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If Taucer crams so many people in his room, then i better ask Bahamut for a spot. Meh, either way, i don't mind sleeping on the floor, ain't like i haven't slept on a class floor during organized event weekends before. And nothing could be worst than being in the woods with tree roots for matress. ;)

I just don't wanna end up having underwear on my pillow.You'll regret ever doing this if it does happen :twisted:

Still need a ride, i'd prefer not having to take the plane if possible. LET ME KNOW YOU SILLY FRENCHIES IF YOU'RE GOING!

Edit : Dirty underwear covering my pillow? No thanks. Although that specificaly hasn't happened to me before, i'm not wishing it. I'm happy i never was the target of pranks during summer camps with the "pocket bed" (sometimes filled with rocks or whipped/shaving cream). Lol @ carton-hard undies though.

Also, my room situation is arranged now (should be :D ). You can take me off that section.

Vilecat, you might see if you can get a bus or train as far as NY, and then get a ride from there.
I looked at all the possibilities before, and if i'm not able to find a ride (would be the cheapest, splitting gas money and all(and i can drive too! even manual drive!)), taking a plane straight to the Reagan Airport in Washington comes second on my option list. 580$ for all-around ticket, between 4h to 5h30 long flight including stop in either Toronto or Montreal depending. But at that price they don't offer the snacks /cry

For the bus, i still have to call (their site can' tell me how much it'd cost), but it's minimum a 25h ride that has only 3 stops. I think i'd save about 100$-150$, but i'm really questionning if it's worth it. They certainly don't offer snacks either at that price /cry

But i'll see if there's any info at the local travel agency. I might find my luck there.

Also gotta see what day i'm leaving/when i'm getting there since it's rather far. Not forgetting having to find where to sleep/wait/waste my time if i get there early.

Good thing i love travelling.


Man, I gotta get an internet connection so as not to be doing this posting stuff all guerilla style at work. I'll definitely be there, with close to the same contingent I brought last year. Possibly doing a Bioshock Team cosplay as well. Don't ask me, I'm just along for the ride this time.


Wow, a topic on January's MAGFest already? 'suppose it pays to plan ahead.

I will definitely be coming to this MAGnanimous (har-har) event, as I do ever year.

MAGFest 1 vets represent!

...or something. <.< o.o >.>

My car should have at least 2 free seats, although I'm only traveling from northern Delaware, which ends up being a sweetly short trip compared to the days when MAGFest was at such distant vistas as Williamsburg and Roanoke.

Also, I would need to share a hotel room. Being on the floor in a sleeping bag doesn't bother me much, if necessary.

Seeing as MAGFest is about 10 days before my 18th birthday, I'll about 90% sure be there. I'll be bringing a friend with me (maybe two). I don't need a ride or room or anything, just posting so I can be put on the "attending" list. See you guys there :)

Sweet shit. Get some confirmation and post more good news

My ride situation is worked out, but my rooming situation is not yet...

EDIT: Rooming situation:

- Me

- Pezman

- SammyG

- Vilecat

- (Tauce) - Depending

- ??? (your name here?)

Hey, I'll take that "???" space since I already know most of you. --Sorry Moguta and Chris!

It's a double room I assume?

Again, I don't know at the present time (and probably won't until December) if I'll be staying all 4 days or just the weekend. :whatevaa: If it complicates matters, I can always find space elsewhere.


Bwa ha!

Anyways... The rooming situation on my end is...

- Geoffrey Chaucer

- Vilecat

- Pezman

- DJSammyG

- Myself

I will personally be sleeping on the floor, mainly due to back support reasons...

Bwa ha!

Anyways... The rooming situation on my end is...

- Geoffrey Chaucer

- Vilecat

- Pezman

- DJSammyG

- Myself

I will personally be sleeping on the floor, mainly due to back support reasons...

Yeah, sorry I got squeezed out... Ah well.

I'm still on the market ladies! --or, um, men... :oops:


What is this?

Kroze is free to come??!?!


So yeah... I will be joining this batch of chaos it seems...

I mean, this group needs at least ONE cool person going. :P

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