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Mega Man 6 'Master of Flame'

Having never played Mega Man 6 (shoot me, I'm not the biggest Mega Man Fan.) Overall, this is pretty darn happy ReMix. It's definitely groovy. Though, sonically, it doesn't meet my standards. It could definitely use some panning. You won't believe how much panning helps increase the enjoyability of a ReMix (at least for me). Regardless, it's still enjoyable to listen to. There are a few instances of clipping. The mastering could have been executed a little better. Try limiters, or maybe a compressor. Limiters tend to be more effective for less energetic music, but they're good overall. Compressors are typically good for really energetic music. If you don't have access to any of the above, work on avoiding clipping just by simply adjusting volume levels. Though, it may not always be the best solution. Depends on what your going for.


I'm really keen on this mix. At first, I wasn't thrilled with it, but I gave it a few plays before hitting the delete button on it.

Thankfully, it's staying on my hard drive.

This is definately a very different type of techno. It's kinda happy, kinda groovy, kinda funky. The thing that I dig the most is that voice sample. I think it kicks and is extremely well used. Never really played the Mega Man series, so I'm going to go ahead and assume it's the Blue Bomber himself, but I'd love to know what it is he's saying. If anyone can help me with that...

Overall, like I said, the more I listened to it, the more I appreciated the arrangement. It does have it's problems though. I really do feel better samples could have been used. The whole mix seems kinda... muffled. I felt these sounds should be jumping out at us. It would have brought me into the mix a lot quicker if everything sounded a little crisper.

Is there a clearer version available?

Overall, I dig it. And that voice sample is really super cool. It's funky, it's techno but it's different and it's definately worth a listen (or two or three ;) )


This is the best megaman remix i've heard in a long time. I just got finished playing all of the megaman games last month, and while i was playing MM6 I thought a remix to Flame Man's stage would be cool, so check OC and there was none. Wich was like last month, then i check the site today and there's a remix to Flame Man's stage. And to top it off its and awesome remix. umm thats about all i have to say. heh


This is really good. I mean really really good. I don't really like most of the techno ReMixes I hear but this is incredible. Sorry I have nothing more intelligent to say - I'm just speechless.


Err... I find this quite bad... and I ain't no small fan of techno. Everything sounds so muffled, especially the breakbeats, which are drab and uninspired. The ones at 0:45 sound like drum-loop samples, and really clash with the rest of the mix. The lead is also lacking; it kinda sits in the background, never taking authority over the song. Flame Man's tune was my favorite from Mega Man 6, but this mix is a major disapointment.


I thought it was alright, the idea behind it was pretty good, but it wasn't brought on strong enough really. The instruments sounded too weak and 'synth-like', if you know what I mean. The voice helped a little bit, but at 3:08 after that short pause and the voice says "higha" (I think thats what he says) didn't work for me, that was really the only part with the voice I didn't like

3/5 - good, not great but with the same style but better synth it could be a 4.5/5 easily


i think the voice sample says "turn the flame higher" and indeed it is a really cool voice sample. really liked the song even though it does have a muffled sound, maybe it couldn't be helped in the recording, maybe it was on purporse. but the "music" is there regardless of condition of the music. wow thats a good phrase, someone quote me.


This is one of the best Mega Man remixes I've ever heard with an incredibly catchy chorus (nice little vocal) and I love the space at 3:08. Good stuff! 5/5

i think the voice sample says "turn the flame higher" and indeed it is a really cool voice sample. really liked the song even though it does have a muffled sound, maybe it couldn't be helped in the recording, maybe it was on purporse. but the "music" is there regardless of condition of the music. wow thats a good phrase, someone quote me.
Consider yourself quoted.

And it does sound like "Turn the flame higher". Thanks. :)


Hey thanks everyone for the feedback! It´s very nice to get it (even if its bad). :)

The thing with the sound quality is that I sample almost everything. This particular song features lots and lots of samples from indian instruments. Even the chorus lead-sound, that seems to be titled as a "synth" here, is really an indian-sounding guitar, that´s sampled from a source that had quite a bad quality. Plus its looped like hell.

Maybe someone who is better at mastering would´ve managed to make the sound quality better, but I´m still learning in that particular area. And I think that this kind of breakbeat (or whatever) music has a tendency to bad quality. Usually its ok ´cause the track is well mastered but in this case.. well... you be the judge. I myself am quite fond of Lo-Fi stuff..

