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I'm really surprised that people haven't figured out that it's not Yahtzee doing the voice-over in this one. The end credit comments even allude to it.
Of course I could be wrong and maybe I'm missing the obvious, but it sounds exactly like Yahtzee with a different mic (or maybe different audio production), I don't see anything in the credits that remotely alludes to a different person (the Johnny Cash ref is what you're referring to perhaps?), and if it actually is someone else, imo they didn't make the 'joke' obvious enough for it to be funny.

As for the episode itself: lol


I didn't really mind the voice change at all and it reminded me that the man reason why I care about the reviews is the writing + animation anyway. That said if he's doing this old school style again I wish legal wasn't being so anal and he could use a different, thematic intro/outro music like he used to.


Dunno, sounds like Yahtzee with a new mic to me. Where do the credits allude to someone else? He always throws in quirky stuff at the end, sometimes in 3rd person.

His speaking technique sounds exactly the same, it just sounds compressed and EQ'd differently than his former recordings.

Also, I liked the subtle Jurassic Park reference. +10 points to the review for that.

Sounds like he has a cold.

If I'm not mistaken, I think he said around the beginning of last week that he was sick (during the Desert Bus interview). So it wouldn't surprise me if he's still suffering from the remnants of it.


Totally expected him to hate it. Nonetheless there are some good laughs from it. :lol:

"Pause?! What kind of faggot are you I don't care if you need to answer the phone gamers have no friends!"

Technically you can say the game does say that, thankfully finding a safe spot is not so hard so long as you clear an area and had not been connected to the internet by then.


I swear, the actual videos are starting to become less of an overall part of the Zero Punctuation experience than finding out what's going to prevent me from watching them this Wednesday.

One week I just get the "Flowplayer" logo with a play button that doesn't work, then the next it freezes on the "Video not loading? Click here for help" bit, (the link being completely unhelpful, naturally) then the page itself just won't load, and now this week the video loads up until the one minute mark and outright refuses to go any further.


It took me a while to get to the Mario/L4D2 review. And for a reason I can't discern, that review angered me more than it should have. Why do I feel so ripped off and frustrated with it? It's almost embarrassing!

Am I the only one who feels like he didn't give NSMBWii a chance? Sure, trashing games is his schtick, but I feel like he took it way, way too far. I can't remember him saying one good thing about the entire game.

It took me a while to get to the Mario/L4D2 review. And for a reason I can't discern, that review angered me more than it should have. Why do I feel so ripped off and frustrated with it? It's almost embarrassing!

Am I the only one who feels like he didn't give NSMBWii a chance? Sure, trashing games is his schtick, but I feel like he took it way, way too far. I can't remember him saying one good thing about the entire game.

Perhaps he thought it was too much of a throwback... a bit more like a remake than a new game. And well, we all know how much he loves remakes.


I've learned that when he trashes a game I like, and I feel he didn't give it a fair shake... I just remember that he's paid to accentuate the negative, and that he's got vastly different opinions on games than I do.

I feel better after that, because it means I don't need to actually consider anything he says. :P

It took me a while to get to the Mario/L4D2 review. And for a reason I can't discern, that review angered me more than it should have. Why do I feel so ripped off and frustrated with it? It's almost embarrassing!

Am I the only one who feels like he didn't give NSMBWii a chance? Sure, trashing games is his schtick, but I feel like he took it way, way too far. I can't remember him saying one good thing about the entire game.

He didn't give it a chance because he doesn't want to. He's being just as stupid as the rest of the hardcore that haven't even tried the game and say it's a DS port, or is just trying to do like all website try to do anymore, Flamebait. Anger the fans, get lots of page views, and look "insightful", and "edgy".

Look no further than Jim Sterling's "pieces" on Destructoid, or Anthony Burch's Rev Rant, where all he does is whine about things commonplace in games that need to be change, and it's not the things that are of serious need either.

I honestly can't believe how many people have become so against Mario Bros. Wii, it seems like they (hardcore gamers, God I hate that term) only want "cinematic" experiences in games, instead of just enjoying games anymore...

He didn't give it a chance because he doesn't want to. He's being just as stupid as the rest of the hardcore that haven't even tried the game and say it's a DS port, or is just trying to do like all website try to do anymore, Flamebait. Anger the fans, get lots of page views, and look "insightful", and "edgy".

Look no further than Jim Sterling's "pieces" on Destructoid, or Anthony Burch's Rev Rant, where all he does is whine about things commonplace in games that need to be change, and it's not the things that are of serious need either.

I honestly can't believe how many people have become so against Mario Bros. Wii, it seems like they (hardcore gamers, God I hate that term) only want "cinematic" experiences in games, instead of just enjoying games anymore...

I feel like I'm having deja vu.

I know I've read that exact kind of statement back when hating on Halo was all the rage, and it was the Sony and Nintendo fanboys doing a healthy chunk of the bashing. I seem to recall reading about how Halo was just another entry in the FPSs genre, and didn't add anything new... that it didn't have the kind of epicness or cinematic quality/story telling of the Zeldas, Final Fantasies and whatnot. That they just couldn't see what was so much fun about playing what felt like a step backward for the genre. All this, while some of those who liked it said that it's just about being fun, and that the "haters" were all just hopping on the bandwagon because it was the cool thing to do to get attention.

I'm not trying to start a fight Toadofsky, but it just hit me how similar your post was to what people who enjoyed Halo were saying to the so-called "haters" who weren't system fanboys, and to the Sony and Nintendo fanboys who were determined to belittle Halo and those who played it. Sure, PC gamers bashed the game as well, but the Sony/Nintendo crowd certainly got their licks in.

My, how history repeats itself in interesting ways, eh?

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