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New miserable little pile of secrets ~ Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles~

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So yea surprised by no posts of this game so I assume everyone is out there enjoying and prancing around the fields of joy and pleasure with PSP in hand. Anyway all I can say is holy s&@$! This game is awesome. Its like the MM remakes but without the crappy slowdown that plagued them. Not the prettiest 3D but damn looks so nice. And plays just like the original. Its as challenging as the original, well maybe slightly easier but still fun as hell playing an old school Castlevania again. I somehow unlocked the original Rondo and it runs fine. Some have said there slowdown, might have seen a bit myself but hell its just fine what I played. Of course SoTN is unlockable with unlockable Maria and a few new things (though they changed the English dub and translation so no more funny qoutes :( ). I still need to unlock this though. From what I see the game has lots of replayability. Hell $30 bucks for both versions of a game we haven't seen in the US and a updated SoTN is a hell of a deal. I highly recommend this for all PSP owners out there.


check the psp thread silly

yeah is good

i like how i can make the bgm to every level bloodlines and the boss bgm bloody tears


This is the only reason I regret selling my old psp. I <3 teh castlevanias. But yes, it is a port of the saturn, with a new voice acting shebang. Boots, Spears, maria, and all.

Actually, I believe it uses the PS1 version of SotN as a base, and then had the Saturn extras added to it. I doubt they used the Saturn version, seeing as it suffers from noticeably fewer special effects.

Actually, I believe it uses the PS1 version of SotN as a base, and then had the Saturn extras added to it. I doubt they used the Saturn version, seeing as it suffers from noticeably fewer special effects.

I nver said they didn't add special effects (which they probly did) Does anyone know if they have the extra japanese familiars in there? If so, that would be worth going into debt for this awesomeness.

Or you could use a Saturn emulator to play the Japanese version?

But their so complicated.... and my computer is so old, and I cant read japanese.... and I like whining. also, I like portability. Cardinal sin, I know... but still....

I nver said they didn't add special effects (which they probly did) Does anyone know if they have the extra japanese familiars in there? If so, that would be worth going into debt for this awesomeness.

Well, it's the other way around. The PS1 version came first, and the Saturn version came along afterwards. But Konami didn't try very hard on the Saturn port, and what wound up happening was that the Saturn version had longer load times, noticeably more slowdown, and about a third to half of the special effects the PS1 version had (lots of transparency stuff that I guess Konami didn't want to bother working out on the Saturn hardware). That's why I said they likely used the PS1 version, and then programmed in the extras that were originally Saturn-only. I can't see them using the lower quality version from a non-Sony system.

though they changed the English dub and translation so no more funny quotes.

It's things like this that further solidify my belief that most developers don't understand the good and bad parts of their own games or what is important to the fans of their games. (Every Final Fantasy after FFVII also serves as evidence of this phenomenon.)


I should get in on the custom firmware boat myself... Too bad I'm not good with that kinda stuff. That and there's prolly extra stuff ya have to get and there's nowhere in a hundred mile radius that would sell that stuff that I can think of. Bah.

I should get in on the custom firmware boat myself... Too bad I'm not good with that kinda stuff. That and there's prolly extra stuff ya have to get and there's nowhere in a hundred mile radius that would sell that stuff that I can think of. Bah.

What kind of PSP do you have and what firmware is it?

Typically all you need for custom firmware is a bigass memorystick.


To answer questions:

Yes, the Sprite and the Tengu-Nose Demon are familars in SotN....but from what I've heard the extra items from Nocturne (Alcarde/Alucard Spear, Rainbow Cloak, etc.) are not...and neither is the additional stage. You do fight Maria for the Holy Glasses, though.

Original Rondo and SotN are unlockables that you must find in secret locations in the game, rather than just beating the game and unlocking them.

And, the fact they didn't keep the old, awful dialog hurts me. It was terrible as hell, but dammit...that's what made it great and memorable!


Oh its out already? Awesome, I'll pick it up tomorrow.

At E for All I met IGA and he signed a slip in cover for the game I can replace. Its pure, simplistic oldschool gaming goodness.


Gayness. I liked being a vampire pimp with my alucard pimpstick and pimptastic rainbow cape bringing the pimpjoy to the undead masses. Fight with maria = epic fun. At lease they let you have more familiars. Lotsa fun to level those guys up.

Gayness. I liked being a vampire pimp with my alucard pimpstick and pimptastic rainbow cape bringing the pimpjoy to the undead masses. Fight with maria = epic fun. At lease they let you have more familiars. Lotsa fun to level those guys up.

Use the cusom cloak, it lets you pick the color you want the inside and outside to be. I don't remember what cloak it was, though...

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