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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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Fading Entity:

It's the steady beat again that I don't really care for. Really on songs like this it's just my own preference and not anything to do with the quality of the song itself.

I just wish they'd stuck to one time signature at a time.


I really liked how the project turned out, it was definitely worth the wait. Personally, I think disc 1 was the best out of the four. What it did with the Midgar related themes was really amazing... You really felt the music take you to Midgar. Lunatic Moon was another high point of CD 1 for me, I can't seem to get enough of that one. The other CD's had their moments, but I really enjoyed pretty much every minute of CD 1.

One thing, though... Where's the love for Yuffie and Wutai? :sad:


I can't tell you how good it was to see that this was up. I've been on a search for a few good new songs and I get bombarded with 4 CDs worth of some of the best damn Remixes ever.

I've been studying for a major test that I have coming up and I keep playing this mix over and over to help me work through some of the stuff I have to fill in.

I don't think there was any song on here that I didn't like. Everything was very well done and I've been looking forward to a fantastic batch of FFVII remixes and low and behold it just kind of sprung up on me.

Kudos, congrats, and you all never cease to amaze! Keep up the fantastic masterpieces!


Simply put. Excellent.

I have been frequenting OCR since 2002 as I mentioned in another thread. I must say, I was very impressed by the tracks I never expected to hear remixed in my life. Sometimes you hear a game track, when you play it and think "I don't know if there would be any other way to hear this track". But yet again, OCR has proved me wrong :)

I definately dig the remix of "Birth of a God," "Beginning of the End" by bLiNd. I never expected to hear a remix of that track. And bLiNd really pulled it off to the point where I got a chill down my spine, not only because of how well it was remixed, but also that part of FF7 i remember very clearly and was essentially one of my favorite battles in the game (despite how wretchedly easy it was).

Xaleph took me by surprise with "Son of Chance". The remix itself, took the "Shinra Company" theme to a whole new level. I felt a more sinister feel to the theme than originally. Rufus was a punk, but damn, Xaleph can make Rufus feel more evil than Kefka.

"JENOVA Celestial" was another remix that just makes you smile (well me anyways :razz:). Granted I have heard many "J-E-N-O-V-A" remixes, this one sticks out. If you've ever wondered why the characters "dance" when they are waiting in battle....idly for their next command, bLiNd is the reason behind that. Especially when kicking J-E-N-O-V-A's lame face in.

I don't even know how to describe "Black Wing Metamorphasis" other than. All the collaborative remixers (bLiNd, Fishy, pixietricks, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, tefnek) just took "One-Winged Angel" to a level of awesomeness I didn't expect. I think Sephiroth is a lamo but, you made him a serious bada** in my book. The feeling of "Trans Siberian Orchestra" meets "Tetris" crosses my mind when I hear the transition from the 8-bit into the instrumental segment. Simply AMAZING.

The entire album itself is AMAZING, those are just a few that stuck out in my mind. :)


Also I agree ENTIRELY with what Pixietricks said about Another Soundscape. Too Much Fighting is just friggin' awesome. And so is Golden Feathers, it went from super happy techno to soft relaxing sitar strumming goodness, and it did it well.

Thank you very much for your kind words :)


Alternate cover art

Hi. I did alternate covers for this album, because it is jawesome. They are below. They are 24-bit PNGs of several MB.





Staff: feel free to add these to the official VotL site, with a link to my deviantart page. Rock on.


There aren't enough different words for amazing to describe this album. I've downloaded every shred of music this site has posted since 2002, and this album is the finest example of remixing I have ever heard. I haven't finished it yet, but I have not found a SINGLE thing to complain about in 29 tracks.

Furthermore, I still have nightmares and hallucinations about raising Golden Chocobos, and laughing men in black tophats, and the Chocobo song has been known to spur me to spontaneous manslaughter. The fact that it is entirely awesome is perhaps the greatest testament to the amazing job you guys have done. So, uh... thanks again Darangen, you had a chance to ruin the album and you didn't. Good job.

