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PS3 Does Well In Japan, X-box 360 Left Out...

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Well, even still, look at the numbers, they don't lie. PS3 outselling the Wii is actually amazing considering that when both systems came out in their respective launches, their levels of supply were drastically different. Now, the PS3 supply has gone up, while the Wii (whilst still selling great numbers) supply has gone down because of consumer demand.

People LOVE their consoles, whether it's PS3 or Wii. There is, however, no love right now for the X-box 360. I think the question I really want answered is, is it just the Elite systems that are having these issues, or are there issues with the previously released versions of the 360 that have yet to be revealed?


This is one extremely unpredictable console war, but I think that the PS3 will surpass the 360. Sony still has its fans, and those fans are coming out more and more with the price drops and releases of games that don't suck. The 360 will always have its market though. I just think that the pie is big enough for all three now. I predict that the PS3 will be the biggest home console in Japan. Wait until Final Fantasy 13 comes out. They won't have a choice, and neither will many Americans.

The Wii? Who knows, it might be the biggest selling console all around in a few years, but regardless all three will be successful.


Has there ever been an American system/game that did well in Japan? American gamers are all for buying-Japan made games and systems, but it always seems to be quite the opposite when it comes to Japanese gamers buying American made games or systems. Are they really that disinterested in American-styled gaming, or is it just the charts that are released making it seem that way?

Well, most American-made games aren't stylized in a way that Japanese care to play it. I'm not sure where exactly to place my finger on it, but there is a cultural barrier in games there.

Except for freak accidents like Halo 3 and Gears of War, which actually sold to the point of being sold out in day one.

Also, some news indicate that for a small stretch in the past month, the 360 actually outsold the PS3 and came close to beating the Wii a bit. The 360 isn't going to win Japan, but at least the developers are seeing the potential in it for the rest of the world.


Japanese folk, engaging in a bit of racism via consoles? Well I never!

Consider also the army that is Sony's marketing team - and they've had considerably more experience than MS's marketing team.

uh well i dont live in japan but where i was for black friday to every 5 people that were purchasing a 360 1 purchased a ps3

and they were mocked

Hmm, good for that PS3 buyer. I would have backed him up. I try to convince myself that buying a 360 was worth it and in the end i will be happy with this purchase. But im starting to doubt. With my dissappointment of Halo3(i still like & play it online, just disappointed), Spiderman 3 and the fact unless i start getting into FPS games, this console will continue being used only for my HD DvD player, Halo3 & Fifa 08. But i hope im wrong........

As for Japan, they love their RPGs and Xbox is not known for them. In my opinion Xbox only appeals to certain gamers. I wonder how the Box would do if there was no Halo. Then again i hear that Online gameplay is better with 360. But i dont own a Ps3 so i cant say.

I play my Wii alot more than my 360 but i keep my fingers crossed 360 with rise before i eventually buy a PS3 and 360 turns into a dust collector that i use for Halo3, like my xbox was for halo2.


Just so you know, If there had been no Halo, there most likely would be no XBOX360, and there certainly wouldn't whatever nextbox it is Microsoft is cooking up in Sillicon Valley.


Everyone needs to jump off the THE ONLY GOOD GAME FOR XBOX IS HALO bandwagon. Both the original, and especially the 360 have proven themselves to be much more than that one franchise.


VGChartz approximates/predicts the rate of sales, and adjusts at the end of each month according to the monthly figures released, at least for the North American numbers (or in the Japanese case, weekly).

As for the consoles, I enjoy them all; I've had addicting times with all 3. I don't see a reason for all of the console bickering, as they all cater to different tastes in many ways, and all have a good degree of legitimacy.

As for the consoles, I enjoy them all; I've had addicting times with all 3. I don't see a reason for all of the console bickering, as they all cater to different tastes in many ways, and all have a good degree of legitimacy.

Wes speaks truth. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my ps3 then defending my friends onsloughts about why their hax boxes are better.

VGChartz approximates/predicts the rate of sales, and adjusts at the end of each month according to the monthly figures released, at least for the North American numbers (or in the Japanese case, weekly).

Why would that be inaccurate? Their methodology page explains pretty well why that's a good method compared to simply counting all shipments.

