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I couldn't find any topic on this, so I decided to make one of my own.

Not too hard of a subject, but maybe a few more questions could make it more interesting:

1.) What is your favorite game series?

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

I will, of course, start:

1.) What is your favorite game series?

=== Harvest Moon Series

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

=== Final Fantasy and 'Tales of'

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

=== Harvest Moon 64

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).


Harvest Moon GBC x2 (GBC)

Harvest Moon GBC2 x2 (GBC)

Harvest Moon GBC3 x2 (GBC)

Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town x2 (GBA)

Harvest Moon DS (GBDS)

Harvest Moon Rune Factory (GBDS)

Harvest Moon 64 (N64)

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life (NGC)

Harvest Moon Magical Melody (NGC)

Harvest Moon Back to Nature (PSX)


5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

===Best I could say about this is that it is probably the game series that got to continue playing video games... I saw a friend playing Harvest Moon (SNES) a LONG time ago, and from then on, I wanted to play it myself (he wouldn't let me play, for good reason), so when I saw HM64, I, without a thought, grabbed it (It was 40 dollars, this was a big deal to me... To put this in perspective, I only had 5 dollars in allowance each week, and only got more than that once a year at Christmas... That is what I decided to buy with my extra money that year).

===Now, at this point, I am responible for having found out most of the new information Harvest Moon 64 fans hadn't known until I came along to hack the game. So, I have much to thank to the series, and fans of HM64 have much to thank for me.

===I don't know what to say to convince anyone to look into the HM series, mainly because it needs an aquired taste... If someone were refered to this series, and picked up the wrong game (There's some incredibly bad games in the series), they'd have a very bad idea of the series, and that's even BEFORE that aquired taste comes into play. If you want to look into the series because of this, please buy Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (there is also a version for girls, where you are a female farmer who tries to woo male villagers, instead of the other way around, called 'Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town'... However, the Harvest Moon series is notorious for making female versions of their game more unneccesarily limited than male versions (Example: In Harvest Moon GBC3, if you chose of be a girl, once you get married, your game ends, but if you chose to be a boy, you are given better tools and get to continue your game even AFTER marriage)), mainly because it is a very good game, but isn't horribly expensive (Harvest Moon [sNES] is a bargain on eBay if you can find it below 100.00 USD and Harvest Moon 64 [N64] isn't as expensive, but still up there).


Dude, this needs to go in off-topic. "Favorite" threads aren't that smiled upon here; because they usually end up in lots of flaming and trolling. SO, it'll probably get modded, but for future reference: FAVORITE = NO GO. Also, check the help and newbies section. Lots of great stuff in there. Lotsa people need help.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Don't have one. I like Mega Man and Super Mario.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Probably Super Mario Bros, Megaman, Metroid, Street Fighter, and Ninja Gaiden.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Don't have one. Super Mario Bros and Megaman make me a happy man.

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Most of them.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

I like Bubble Bobble. It's a lot of fun. ExciteBike is fun too.

Goodbye little favorites thread.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Half-Life 2 Series. The original wasn't a bad game, but no where near the level of the second.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Battlefield Series, I am the Gold Medal king. For single player, probably Prince of Persia (Not the ghetto POS old one either, the new ones by Ubisoft).

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Half-Life 2: Episode Two which just came out. Better than both the original game and Episode One they really did put all the right elements into this one. I was convinced while playing it that I had not played a better game ever (Dead Serious, and I've been gaming since the original Nintendo).

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

I own them all. I also owned all of my close seconds which are: Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia, and OF COURSE Command and Conquer.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

If people need a reason to check out Half-Life 2, they are probably retarded or something...no offense. Anyone who calls themselves a gamer and likes FPS does themselves a grave injustice by not playing this game series. If you haven't tried go give the original Half-Life 2 a shot, they are practically giving it away now.


Oh well, if this is modded, then shame on me for my n00b reflex... But in my defense, I DID read the description underneath the 'Community' title before posting this: 'main forum; discussion of ocremix, games, music, anime, and related topics'

How was I to know that a topic in the line of games would be off topic in a board where games are one of the main points of focus, albeit a 'favorites' topic, the idea of it being off-topic didn't even come to mind. But again, that's newb logic, so I'll just take my 'STFU n()()b1' and be on my way.

