio message that says "Item is here, go there"). I can't understand why it does this with hints off and I'd hate to see how much it holds your hand with them on.

Arguing about Metroid games, bleh. barf. They are all good. There was never a bad Metroid game, and there never will be. This is coming from a guy who actually played the entire series from the launch of Metroid up to the reserved Metroid Prime 3 that I'm picking up in seven hours. They are all fucking awesome games. Yes, that includes Metroid Prime 2, which was hard as hell, very scary, and full of badass powerups (including Screw Attack), and the ability to die very easily when being careless.

I agree with this. MP2 did better on making you think twice before jumping into something. I didn't want to enter Torvus's water area for quite some time, cause I was thinking "restricted movement and combat, not good, abort abort abort." Also on hard mode I've been more liberal with my weapons in boss fights. I'd usually just use charge shots and super missiles(once they were available), and save my missiles for other things(I blame this behavior on Doom, Halflife, and Gunman Chronicles). When I ran into the Alpha Splinter on MP2 in hard mode, it got me down to 8 energy and still had 1/3 health left. Of course I thought I was doomed, then I realized, "Hey I have missiles, screw this.".

I will admit I liked MP better than MP2, but I still think they were both great games.

Also, Best Buy here said they'd probably get it sometime around noon or 12:30. I think I'll wait an extra 30 minutes before taking lunch break.

i tried a 22% run.

its difficult without boost ball.

To say the least :-P. I think you need boost ball in order to get the seeker launcher no? There are other puzzles which also require the boost ball.



i called they said they had it and i got there 30 mins later they were out f that.

To say the least :-P. I think you need boost ball in order to get the seeker launcher no? There are other puzzles which also require the boost ball.

oh i was talking about prime 1 sorry for the confusion. the only thing you "need" the boost ball for is the half pipe in the vent shaft (phazon mines), but quintuple bomb jumping gets you out (its not as easy as it sounds).


Yeah penfold, check out metroid2002.com and check out the stuff you're able to skip via that menu on the left in the Metroid Prime section. Some of it's pretty amazing. And if that's not amazing enough, check out almost all of them used in a 1:03 speedrun (click the link on that page that says 1:03) of the game. Definitely worth watching.

The other thing about Gamestop new releases: each store rarely gets many more copies than it has reserved.

gamestop fails at everything it does why do i even bother with them how are they still in business who needs punctuation.


Yeah, Gamestop sucks pretty hard (especially since they bought out Rhino Games, which was awesome).

Hey, at least they aren't like Best Buy, asking if you want a warranty on frikkin' USB cable.


Sometimes it pays living in the middle of nowhere. The Best Buy here got a shipment in at lunch as they suspected. Stopped by and grabbed one, looked like no one else had gotten one yet.


It won't be long before I'll have to stop checking this thread, for fear of spoilers or of driving me to buy a Wii just for this and consequently failing out of college in my senior year.

dammit all.

Yeah, Gamestop sucks pretty hard (especially since they bought out Rhino Games, which was awesome).

Hey, at least they aren't like Best Buy, asking if you want a warranty on frikkin' USB cable.

no but theyll ask you if you want to buy the strategy guide if youre buying a game, and ask for a preorder if youre buying a console.


and at least best buy has a clue on how to do business. the gamestop/EB corporate execs are all "omg whos gonna buy a Wii? its all about PS3 LETS SPEND ALL OUR CASH OVERSTOCKING ON THINGS PEOPLE WONT BUY AND NOT PROVIDE THE THINGS PEOPLE WILL BUY"

Yeah penfold, check out metroid2002.com and check out the stuff you're able to skip via that menu on the left in the Metroid Prime section. Some of it's pretty amazing. And if that's not amazing enough, check out almost all of them used in a 1:03 speedrun (click the link on that page that says 1:03) of the game. Definitely worth watching.

Oh, wow! That's insane, especially for Prime 2. Seems like if you really know what you're doing you need so few items. I could see not needing a lot of items like Spider Ball or Boost Ball in Prime, but that's amazing you can do without gravity suit and all. Man, this makes me wanna try out skipping that kinda stuff.

EDIT: w00t, despite Amazon being stupid I'll get Prime 3 today after all. Got it paid for online and ready for pick up at my local Best Buy.

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