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Capcom's excellent Zelda-esque action adventure game Okami has been confirmed for the Nintendo Wii.


I really enjoyed this game for the PS2, and I think it's a game everyone should play, especially if they like the 3D Zelda games. I don't know if I'm going to get the Wii version, but I hope other people take this opportunity to get it.

Capcom's excellent Zelda-esque action adventure game Okami has been confirmed for the Nintendo Wii.


I really enjoyed this game for the PS2, and I think it's a game everyone should play, especially if they like the 3D Zelda games. I don't know if I'm going to get the Wii version, but I hope other people take this opportunity to get it.

I'd be excited for it, since I haven't had a chance to play this yet. I wish, though, they would have cited their sources in the article, since I don't follow eurogamer and don't know how reliable they generally are.


I kind of expected that to happen sooner or later despite the closure of Clover Studios. Okami's controls BEG for some motion.

I agree with DarkeSword here. Okami is possibly one of the most unique games on the PS2 despite borrowing elements from the 3D Zelda games. It definitely stands out on its own, especially on the audiovisual appeal font.

This game will most likely be in a budget price for the Wii ala RE4. Very nice move on Capcom's font since I'm sure fans of the Zelda series will eat this game up. They need to market it correctly, though. I don't want this game to be overlooked.

And with that, the best-looking game on the Wii will be a PS2 port. Irony, you are truly delicious.

lol, I dunno about that man. Most stylized/best cel-shading, for sure, though.

And with that, the best-looking game on the Wii will be a PS2 port. Irony, you are truly delicious.

WRONG. The best looking wii game is a GAMECUBE port (RE4). oh wait, that one also came out for the ps2 XD.

The best looking wii game will be mario galaxy when it comes out, and from the approach companies are taking at the wii, it will be the best looking wii game for a long time. (maybe for the entirety of its lifespan!)

oh and about the news, it was a no-brainer. In fact this is a game made for a console like the wii way more than for the ps2.

Clover is gone and yet Capcom will make a shitload of cash from this. Sucks.

Capcom owned Clover too, so it's not like they weren't making money off of Clover's releases before. :roll:

Seriously, why do people constantly bring up Clover's closure? It's not like Capcom closed the studio and executed all of the devs that were part of that team; a lot of Clover employees just got absorbed back into Capcom (and yes, I know key players went on to form Seeds, which is now Platinum Games, but it wasn't the entire studio), where they are STILL making games.

It's not even like Capcom is a shitty company; they've been in the business for over 20 years and have done a lot of amazing shit without the Clover name on it.

Don't get me wrong; I loved the work that Clover did, but seriously, "sucks" is the furthest from the truth.



It sucks that Clover was split up. There is no spin you can put on it that changes that. If Nintendo shut down IS, and kept only a few of the key members, do you think the next Advance Wars or Fire Emblem would be worth a shit?


You are right about the money thing. I think the reason people don't like Clover's closure is because Capcom could've done a better job at marketing their games instead of shutting them down. Also, Clover had a lot of talent and potential. Imagine what Clover could've have done with the Mega Man franchise (You may know what I'm talking about if you've ever played Viewtiful Joe).

And with that, the best-looking game on the Wii will be a PS2 port. Irony, you are truly delicious.

Thus proving that the game looks good due to excellent Art Design. Demonstrating that you don't need graphics crunching processors to make a pretty game. You just need, you know, good artists.


Excellent, I never got to play Okami, our PS2 was a launch one and got the Disc Read Error problem frequently. So we'd do the whole fix for it. Then on one day it pops up again, so my dad was working on it again and something popped out. Anyways it's a disassembled mess even to this day.


Franchises changing hands isn't necesarily bad, as it has been proven by the change of hands from miyamoto to aonuma of the legend of Zelda series. However some really valuable people did leave the company, and most of those people were the creators of some of the most innovative games that capcom has released, and original IPs to add to that.

We'll still have to see how this works out. okami seems like the perfect game for Wii, but remember many people were thinking the wii was the best console for FPS before release, and developers are still struggling to make the experience work. Still, this can only benefit nintendo either way, but I'll be really surprised if this game wasn't just an exact port with the brush being controlled with the wiimote and no other improvements/additions whatsoever.


This is great news but I really doubt I'll buy it seeing as I already have it for PS2, unless they include some extra content exclusive to Wii.

Also, you are all wrong, Metroid Prime 3 is easily the best looking Wii game out know. Art wise and technical wise.

This is great news but I really doubt I'll buy it seeing as I already have it for PS2, unless they include some extra content exclusive to Wii.

Also, you are all wrong, Metroid Prime 3 is easily the best looking Wii game out know. Art wise and technical wise.

I would agree with this whole-heartedly if not for the fact that Retro makes great looking aliens and awful looking humans. The idiotically abandoned Samus head model from Prime being the singular exception.

On topic, I'd very much be willing to buy Okami again if they made an effort to differentiate it from the original ps2 release. (well implemented) Remote brush drawing is obvious but additional extras would be welcome. I really do hope that this "confirmed rumor" is the real McCoy.


Hell, I'd buy it for the wii remote brushstroke artwork. You can call me simplistic, but that was one of the very best games I've ever played. Beautiful artwork, awesome characters (I'm even willing to vote a best sidekick on Issun over Midna) and absolutely breathtaking music.

Extras and more challenging boss fights, plzkthx >.>


I never got the chance to try that game on PS2. I'll just have to add this one on my "Why should i buy a Wii" list. SSBB thrones on top of it of course. I was half expecting to hear there was an upcoming version for the Wii when it came out on PS2.


Ooo cool. Always heard good things about it but never got it for the PS2. Mostly cuz the delayed release in the PAL nations kinda made me forget it even existed...With the Wii version confirmed, I might as well grab that one instead of the PS2 varient.


Fucking YES.

I don't care if I already have it for Ps2, this gives me an excuse to play it again. Also, looking forward do doing the drawings the way they should've been done the first time, had hardware allowed.

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