*A few minutes later*

...I've been on many different boards for years now, and really, I should have gotten into some sort of habit of at least looking through the topics for newbs by now... Meh, usually, they only have 'This is how you post an image' or 'These are the rules' threads that only go over the stuff that ANYONE who goes to boards for any amount of time should know already... They never usually go over the exact topics you should avoid creating (Though, I suppose it is also true that insults and idiocy runs rampant in most of those). So much for past experiences.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Ace combat.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Ace combat, i like Doom, Silent Hill and Half life too.

Good at? hard to say, i like to play game that's all.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Ace combat 5

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Air combat (AKA: Ace combat 1) PSX

Ace combat 2 PSX

Ace combat 3: Electroshpere

Ace combat 4: Shattered skies

Ace combat 5: The unsung war

Ace combat 0: The belkan war

Ace combat 6 is currently reserved at my usuall game shop.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

because i like jet fighter , and right now i need to add the awesome work done by namco with the world of Ace Combat (music, voice, story, background radio chat etc)


1.) What is your favorite game series?


2.) What is the game series you are best at?


3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Lufia 2

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Lufia 1, Lufia 2, Lufia 3, Lufia 4

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

Beautiful story. Innovative with the battles, for example: one of the originators, if not THE of the now often copied "limit" attacks.

It got me through a lot of bad times, let it do the same for you.


Just alter the first post to mention that this is a survey, and include something about sex, age and location.

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Location: Alberta, Canada

1.) What is your favorite game series?

Uhm... Pokémon? I think that's a safe bet.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

I'd say... team making. Grab some pokémon, determine the ideal moves and stats, and train them up to high levels. Takes a lot of time and effort without the use of cheat devices.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Every one of them? I'd say Sapphire version. It forced you to start your entire team and even your battling habits from scratch by redoing the stat and battle system, not to mention that you couldn't transfer your team from the previous version over due to hardware incompatibility. It introduced a lot of new concepts and features, like Secret Bases, Natures and Abilities, and improved upon older ideas like the Battle Tower.

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Red and Blue on the Gameboy, Gold and Silver for GBC, Ruby and Sapphire for GBA, and now Pearl for the DS. As well as Colosseum for the Gamecube, but that game sucks, so it doesn't count.

Yes, I am a consumer whore.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

I like the team-building aspect. Grab any combination of pokémon and train them in almost any way you want with any item and moves you have access to, and then test them out against wither a increasingly difficult computer player (Battle Tower) or against another person.

For a suggestion, I would say it's a decent RPG with excellent multi-player, and the team building is great for people that like tweaking their stuff. And with the DS and Diamond/Pearl's online, you can trade and battle with people from anywhere in the world.



Age: 22

Sex: Manly

Location: Ciudad de Belén de Nuevo México

1.) What is your favorite game series?

probably the Legend of Zelda

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

that's a tough one. probably Legend of Zelda again, but there's lot of other games I'm good at.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (best game ever?)

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Legend of Zelda III: A Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda IV: Link's Awakening, Legend of Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda: Mujora's Mask, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I'll probably be picking up Phantom Hourglass sometime this weekend.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

Why? I dunno. The gameplay, the music, the overall awesomeness, it's all there. Plus there's something satisfying about beating some big baddy and getting a spiffy new weapon or tool to help you on your quest (DAH DAH DAH DAHHHHHHHHH!).


This is far better then a typical "wuts ur fav gaymez" thread anyway.

Age: 18

Sex: Dood

Location: Hertsfordshire, UK

1.) What is your favorite game series?

Its ghey, but how can I not say final fantasy. I've completed 6 of them several times, and plan to completed 6 more and whatever else they bring out several times.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Pffft, probably Warcraft in truth. At one point on warcraft 2 I had an account with 129-0 stats, all fair 2v2 melee matches with my bud. If there was a 2v2 ladder we probably would've topped it for europe. I'm nowhere near as good at war3 though, and I don't play WoW.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

If I had to pick one to keep out of the lot, it would be FFXII because its the most re-playable, but I'd play any of them anyday.

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN?

