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Jesus, so many pictures to digest and so little time. AHHH!!~

For those that don't know, upon arrival back in Harrisburg I was whisked away to Salt Lake City the very next day (today) for a weeklong skiing trip semi-against my will--though I'm sure it will still be a good time. I did some organizing of my pictures on the plane, but I'm afraid it'll still be a few days...:|

I'm fighting off arguments from him right now...

It was great seeing old friends and new at the festival and maybe I'll have somethting more to show next year (PM or IM me, Level 99)! Thanks all. :razz:



Love this picture! Giggles all around.


I know I already posted this in the JamSpace thread, but to anybody that showed up and you have suggestions or whatever, check out our temp forums at http://jamspace.escariot.net/ and post your suggestions.

Don't want to make your suggestions public? PM them to either Dom (binary1230), Drew (AmericanPianist), or myself (Escariot) on those forums.


I fell asleep while editing some of these pics, so, at 4 in the morning, three hours before leaving for work, I'm catching up on the thread again:

Here's a combined panoramic of pixie's group pics.


And I said I would... BEARDFEST!


This was quite possibly the most incredible event I have ever attended.

I want you to say that next year so I don't feel so bad about this year. Sorry I missed everyone this time 'round, and sorry I missed meeting some more vgmusic veterans (Hale and Pong better come next time!) That exam I took seemed so easy I felt like a passing grade gets me updated to "moron." Being a certified clerical associate better be worth it.

Wow, that guitar's been gathering sigs since Otakon. I like that mine can't be missed. I know there're some boldface names in there; someone have a full list?

Jesus, so many pictures to digest and so little time. AHHH!!~

For those that don't know, upon arrival back in Harrisburg I was whisked away to Salt Lake City the very next day (today) for a weeklong skiing trip semi-against my will--though I'm sure it will still be a good time. I did some organizing of my pictures on the plane, but I'm afraid it'll still be a few days...:|

I'm fighting off arguments from him right now...

Dang. Definitely post your DJ set when you get back! Aerofunknamics + Chocolate Rain = priceless.


Saw some of those pics and am now watching a couple of those jam videos on youtube. That Mario 64 Battle Field Jam is pretty catchy. And virt live kicks ass. LOL @ Larry's Icecap LIVE...never expected that to make it live...

EDIT: Nice work with that Still Alive cover, guys. Glad you guys switched to your regular singing voices instead of imitating the original female vocals.


Hey guys!

After many adventures i finally got back at my godparent's house yesterday evening safe and sound(yay for fog screwing up airports!). I was too drained by the trip and my cousin's 2 kids visiting to get online and post anything. Just to say that i'll be back in my dorm in a week, i.e. i'll get the chance to upload all the pictures i've taken during this awesome weekend.

Four days isn't enough for all you could find in the schedule, nevermind what wasn't in it (jamspace concerts!!). Only this summer will tell me if i can go back next year. It was great meeting all of you guys, hope i didn't get on anyone's nerves ;)

Huge thanks to the MAGFest staffs for letting me stay in their room Sunday night! And to everyone who had the patience to repeat i-don't-remember how many times because of my french canadian sillyness. And to Mewt for the ride from and back to the airport.

I think i'll go sleep for a few more hours, i'm still having "elevator lag"

<3 everyone

It was a good time! Nice to see everyone again and meet some first-timers. Can not wait until next year!

Oh hay! It's AMVTeknoBoy... The guy that had absolutely nothing to do with alcohol being brought into a room of 4 people that are under 21

Oh hay! It's AMVTeknoBoy... The guy that had absolutely nothing to do with alcohol being brought into a room of 4 people that are under 21

what are you talking about, you guys just watched me drink it :-P


Yo guys. Uber-special thanks to everyone here for all the musical hookups over at jamspace, it wouldn't have been the same without you.

We'll definitely be doing it again next year, and definitely even more badass, if you can believe that.

Also special thanks to Escariot for putting out fires during the concerts and other times when I needed to count on someone who knew what the hell they were doing, also to Sam for the fastest keyboard playing I've ever seen, and to everyone else for jamming out. Also Elaine your violin playing is so bad-ass, I wanted to jam to some more Chrono Trigger + Cross with you, but usually just ended up knocking over mic stands and such while setting stuff up for other people. And thanks to the other 5 or 6 people I should be thanking but whose names were already triaged by my crappy short term memory. You guys rocked.

