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The only way I could see a 360-only Square game is if they marketed it solely for the non-Japanese markets, where 360s have seen really good sales and therefore have a solid consumer base.

Didn't they have a couple Square titles for the 360 this year? Something about dragons or something?

Well what do you know?

The other two titles, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, are confirmed to be exclusive to Microsoft's Xbox 360 videogame console.

Okay, it's not Square, but it is Sakaguchi, and that should be enough for pretty much any halfway decent FF fan.

At the risk of popping a few bubbles, has anyone stopped and considered that; "To be continued in Final Fantasy VII", may just mean, the PS1 game?

I definitely took it to mean that. That video is hardly evidence for any remake at all, though it seems that logic, interest and pure economic benefits are more than enough.


Two things. One, I'm talking exclusively about Final Fantasy in this post, because when people talk about Square changing platforms, they really mean Final Fantasy. Second, this is a long post: so here's the plot synopsis, keep reading if you like it: Truth be told, if I examine Square's business patterns since 1995/96, I don't think they've necessarily been 'loyal' to one system. Square seems to look for a balance of two things when they release their games: Horsepower and audience. It's also why their remakes of the older games are being done for DS instead of PSP. They can update the graphics like they want and the DS has a MASSIVELY larger audience. Square isn't loyal to anyone, they go where they can tell their stories the best and have them heard by the most people (Therefore making more money.) Frankly, I think it would be another catastrophic decision for Square to go back to Nintendo at this point in time. Examples?

They chose to release their games for the Playstation One instead of N64 because it had the horsepower to handle 2400 Megabytes worth of cutscenes, soundtrack and games on a mere 4 discs. They could not have feasibly put Final Fantasy 7 on a cartridge, and the same was true of 8 and 9. Not to mention the fact that the PS1 had the larger audience.

Flash forward to the next generation. They continue to release their games on the PS2 because once again, it offers the greatest balance of horsepower and audience. Final Fantasy AND the PS2 are intensely popular on both sides of the water. The XBox caters to an almost completely American audience, which made that a bad choice. A Gamecube disc can only hold 1.5 gigs, so they'd have to spend money on 3 discs per print. The PS2? Wildly popular and they can tell their story the way they want to on one disc. Score.

So here we are in the current generation, and the story's the same as the last. The 360 still caters to a primarily American audience. The Wii simply does not have anything near the horsepower for Square to pull out all the stops and present the Final Fantasy they want to without giving anything up, however well it might be selling. So, there's the PS3. The graphics look better than real life, the discs hold 25 gigs. Have fun, Square. The price of the console is prohibitive? True, but that's OK, it'll have a price cut before they're ready to release, and Squaresoft games sell systems to the most tight fisted gamers out there anyways.

I'm not a particular system fanboy, really. I buy what I need to play the games I want. But if Nintendo ever wants Square completely in their pocket again, they're going to have to provide a platform powerful enough for Square to push amazing cutscenes, voiceovers, music, and a long ass story at us without compromising. Because that's just how they roll, and if you can't do it, they'll find someone who will.

From Nintendo to Sony to Nintendo to... Microsoft? I don't know. The X-Box hasn't done too well in Japan, and even with certain exclusive titles over the last few years, it's still a very distant third in the market there.

Not really for JRPGs. JRPGs for 360 has consistently sold very well at least. And I don't need to mention western sales which is just gigantic in comparison.

Microsoft could just bribe the fuck out of SE and pay them to make it so. It's not like Bill Gates couldn't buy them outright if he had the chance.

Good thing that SE isn't up for sale, then, huh?

What does that have to do with anything? Nintendo reached out to Square to develop on the system again and MS pretty much has to pay some extra royalties to accomodate it. And I don't think the situation is desperate at all for 360. Actually it seems to be advantageous over the PS3 in every market not named "Japan".

Also, there is really no such thing as "jumping ships" nowadays. It seems all the big companies are making games for everything. Even PC, which is pretty futile and stupid, but whatever.


They chose to release their games for the Playstation One instead of N64 because it had the horsepower to handle 2400 Megabytes worth of cutscenes, soundtrack and games on a mere 4 discs. They could not have feasibly put Final Fantasy 7 on a cartridge, and the same was true of 8 and 9. Not to mention the fact that the PS1 had the larger audience. .

I have to agree, I don't think I would have enjoyed FF games during the PS/N64 generation on the N64. I am a tad Nintendo biased, yes, but I feel (even if they could have fit FF7-9 on a cartride) I wouldn't have enjoyed it on the N64. I would have felt goofy first of all holding that big ass goofy looking controller, and getting into an epic fantasy world adventure. The only good RPGs on N64 were...NONE. The only good "near RPG" games, more action adventure, were Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, LoZ:OoT (Majora's Mask...was...somewhat disappointing), Paper Mario and thats about it. I'm starting to digress a bit so onto the next paragraph.

Now I'm going to say this, cause I'm going more toward the subject of console popularity of the generation. Playstation had it all. Good companies backing them up, state of the art console technology that blew games of that time out of the water. Companies thought of the limitations a cartridge had to them hardware and performance wise and chose Playstation to be the better bet. N64, simply up there with the bad ideas by Nintendo not to exclude the Virtual Boy (cringe). Cartridges were outdated, CD's were the up and coming format. Especially w/the dawn of the memory card. OMG WHAT?!! YOU MEAN WE CAN SAVE OUR GAME AND TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE WITHOUT HAVING TO FEAR THAT ONE DAY THE SAVE BATTERY MAY DIE AND WE LOSE OUR INSANELY AWESOME PROGRESS?! Save batteries. Outdated. Sega and NEC had the right idea when they put out Sega CD and Turbo Grapix CD. Unfortunately for them, people were still skeptical abouts CDs since it was a new and "foreign" concept.