Why would that be inaccurate? Their methodology page explains pretty well why that's a good method compared to simply counting all shipments.

Sometimes strange trends occur within retail, like an abnormally high sale of a console/handheld for a particular week - in general, VGChartz seems to be a fairly good estimate of general numbers, but by no means will it be accurate to a large degree.

Just so you know, If there had been no Halo, there most likely would be no XBOX360, and there certainly wouldn't whatever nextbox it is Microsoft is cooking up in Sillicon Valley.

That's weird because the XBox 360 wasn't released with a Halo game. And the game that has sold the most for 360 is Gears of War, and none of these links to lists of top selling games have Halo 3 at the top. As one of my favorite quotes from Perfect Dark go, "You cannot make accusations like that without evidence." While it may be true that Halo 3 made the XBox 360 a profitable product to sell, games like Rock Band and Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect were just around the corner.




Besides, every console has its staple franchise. That's like saying "The only reason Nintendo made Wii's is because of Super Mario Galaxy." when Twilight Princess was selling like wildfire when the Wii came out. There are other games you know.

From what I see, Microsoft has enough cash to throw around to make a console whether or not there's a Halo game. And if one were financially skeptical of making a console, Halo 3 would have to be the one and only economic gift from god that outsold all other games forever to make a justifiable "this game is the only reason we're selling XBox's" case. Microsoft is going to make its next console based on a million other factors as opposed to one game.

I thought people had already stopped making stupid assumptions like this when the X-Box 360 came OUT, you know, when it was topping out competition with a year to go till its apparently "only game" came out.

On another note, I really can't wait till the new Metal Gear Solid comes out. It just looks amazing.


The most accurate sales numbers come from NPD (NA, monthly) and Media Create (Japan, weekly).

Basically, Bahamut nailed it with his explanation. VGchartz numbers are widely considered to be unreliable in professional (media and business) circles.

That's weird because the XBox 360 wasn't released with a Halo game. And the game that has sold the most for 360 is Gears of War, and none of these links to lists of top selling games have Halo 3 at the top. As one of my favorite quotes from Perfect Dark go, "You cannot make accusations like that without evidence." While it may be true that Halo 3 made the XBox 360 a profitable product to sell, games like Rock Band and Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect were just around the corner.

On another note, I really can't wait till the new Metal Gear Solid comes out. It just looks amazing.

I think that's a point the a lot of gamers, especially the fanboys/girls, miss when they talk about the PS3. Halo and Halo 2 both launched on the Xbox, but the 360 didn't get Halo 3 until this year. Why people say it's "only for Halo 3" doesn't make sense. I've enjoyed Assassin's Creed, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and quite a few other games, as well as the downloadable classics from Marketplace.

Also...I too cannot wait for Metal Gear Solid 4. Not only do the in-game graphics look great, the game itself looks very, very polished. The only real disappointment is the lack of a rumble feature. That really upsets me, because that feature has been a staple since MGS2.

Still...March is some time away, and that 80GB version of the PS3 is looking better and better.


Also...I too cannot wait for Metal Gear Solid 4. Not only do the in-game graphics look great, the game itself looks very, very polished. The only real disappointment is the lack of a rumble feature. That really upsets me, because that feature has been a staple since MGS2.

I'm pretty sure Kojima productions said that MGS4 would support the Dual Shock 3. There will be rumble feature. There has been news in the last 2 months saying so.

Everyone needs to jump off the THE ONLY GOOD GAME FOR XBOX IS HALO bandwagon. Both the original, and especially the 360 have proven themselves to be much more than that one franchise.

I only stated i wonder what would happen, not saying its the only good game. But i still believe that 360 only appeals to certain gamers. Mainly people who enjoy FPS. Though they are good games, i get tired of them easily. Not my type of game is all. But different people will have different experiences, My Xbox was only used for Halo2, Fifa and Street Fighter(online).Im hoping i will get more out of 360 other than the HD DvD player. Keep in mind i still have not Played Greed, its on my Xmas List. Then again its also out for PS3 which once again worries me i will be playing all multi platforms on my PS3 over my 360......well if i ever decide to get a Ps3

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