But really. Amazing, flat out, top to bottom.

There aren't enough different words for amazing to describe this album. I've downloaded every shred of music this site has posted since 2002, and this album is the finest example of remixing I have ever heard. I haven't finished it yet, but I have not found a SINGLE thing to complain about in 29 tracks.

Furthermore, I still have nightmares and hallucinations about raising Golden Chocobos, and laughing men in black tophats, and the Chocobo song has been known to spur me to spontaneous manslaughter. The fact that it is entirely awesome is perhaps the greatest testament to the amazing job you guys have done. So, uh... thanks again Darangen, you had a chance to ruin the album and you didn't. Good job.

But really. Amazing, flat out, top to bottom.

Who's the man in the black tophat?


Awesomeness. The only question remains is, is it possible to hack these tracks into the game? :D

I can't remember if it used nothing but compressed audio, or if there was some sequenced audio in there... (The latter would make the project more difficult if not impossible to do completely).

You could have just gotten them from his site. Here's one. It's "Still More Fighting." And it's one of the best remixes I have ever heard.


Feel free to edit this post if I have broken any rules.

Stuff someone posts on his personal site doesn't mean it's produced and mixed up to project quality. Reuben likely posted his contest entry from the competition zircon held early this year, which while good for a contest entry probably needed just a bit more work to make it project-worthy.

Also, downloading tracks from someone's site and including them in your project without permission is a bad idea :)


Correct... he did have an MP3 version, but not only is that not 44.1/16 WAV (required), I did not feel that what he submitted to the contest was up to project standards. I gave a list of things he could do to improve, and he was working on them - with Sixto's help - but he basically dropped out of communication. I never got a version that addressed my full list of critiques, in MP3 OR WAV. Maybe he felt that it was not worth it to revise his track to that degree. That's fine with me, of course.

For the record, I asked a LOT of people to do extensive revisions to their tracks. Reuben was certainly not the only one. For example, I can't even count how many times I had Another Soundscape go back to "Golden Feathers". ;)

Stuff someone posts on his personal site doesn't mean it's produced and mixed up to project quality. Reuben likely posted his contest entry from the competition zircon held early this year, which while good for a contest entry probably needed just a bit more work to make it project-worthy.

Also, downloading tracks from someone's site and including them in your project without permission is a bad idea :)

Judging from what he said in the VotL thread, this is the track he was working on for this project. He said that it was "still more fighting" james bond style. I think it's the same one. Plus, I saw it on the wip boards months ago and it never went into the Judges panel. Just confused on why he never submitted it to ocr in any form whatsoever.


Sorry if it's already been covered somewhere, but where did you guys get the idea to use the quote from Yoshinori Kitase for the vocoder bit in Adrenalyne Kyck? It flows oh so well in the song, it's chilling. (Also, why Y's? You bunch of womyn.)

Sorry if it's already been covered somewhere, but where did you guys get the idea to use the quote from Yoshinori Kitase for the vocoder bit in Adrenalyne Kyck? It flows oh so well in the song, it's chilling. (Also, why Y's? You bunch of womyn.)

The quote was Larry's idea; he loves Wikipedia and whenever he can't think of something, that's the first place he goes. Works well, right? The Ys were suggested by TO.


I'm having issues with downloading the torrent file.

Trying with both Azureus and kTorrent, I get errors with it, Azureus stating the torrent is not a file and kTorrent saying it is corrupt.

I've also tried the download on SoundTempest, but no go with that one, either.

I've been trying yesterday and today both, but no luck. Any insight on this?


I just listened to the whole thing, and sweet lord, this is something akin to sex on toast. FANTASTIC work. Epic epic epic. Runs the gamut of musical styles, yet still feels cohesive, and takes an OST that I've always been lukewarm about if I'm being truthful (sacrelige, I know) and totally changes my perceptions.

Hats off to every single person involved in this project.

Sometimes typos are hilarious! Also, sometime I'll go through and review each track individually, but for now, I'm gonna bask in the afterglow of this aurgasm (see what I did there? =P)

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