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You gotta be kidding me. Worst fears come true.... I hope to God Capcom doesn't absolutely wreck this (more).

Or am I just stuck in the past and fear change? I think I have legitimate fears.... The graphics don't look super-pretty, either. If they HAVE to make it 3D (since I guess they fold like a piece of paper to popular (ie. moron) demands), could they at least make it nice looking 3D?

Also, if the roster isn't >50% new, seriously, I will have a fucking fit. Not a fit of fucking (too bad!), but "fucking" being the descriptor of how pissed I will be.

But dammit, it's Street Fighter. I'll buy it even if it sucks, hard. Screw you Capcom. :\ (I'm so conflicted!)

I love the parry system, but I doubt it will be in SF4. Maybe something similar, like DOA- or KI-type reversals. Everything is speculation at this point. But I trust that Capcom will handle with care. This is their flagship series, it would be a monumental error if they screwed up the gameplay.

Well, new game play mechanics are to be expected; it's Street Fighter IV, and they should be doing new things. If they pull out parries, fine by me, parries pretty much define SF3. My primary sticking point is the roster rehash, which at this point is pretty unforgivable.

Well, new game play mechanics are to be expected; it's Street Fighter IV, and they should be doing new things. If they pull out parries, fine by me, parries pretty much define SF3. My primary sticking point is the roster rehash, which at this point is pretty unforgivable.

My post was in reference to dsx100, but I get your point. However, the roster shakeup that was the 3 series pissed off a lot of long time veterans. Many take that stance that it just doesn't feel like SF if the old diehards aren't there. Personally, I don't care one way or another as long as the gameplay is rock solid and there is a significant resemblance to the SF series (you can't create another Guilty Gear game and call it Street Fighter). If Capcom knows what it's doing, it will pander to the widest demographic possible, as the fighting game market is already somewhat of a niche as it is. I'd like to see as many old characters as possible, but definitely include a significant (33-50%) selection of new characters.

My biggest fear is the art direction and the whole feel of 2.5D. It just doesn't feel right. There's something magical about the not-exactly-fluid polish of 2D animation. Maybe it's that whole uncanny valley phenomenon. Not sure. All I know is that if SF4 ends up as a flashier version of the EX series (hey look, robots are fighting, cool), then I'm sticking to 3S for the next 10 years.


Well the gameplay is 2D to preserve the "strategic" Street Fighter feel, according to Ono.

As for vets being turned off because of a roster change, I say eff 'em. They not only had SF2 but the Alpha series as well for all their favorite characters, not to mention HD Remix is on the way. I just feel like this is a step backwards. THREE finally got us past the tired old Shadaloo storyline and gave us a villain with one of the best lines ever ("The mark of dignity shall scar thy DNA." Seriously, you can't top that.). I'm sure people missed their Blanka and Sagat, but clearing out the roster made room for a lot of fun fighters like Ibuki, Dudley, Makoto, Yun, Yang, etc. Hell, people have a hard time enough moving away from playing Shotos! I just feel like any new characters in IV are just going to be peripheral to the "main cast."

I dunno, call me crazy, but I've always been a fan of the Street Fighter "storyline" (hell I've got Udon's Street Fighter Ultimate Edition comic sitting on my shelf), and I was really looking forward to seeing what crazy new heroes and villain Capcom would come up with. :\

You gotta be kidding me. Worst fears come true.... I hope to God Capcom doesn't absolutely wreck this (more).

Or am I just stuck in the past and fear change? I think I have legitimate fears.... The graphics don't look super-pretty, either. If they HAVE to make it 3D (since I guess they fold like a piece of paper to popular (ie. moron) demands), could they at least make it nice looking 3D?

Also, if the roster isn't >50% new, seriously, I will have a fucking fit. Not a fit of fucking (too bad!), but "fucking" being the descriptor of how pissed I will be.

But dammit, it's Street Fighter. I'll buy it even if it sucks, hard. Screw you Capcom. :\ (I'm so conflicted!)

I have some issues with the graphics and artistic style as well. I was looking for a hyper realistic rendition of characters (a la VF or even Tekken.) I mean we're in the umpteenth generation of systems and the "hardcore" gaming demographic that this game undoubtedly is trying to reach will probably flip a shit if the graphics aren't super pretty.