And yes, maybe the track could use some more layers on the background but I´m still working on that area too.. Its quite dull to just add a string chord on the background and leave it that way... I NEED SAMPLES, SAMPLES, SAMPLES and SAMPLES! :)

And yes, the vocal sample says : "Turn the flame higher.." :twisted:


I didn't play MM6 until after I downloaded this song, so I never heard the Flame Man theme, which I think is great. I think it's a solid mix, but I only wish you gave the main riff (or whatever the one that comes in for the first time at :43 is) a lot more punch or perhaps made the intro to it a bit more dramatic. It sounded a ltitle flat to do it proper justice, to me.

If someone is planning on doing another version of this theme, I think something cinematic and less 'techno' would work very well with that main riff.


I want everyone to know that since the very first time here, I always had a burning desire for someone, ANYONE to make a MM6 Remix. I think that MM6 had the best tunes of all the NES Megamans, and I was surprised that no one put anything out there.


That said, I think this song is sensational. I cannot get over the voice, the... ok. Maybe I'm just over-reacting because I love MM6 and I love the voice. The song is demoted to a really good song. However I still believe that EvilHorde is god, and that I am glad he made this mix


One thing made me listen to this song over and over again. The vocal samples. Those just gave it one of those feel-good shake-your-ass club song kind of feel. I've always liked what The Evil Horde has done for Mega Man. This remix is just awesome. It's catchy, and sounds great. I recommend this one highly. And for the record, I would disagree and say Mega Man 2 had the best music.


I've listened to the song a couple of times, and I have changed my mind a bit. When I first heard the song, I thought it was a little weird having the Lo-Fi, however I now realize that it is pretty cool. The voice rizz I think is sensational. The coice of instruments is interesting, and I think I heard some anchient instruments- ¿is that southwest asian?- mixed with some fantastic choices of leads. (And is that a fire I hear in the background?) The backG is OK, but I believe this is probably the weakest part of the song. Needs another layer. The transitions are very smoothly done, something you no longer see that often in mixes. I do think a little slower on the intro was neccesary, but not critical. The song is very strong musically. However, the song also is a great testiment to Mega Man; I keep flashing to jumping those lava pools in the beginning of Fire Man's board. It sticks close enough to the original, but mixes quite nicely.

:wink: Oh, and by the way, I still believe that while MM2 did has some excellent material, MM6 is still the best tracks to hear raw.


Now this mix right here is some crazy sh*t. I love it, I just wanna start dancing to it. It's so freaking cool. I just love how it keeps moving so lfuidly, I also love the MegaMan like Audio Clips, If they aren't actually from MM. It sounds so darn cool. This is an absolute must for anyone!



Personally I absolutely LOVED the beginning, gave ya a good feeling, and thats the first step to a good song, a parky beginning... But not to perky.. ;) Now as I went on and listened to the rest of the song, I didn't get bored and did not want to turn it off. You also made the song change around a bit, which is best choice number two! Keeping the song the same the whole way through would of been a bad choice.. And Finally good choice number 3 was.. Keeping the song at a reasonable length.. Thus your song is probaly one of the best ones here on OC.


This MP3 is very good! When first hearing this remix, it blew me away. Now I tend to listen to daily...

As a fan of MM6, I played it a lot when I was a child, I believe there is much more to be remixed from MM6!


loved, it listened to it over and over, and went and played Megaman 6 just to see what the original sounded like, i think the reason this mix is so good is because it kept the megaman sound while increasing the quality of the song as compared to the nintendo, and nice voice sample, eheh, and though i saw that some people complained about the pause, that was one of my fav. parts, i duno, anywho, i liked it, nice work, how about a remastered version as you learn more?


I´m VERY pleased that people seem to like this remix. I would´ve never believed that it would be this "popular". Thanks guys. :oops:

how about a remastered version as you learn more?

Well, propably not, because I´m very satisfied with the song altough it has some flaws. And I guess DJP wouldn´t be too happy if I sent him the same song again.

But you never know... It´s my favorite megaman song, and I just might get back to it later. Maybe I could send it to the message boards.. Don´t get your hopes up though..


I was wondering when someone was going to delve into the latter MM games. There's good music in there... pity more people don't work on tunes from them.

Any chance of, say, TomahawkMan or WindMan remixes?

M "Or Tunes From MMV For The Game Boy... Yeah..." Sipher

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