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Man...I hate Gamestop. They left me a voicemail saying that I have to be there by 9 pm on Monday night to guarantee my Halo 3 preorder even though I was told I could pick it up anytime within 48 hours of release after it comes out. I'm thinking of never shopping there again due to this.

Man...I hate Gamestop. They left me a voicemail saying that I have to be there by 9 pm on Monday night to guarantee my Halo 3 preorder even though I was told I could pick it up anytime within 48 hours of release after it comes out. I'm thinking of never shopping there again due to this.


thats why you buy things at game crazy

we actually listen to people


I'm picking up the legendary monday night. I already paid it off but apparently theres going to be 2 lines, if you stop by on monday they'll give you a receipt and then go to the other line to get the game at midnight. Gamestop fucking blows.


Anyone going to midnight release in San Diego? This guy from that was at comic-con dressed in full Mjolnir armor is going to be at the Gamestop downtown, so I'm going. Should be lulz.


Basic version mailed standard shipping from Gamestop. Should be coming in sometime between friday and next tuesday.

(Hype be damned, I'm gonna play Halo but there are many more games coming out this fall on the system that I'm much more interestd in.)


IGN reviewed halo 3 and gave it a 9.5. That's not bad, but the lowest score they gave of all three. Also, here's a quote I thought you guys might enjoy.

For my money, Halo 3 has the best soundtrack of any videogame.

Also they said "finish the fight" in this review like 10 times. God I'm sick of hearing that.


...Man I want to play this game anyway. The replay system sounds fantastic.


The Replay system is alright. It automatically saves every game, be it Campaign or multiplayer, that you play. You just go to a menu, & you can choose which "video" you want to watch. It's pretty cool in co-op campaign, as you can see what your friend was doing when you were playing togethor.


I can picture myself looking at replays forever. Even in Halo 1, you could get away with the craziest kill moments. Halo 3 just seems to have way more opportunities for silly and stupid kills that comes out of nowhere.


went to EBstop today and the guy say's there only going to have one line since theres only one register working and that the credit card machine is currently down. so i guess O'll get home with halo like 4 am >_< hopefully he's just full of shit.

Man...I hate Gamestop. They left me a voicemail saying that I have to be there by 9 pm on Monday night to guarantee my Halo 3 preorder even though I was told I could pick it up anytime within 48 hours of release after it comes out. I'm thinking of never shopping there again due to this.

Don't preorder games. It's not a fucking restaraunt. Before BioShock came out I heard the jerks at Gamestop say after a roommate of mine tried to reserve a copy and they were all reserved up "Oh man he won't be able to get a copy. I've been tellin' everybody to preorder." So, he went to Best Buy and just bought it like a normal thing release day. Gotta love those wizened sages at Gamestop.

On a more useful note, other my roommate is currently driving to a 24-hour Super Wal-Mart in order to find Halo 3. We figure that everybody will be too busy fighting each other at GameStop to think to just go to a normal store. He also bought 12 liters of Game Fuel, as a joke to make it a full Halo experience. I'll be asleep by then myself.


I think the best bet is Walmart and Best Buy. Those types of megastores always stock 50+ games (or maybe even 100+ for Halo 3). Gamestop and EBgames has a small stock over the counter and they just are not reliable with big releases like this.

Don't preorder games. It's not a fucking restaraunt. Before BioShock came out I heard the jerks at Gamestop say after a roommate of mine tried to reserve a copy and they were all reserved up "Oh man he won't be able to get a copy. I've been tellin' everybody to preorder." So, he went to Best Buy and just bought it like a normal thing release day. Gotta love those wizened sages at Gamestop.

On a more useful note, other my roommate is currently driving to a 24-hour Super Wal-Mart in order to find Halo 3. We figure that everybody will be too busy fighting each other at GameStop to think to just go to a normal store. He also bought 12 liters of Game Fuel, as a joke to make it a full Halo experience. I'll be asleep by then myself.

Well, one of the preorders I got for $40. I got this one at Gamestop because I wasn't sure how hard the game would be to get (I remember having trouble just finding Pokemon Diamond/Pearl earlier this year).


Well I was about 20 in line and i got home with the Legendary at 12:15. The helmet is actually bigger than i thought. They should have bumped the price up and made it wearable. I mean i guess it looks about the right size (I'm trying to picture my severed head on the shelf next to it) So anyways isn't the legendary supposed to come with 3 game cases? Mine just has the halo 3 and then extra's box with the 2 discs inside. but when you put em in the helmet part theres alot of extra room, like one and a half dvd cases empty.

Also my friend's special edition was scratched up, and so were the 6 others he opened. They let him swap it out, so that was cool of them.


So my roommate and I were watching the Halo 3 premiere thing they had on Spike TV last night around 11 PM. It was about that time that I said "Fuck it Bobby. Let's just go to Gamestop to chill with your bud and (jokingly)maybe grab Halo 3." Of course, we weren't actually thinking we might have a chance to grab a copy, being that I didn't preorder it.

So we get to Gamestop and sure enough, there's a big line-up in front of the store(why the Starbucks next door didn't stay open is beyond me... they could have made a killing). So we get in line just to say we did. Seriously, at this point we weren't expecting shit, and we were just talking with some guys in the line and had a smoke with a few. So the store opens, the line moves fast as it's pretty much just people turning in their receipt and grabbing the game, and we make it in the store after about ten minutes later. My roommate says hello to his friend and jokingly asks "So... I'm here for a Wii. You guys have any?" To which everyone in the store promptly laughed. Being that we didn't preorder, they set us aside with another guy to wait for all the guys who had the game reserved to buy theirs(there wasn't that many people behind us actually. I look towards the countertop behind the register and notice that they have a mountain of copies of the standard edition, so my hopes actually go up. Finally we get our shot and hells yeah, they have copies, but I go ahead and ask the guy if they have any limiteds left, he asks his coworker and she says he can go ahead and sell the rest, so I look at my roommate and say "fuck yeah I'm buying it!"

So we both walked out proudly with a Limited Edition copy of Halo 3 attained without preorder or any other hassle on Launch morning. Just got in the car, got to the store, waited for the line, picked it up, bought it and left.

Needless to say, all my friends hate me right now.

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