FF3 DS, FF7, FF8, FF9, FFX, FFX-2 (blegh) and FFXII

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

RPGs are great because they can equally be about the story and the direction as they can be about the gameplay. Square obviously picked up on this after the first few FFs and starting creating worlds with their own feels and charms. They play off everything that is good about what an rpg can be, which makes them far more interesting as an entire medium as opposed to "just a game". Obviously they've made a few uh... bad decisions at times, but they're generally the most playable games I know of.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Legend of Zelda series.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Probably Super Smash Bros Melee or Metroid.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

That's a tough one. At the moment, Twilight Princess is my favorite, but next week it might be Wind Waker or Link to the Past.

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN?

1. Legend of Zelda (NES)

2. Adventure of Link (NES)

3. Link to the Past (SNES)

4. Ocarina of Time (N64)

5. Majora's Mask (N64)

6. Link's Awakening (GB)

7. Link's Awakening DX (GBC)

8. Minish Cap (GBA)

9. Wind Waker (GCN)

10. Twilight Princess (Wii)

11. Oracle of Ages (GBC)

12. Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

13. Link to the Past (GBA)

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

Zelda games are always engrossing and intricately detailed. The puzzles are typically top-notch, the bosses are larger than life, etc. But above all it's the escapism and mood that are practically unparalleled in any other game series.


What the heck.

1. If I had to choose just one I guess I'd go with Star Ocean.

2. I'm best at... not any entire series, but I'm damn good at Zone of the Enders 2, Star Ocean 3, and I'm undoubtedly #1 in the entire world at Castlevania 4. I am just SO damn disgusting at that game.

3. Star Ocean 3 is my favorite in the series.

4. I used to own Star Ocean 2 but now I only own Star Ocean 3.

5. Why is it good? Because it's got a really pretty world, CRAZY battles, the coolest in-battle voices EVAR, and it's a perfect example of how extreme cliches and cheesiness can still be damn cool when there's lots of enthusiasm put into it. I just know that the Star Ocean creator thinks that it's the coolest game ever, and that's how everyone should think about every game they make.


Ah, so few replies, yet so much diversity! So far:

Harvest Moon

Super Mario

Mega Man

Half-Life 2

Ace Combat




Final Fantasy

Star Ocean

10 Different series in less than two pages of posts... Very nice, I was merely expecting varying reasons for liking 3 or 4 series, which'd be just fine, but this is definitely better. n_n

Yay, and no flames! [insert Annoying Dancing Smiley Here (because SCG refuses to do so)]

1.) What is your favorite game series?

Ace combat.

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Ace combat, i like Doom, Silent Hill and Half life too.

Good at? hard to say, i like to play game that's all.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Ace combat 5

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Air combat (AKA: Ace combat 1) PSX

Ace combat 2 PSX

Ace combat 3: Electroshpere

Ace combat 4: Shattered skies

Ace combat 5: The unsung war

Ace combat 0: The belkan war

Ace combat 6 is currently reserved at my usuall game shop.

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

because i like jet fighter , and right now i need to add the awesome work done by namco with the world of Ace Combat (music, voice, story, background radio chat etc)

Seconded, respectfully.

Also, to add to that:

If it has to do with flight, I have a lot to do with it.

If it involves racing... I'll have a bit too much to do with it.

If it's an RPG, well, I might be spending quite some time on it.

Shooters and puzzles are loved not only by me, but my parents as well.

...Except my mom is quite pissed that the Metroid series is coming to an end, so she's gonna have to find something else to do.

Edit: I actually forgot something:

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Location: Boston (for now, anyway...)


Hey, I kinda like this one so I'll bite.

Female, 29

1.) What is your favorite game series? Metroid

2.) What is the game series you are best at? Errr...rather then try and pick a series I'll just say I'm "best" at the Action Adventure genre.