The memory card became king. Not only was it a good way to profit for the console manufacturer, but it also gave the player a sense of security w/their save data. NOT to mention, you could rent a game, and STILL have your personal save data after you took it back to the rental store. HOW COOL IS THAT?!! I just remembered, I beat Final Fantasy 7 for the first time ever, on a 7 day rental in 45 hours and didn't actually own the game until 2004. Anyways, it was the innovative thing at the time. All those reasons struck me as another reason to buy a PS1. And by the time the PS2 came out (Got one the day it came out...because the PS1 impressed me so much) I had a collection where i had 6 PS games for each N64 game I owned (which was about 13). Even today, innovation takes the market.

Look at the Wii, everyone wants it. Some people don't know why, others do...ITS JUST COOL. Not to mention its inexpensive, innovative, creative, fun, casual, unintentionally health stimulating and (DAMNIT, way to go Shadowolf, you got me on a RANT) connective. Its going to sell, because yea, its cool to play Resident Evil 4 by aiming and shooting, its cool to literally cut the shit out of a zombie, its cool to throw a football to your teammate while playing against someone on the other side of the world. It definitely piques the interest of parents too, because it gets their kids off their asses. Doesn't let them sit there the whole time, and at some time they will get tired of standing waving a control around, find something else to do for a while, and when they feel like it, come back and delve back into their game; instead of mindlessly playing games for hours straight sitting on your ass and eating potato chips (not that there is anything wrong with that, and we're all guilty of having one of those 24 hour or more sessions.)

Square "is going to cater to who can sell their products and gets their story out" as Shadowolf put it. And I have to say, I don't think hardcore FF players are going to want to wave a Wii remote around to select a command for the next action. They are going to want to have a traditional, relaxing and mind engrossing intimate session with that involved FF plotline (save FF-X2....horrible story, awesome battle system).

So yea....


Memory cards selling consoles? ...................................

Also, with really high budget RPGs nowadays, people in general seems to expect the highest graphical fidelity with such games since they aim for epicness. Not that such games can't be done on the Wii, but it wouldn't be hitting on all cylinders with last generation calibur graphics (though Xbox calibur is still really good even today I'd say).


I, for one, hope they DON'T produce a remake. They've gayed up the storyline enough as it is with all these over-dramatized sequels, misleading prequels, and trivial subplots.

It was fine the way it was, for Christ's sake. It was a complete story ten years ago.


No one seemed to really care about FFVII other than it was a great game, Tifa being hot, and Sephiroth being omgwtfkool until Advent Children and all the other sidebars were announced. Then they go and make a PS3 tech demo. Now suddenly the original game was incomplete and in need of a remake with additional clutter being spewed all about it in the meantime.

You can count as many reasons as you want as to why they should make a remake of this game, it won't affect the probability of one being made whatsoever.

If by complete you mean full of holes with an incredibly ambiguous ending.

Q.F.T. There were a million more things I wanted to know after those credits rolled. Like how did Tifa's boobs get that big.

By that logic, we will also get a Matrix 4.

I hope we do, cuz that shit really DOES need to be fixed.

Q.F.T. There were a million more things I wanted to know after those credits rolled. Like how did Tifa's boobs get that big.

I hear you can use her boobs as a weapon in the up-and-coming remake of Final Fantasy VII for the PS3.

No one seemed to really care about FFVII other than it was a great game, Tifa being hot, and Sephiroth being omgwtfkool until Advent Children and all the other sidebars were announced. Then they go and make a PS3 tech demo. Now suddenly the original game was incomplete and in need of a remake with additional clutter being spewed all about it in the meantime.

Hell yeah.

The thing is, though, that the developers and creators always seemed to love the world of VII especially, but FFs never had sequels so they couldn't continue. But after XI was decided to be an MMO, the single player RPGers got pissed. So Square decided to, for the first time in EVAR, make an FF sequel. They could reuse a lot of existing code and scenery from FFX and the traditional FF fans got their game. But once that sequel came out, BOOM. The can of worms was open, and now they could all go back and bring to life all the ideas they'd had for FFVII. And so we get sequel after sequel after spinoff. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I must say I thought DoC was pretty damn cool (except for Cait Sith... WHY?), and AC looked pretty although it didn't serve to explain a whole lot.

ha! that's so freakin' true!! :razz: still, i hope for a remake. maybe they'll fill some of those holes-who knows?

I liked FF VII alot, but some of the scenes in it bordered on absurdity. Like the first time that Cloud explained the Nebelheim (sp?) incident. Did Tifa really stand right there and let him tell that horrendous lie?


ABout the whole console thing, The XBOX360, while it may only have a small market share in japan is still ahead everywhere else. The Wii is going to pass it soon. And the PS3 well, lets use mine for example, I still don't own a single game for it and last week took it into EBgames and traded it in for 350 bucks. The fact is the PS3 doesn't have the fanbase the PS2 and psone had. so while they wouldn't sell as many copies in Japan, they'd sell alot mroe over all on either other system. That said i think they weill remake 7, just because of the fact they've been remaking everything else and once they've milked those wells dry, here comes 7.

Square isn't sony loyal, it just happens the last two console generations have been sony dominated.

Square Enix should team up with DC Comics

Before the Countdown to Infinite Final Crisis Core on Infinitely Multiple Earths. Endlessly.

Only a select few will even know what I'm talking about.

Lets not forget Week 52 of the Final Zero Hour Green Sinestro Legion of Legionaires.

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