Hopefully we won't have to schedule the open mic concerts so close to the OCR panel either.




Whew, finally able to collect my thoughts, I had a super awesome time meeting everyone and seeing the sights. I was especially thankful of how welcome people made me feel, even though I was a MAGfest n00b. <3<3 to you guys

Here is my bulletpoint list of some of the awesome things I did:

*Driving around for an hour or so with Avaris and Level 99 looking for a liquor store without any luck, finally giving up, and in defeat going into a grocery store to buy sodas; Imagine my surprise when we find grocery stores sell beer!!

*Got a massive bruise on my lower back due to Level 99's car, which was so painful that I missed the concert Friday night.

*The DoD listening party that lasted till 4:30 am where I consumed roughly half a gallon of caffeinated liquid. Hearing the worst Secret of Mana mix ever, and wondering who would vote for it just because it was so terrible.

*Making Prophet my bitch; If those pictures ever get out, there's no way he'll be a teacher.

*Smash bros melee tournament; I was the first one out of the entire thing. :P

*The OCR panel where I won that sweet cd set by showing everyone that I was the biggest nerd in the room.

*Dinner at TGIF with a big chunk of the OCR crew; actually getting to sit down and talk was super awesome.

*The second night of concerts; Powerglove was badass, and the mosh pit was super fun; very good moshing etiquette was used by all, and the band's armor was phenomenal. Select Start was amazing as well, and I'm glad the crowd was receptive to them; Being a bit softer and coming right after Powerglove had me worried, but things worked out well. This place is haunted was good, and Smash Bros. was awesome. I was so happy to hear the Turnabout theme from Phoenix Wright; thank you Smash Bros.

*The DoD results and meeting some Shizzies. I managed to tie for 12th, which is pretty respectable for me, and of course the abysmal Secret of Mana track got 10th. :P Props to the dude who had no idea who I was but gave me a hug anyways.

*Being repeatedly mistaken for Danimal Cannon; I had to keep telling people that I didn't rock near as hard as he does, and that is how you can tell us apart.

*Having my first ever meal at Popeye's. That was some delicious chicken.

But the best part was going from a situation where no one I know is interested in both gaming and music, to one where *EVERYONE* was. If anyone is on the fence about going to next year's MAGfest, got off that fence right now because it was an amazing experience and I can't wait for next year. Everyone was so nice, I felt totally welcome.

<3 to OCR


*Being repeatedly mistaken for Danimal Cannon; I had to keep telling people that I didn't rock near as hard as he does, and that is how you can tell us apart.

If you are who I think you are, then I also agree that you and he look alike! Not twins, but alike nevertheless.


I missed the OCR panel this year *tear* due to JAMSpace concert set-up or concert band emergencies, I can't remember which - but I WILL make it next year!

Somehow I timed being with you guys for that OCR picture that was taken from the 2nd story down at all of us near the registration desk - holy awesome, batman!

I second all Dom's shout-outs of thanks, too. Also I must add Kroze. Holy Crap Kroze! Good man, good man. And, y'know, basically all of you.


Apologies for being so AWOL, everyone; Thursday and Friday I was working, Friday night I stayed up until 4AM to go live with the RD project (which still doesn't have all the files right... grrrrrrrrrrr!), and after that late-nighter I'm afraid I wasn't up for Saturday night the way I should have been. Thus I was rather an ephemeral presence, showing up for our panel (duh), part of Jamspace (Ty, Sam, & Shael - awesome), and foodstuffs at TGIF and Popeye's. I didn't catch a single concert. Suckage.

No offense to Brad, but I think if anyone asks to debut an album project during MAG in the future, I'm just gonna suggest they wait until afterwards, or do so before New Year's, so that I can better prepare for (and attend) the event.

Even though we did limited prep, I felt like the panel went very well. We had a lot more ff7 videos to show and there's stuff we didn't cover... part of what I liked about M5 was that a smaller group of hardcore OCR peeps sorta did an impromptu round-table discussion about the site, which I missed not having this year.

I'd like to do something informal like that next year, maybe as part of a panel (although I'd prefer a roundtable like before) or maybe just something informal, but a chance to get feedback in person (NOT about the sidebar, dammit!) from interested mixers and visitors would be really slick.

Spittin' Narcissism Flash FTW.

If anyone has specific suggestions about how OCR can contribute to MAG, what to change, etc., let's hear 'em. Also, mad props to Brendan & MAG staff for doing an awesome job.

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