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite? Super Metroid

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those). Zero Mission, Prime, Echoes, Corruption, Super, Fusion

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it? I really like the combination of play elements, challenges, and variety found in Metroid games. Each game is a robust combination of exploration, discovery, and action. Also, each game offers a different mix of challenges and focuses, with the game's structure open to new play experiments and experiences. I like action, but I've always felt the most satisfying experiences were more cerebral. I love figuring out how to move around interesting environments. I like having all sorts of nifty tools to use to manipulate and open up the game world. I love imaginative and immersive environments brought alive through cohesive art and music. I also like explosions. Metroid has it all. It's one of the best and least appreciated of the big Nintendo franchises. Metroid has always been a black sheep. Successful, sure, but not as much as it deserves to be. Metroid Original and Metroid 2 may be too primitive to appreciate these days, but the ones I own are fantastic at their worst, and unsurpassed epiphanies of brilliant design at their best. Play Metroid, Love Metroid.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Metroid, Megaman, Castlevania

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Final Fantasy

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Megaman 1-6 (NES carts)

Megaman Anniversary Collection

Megaman X2 and X4 (SNES cart and PS1 disc respectively)

Megaman X Collection

Megaman X Command Mission


Super Metroid

Metroid Prime 1 and 2

Castlevania 1-4

Castlevania Symphony of the Night

Castlevania Curse of Darkness

Castlevania Lament of Innocence

Castlevania 64

Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Castlevania Circle of the Moon

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

Metroid is a fairly solid series, with a very good mix of flexibility (ie, good controls) and well paced action. There's really nothing like doing wall jumps to reach places you aren't supposed, and the search for items is very entertaining, with them being hidden in so many different spots. The Prime series is also good in the item hunt category, and the ability to switch between visors and beams so quickly is a real plus.

Megaman has been a favorite series for a long time. It's nice to see what sort of weapons the Blue Bomber gets from each foe, and eventually (in both the X and late original series) armor and powerups. Zero is absolutely cool too. Nothing beats that sabre... And the story over the entire X series is very interesting.

Castlevania...one of those series I just keep coming back to, and one that always tries to improve itself. It always delivers solid action, and has been trying to include interesting ways of doing things of late, from the ID system in CoD, to the DSS in CotM, and Soma's abilities as well. It's also cool how some games have included a beastiary. Always nice to see descriptions and a little bit of background on foes, no matter how brief.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Time Crisis

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Metal Gear Solid 2

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear (MSX Version)

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX Version)

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence

Resident Evil (Gamecube Remake)

Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 4

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

Metal Gear Solid is the epitome of fully-developed characters, intricate plot, and breathtaking action sequences. Also, "The Best is Yet to Come," the ending song from Metal Gear Solid is only song that's made me cry.


1.) What is your favorite game series?

Resident Evil and I also highly enjoy the two original Earthworm Jim titles

2.) What is the game series you are best at?

Umm... Donkey Kong Country? maybe Star Fox? as cliche as it sounds Final Fantasy?

3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite?

Defiantly the remake of the original on the Gamecube. Resident Evil 2 and 4 are close to next for top favourites.

4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those).

Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil (Remake)

Resident Evil 2 (both PSX and Gamecube)

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (currently only the PSX original)

Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (both PS2 and Gamecube)

Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube and Wii when I can find one)

Resident Evil Outbreak (PS2)

and since I mentioned it above:

Earthworm Jim (Genesis)

Earthworm Jim 2 (SNES)

5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it?

The survival horror aspect and zombies are very cool... and with each entry into the main storyline atleast each game has a new feel with familiar touches and the series feels like its improving... though RE4 is a bit quick and feels a little too "casual" and not as engrossing as previous titles.

The REmake is the first video game to really freak me out while I was playing it... I only played it at dark and, maybe freaked out isn't a great word to describe it... but I have never been so engrossed into a title and to also jump at certain moments of the game and to see the story unwind... It's an amazing retelling of the original and an amazing series IMHO.

You are almost forced to play smart in order to survive since health and ammo can be scarce at times... You can't really get away with blasting zombies left and right and powering your way to the end.. figuring out the puzzles are alot of fun too.

Now that I think about it, I know lufia 1 and 2 inside and out. I don't think I have ever played a game so many times as I have with those two.

I am the same with Chrono Trigger.

that was the only game I played for what seemed like years back when it came out (not sure exactly but I'm amazed the game works... I think the cartridge is glitched so I can always be "Not Guilty" even if I do everything wrong in the times square in the beginning)

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