On the other hand, I do like Udon's work and if they are going to cell-shade this, I'd want them to have a hand in making the game hyper-surrealistic and actually more cell shaded. Right now the graphics seem to have identity issues (can't decide whether it wants to be realistic or not and it ends up just looking akward.)

I realize that these are screenshots and that screenshots never look as good as actual footage and that these are probably just work in progress shots, but hell I'm a fanboy and I must rant and rave about these things. :<

Also: Dudley better be in this shit.


As far as characters go, I agree that they should bring a lot of new characters and bring back some from 3rd Strike. However, I believe a lot of old characters need to be brought back too, especially story wise. Like Sagat, he never got the rematch with Ryu he has always wanted. Guile too, becuase as much as his hair sucks, he's a damn popular character. Sakura definately needs to come back too seeing as she's Ryu's student, has tons of room to develop character wise, and shes like the only character not in danger of becoming a old washed up fighter at this point.

Gameplay wise, I'm happy as long as it sticks to basic SF gameplay, 6 button layout, Specials, and Super Specials. Parrying being gone isn't a huge deal but it would still be nice if they kept it. This Ultra-combo thing sounds interesting but I just hope is doesn't become something that is overly abused. As long as its balanced, fun, and SF at heart, I'll be happy. Basically no EX with flashy(or crappy depending on your view) graphics that give it a classic 2D look.


HEEEYYY! I liked the EX series.....

It wasn't amazing but it was actually had more in common w/ the classic series than most people think. And It had new characters yet people thought it was just a lame spin-off. Actually, I think if those games had better graphics, they would have been more popular. They were basically just a polygonal transfer of the SF2 with some new mechanics.

Wait, that sounds kind of like what this game is going to be......

HEEEYYY! I liked the EX series.....

It wasn't amazing but it was actually had more in common w/ the classic series than most people think. And It had new characters yet people thought it was just a lame spin-off. Actually, I think if those games had better graphics, they would have been more popular. They were basically just a polygonal transfer of the SF2 with some new mechanics.

Wait, that sounds kind of like what this game is going to be......

Yeah EX wasn't horrible but its wasn't all that great either. It basicallyy doesn't live up to the SF name in my opinion. SF 4 has even more expectations considering Capcom considers it part of the main series. So EX with cel-shaded graphics just won't do.

Sakura definately needs to come back too seeing as she's Ryu's student, has tons of room to develop character wise, and shes like the only character not in danger of becoming a old washed up fighter at this point.

If they bring her back, they should get rid of her school-girl costume and give her some completely unexpected clothes. Like a business suit or something.

Also, bring back Juni and Juli, goddamnit.

If they bring her back, they should get rid of her school-girl costume and give her some completely unexpected clothes. Like a business suit or something.

Yeah, I was hoping this would be our chance to see a grown-up Sakura, but I guess not. :(

If they bring her back, they should get rid of her school-girl costume and give her some completely unexpected clothes. Like a business suit or something.

Definately agree with you on that. If her character is to mature, they need to give her a more serious look. Using the school girl outfit as an alternate wouldn't be though. Like being able to use Chun Li's old costume in SF Alpha.

  • 1 month later...

Found these vids when looking for SFA2 study material.


I don't know about you guys but this is the first gameplay footage I have seen and I have mixed feelings (mainly about the art style.) The game speed seems to be at sf3's level, but since there is no parrying, (or alpha style counters from what I've seen), it seems like te gameplay is back to Super Turbo speeds. I believe there ARE super moves still in place, juding from the somewhat long pauses that occured before some of the moves came out. It kind of reminded me of Super Turbo.

I'd like to hear someone elses thoughts on these.


The graphics look "crappy" enough to convince me this could be on Wii, but pretty enough to put a grin on my face :) (observation, not critique).

If it plays like Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) but has more (special-) moves and extra characters then I will be most happy. Of course I will be sad if it doesn't come out on Wii afterall..

Looks SNK not Capcom, still cool, but it makes me think Capcom Fighting Jam

Yeah, this new character reminds me of Vanessa from KOF.

(Maybe she'll be a new boxer YEAH!)

The graphics look "crappy" enough to convince me this could be on Wii, but pretty enough to put a grin on my face :) (observation, not critique).

If it plays like Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES) but has more (special-) moves and extra characters then I will be most happy. Of course I will be sad if it doesn't come out on Wii afterall..

If they release SF4 on Wii, I will be very surprised. It's more likely that Wii will get a frikkin' minigame version of Street Fighter with little chibi characters.

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