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I've had several games on my to-do list for far too long and haven't had the time to do anything about it. I'm determined to at least get started on one, but I can't choose where to start. So I figured: "The ReQuest people almost never get the remixes they ask for. Why not let them pick?"

And so, here is my list of games that I am determined to remix. I've got some specific tracks I'm looking into for each, but I'd love to hear what you guys want most.

Disgaea 2

God of War

Katamari Damacy / We Love Katamari

Kingdom Hearts 2



I've had some other games on my list too, but these are the highest priorities. If you want to ask which tracks in particular I'm looking at, feel free to ask.

Gerard Marino told me at VGL that he will give you whatever you want (MIDIs, sheet music, SFX) if you want to do a God of War mix of one of his tracks. Just contact him, drop OCR just so he knows where you're from, and hopefully he'll hit you back.

That is way too awesome.


You're welcome to suggest one off-list, but it's chances of getting picked aren't quite as good.

Also, I'm considering the main Katamari theme, but "You Are Smart" and "Angel Gifts" have both given me some ideas. I'd say Angel Gifts is the most likely choice of the three.

My other considerations are:

God of War: "The Vengeful Spartan" and "The Great Sword Bridge of Athens."

KH2: "Passion"/"Sanctuary"

Disgaea 2: "Spread Your Wings"

Okami: "Giving Kushinada a Ride" and "Northern Country Kamui"

I'd vote Kingdom Hearts 2, if only to see what it is you have in mind and to see the game make it onto the listing.

Edit: You already made the most kick ass KH 1 remix...

Agreed. I'd love to hear a KH2 mix from ya. I will also be choosing a song from KH2 pretty soon. :wink:


Obligatory Treasure plug goes here.

If you're gonna be choosing one of them tracks you listed up there, then I would suggest Katamari Damacy, if only because we need a Katamari Damacy remix on this site.

Chu chu chudu chu chu ch chudu chu chu chudu chu chu chu chudu katamari damacyyyyyyyyy-yyy-yyy-yyy-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I'd say K-Damacy series for sure, BUT Gerard Marino told me at VGL that he will give you whatever you want (MIDIs, sheet music, SFX) if you want to do a God of War mix of one of his tracks. Just contact him, drop OCR just so he knows where you're from, and hopefully he'll hit you back.

lawl you gotta get me some of them SFX of Kratos' yelling.

but anyways, more on topic, KH2 would be neat.

I've had several games on my to-do list for far too long and haven't had the time to do anything about it. I'm determined to at least get started on one, but I can't choose where to start. So I figured: "The ReQuest people almost never get the remixes they ask for. Why not let them pick?"

And so, here is my list of games that I am determined to remix. I've got some specific tracks I'm looking into for each, but I'd love to hear what you guys want most.

Disgaea 2

God of War

Katamari Damacy / We Love Katamari

Kingdom Hearts 2



I've had some other games on my list too, but these are the highest priorities. If you want to ask which tracks in particular I'm looking at, feel free to ask.

I'd vote for Kingdom Hearts 2, though I'm still hoping you'll do some sort of Metroid-related ReMix one of these days :-).

I almost put Metroid Prime on the list. I'll probably get to that too eventually, but it's not as high a priority for me.

Looks like KH2 and Katamari Damacy are winning out.


KH2 definately would rock, especially the "Steamboat Willie World" Battle Music. And "Katamari on the Rocks" or (I don't know why but it cracks me up) "Fugue #7777"

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