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I just bought NES Bible Adventures; God help me...

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For those that don't know, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_Adventures

It was $5 and I couldn't resist this "classic" game...

First impressions: the mechanics really remind me of SMB2 US and it's cheaply designed, but not as bad as I though it'd be with all the negative hype and all. It's playable; I'll probably break this out in the MAGFest video game room if I go.

It's clearly an unlicensed game. Sometimes it freezes and takes awhile to load... It came in a black (instead of blue) Wisdom Tree cartridge and according to the title screen, it's version 1.4. All the ROM sites I went to have either version 1.2 or 1.3.



How's the music? ReMix worthy?

Eh... No. All the sub-games and levels have the same minimalistic tune.

Though their version of Bach's "Joy" on the title screen might be worth something...

For those that don't know, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_Adventures

It was $5 and I couldn't resist this "classic" game...

You know, Spiritual Warfare (another Wisdom Tree game) was actually rather fun once you get over the "smite the heathens with holy fruit" part. I've only played it on ROM, but, it might be worth it to see if you can't find that for $5 someplace as well.

I played Bible Adventures (via ROM again) for maybe 5 minutes before getting bored, however. KF


I still have Bible Adventures, and I used to have Bible Buffet, the BEST CHRISTIAN / COLOR DREAMS GAME EVER MADE. SO GREAT I MUST TYPE IN ALL CAPS.

Yeah, Bible Buffet is like a random mash-up of Mario Party and Zelda. All of the enemies and levels are made of food. Best party game ever made! *Stumbles over to amazon to buy another copy*

Edit: Also, Spiritual Warfare is a great Zelda ripoff. It gets pretty tough to beat as well. Both Spiritual Warfare and Bible Buffet are worth the money.


These christian games (one of which I, a christian, have heard of) seem to be good bad examples of games with an agenda. Also, tossing edible things at your enemies... no serious game franchize would even consider that. Right...? :P

The magic of edible items...

Besides, the mentioned games hardly represent the reality of described events from a human POV. Would be interesting to see a game model being developed to depict something in a modern christian lifestyle worth reproducing for a controller and a screen, but as far as existing games goes, christian games are ridiculous. Or does anyone have a good example of a christian game?

oh man i remember playing this when i was a kid just to throw baby moses in the water and watch him drown

I was gonna post this exact same thing.

We had the blue cart and we bought it off one of our neighbors at the time. I like the Noah's ark part the most, Noah's like a body builder he can pick up like 2 horses. My biggest complaint about the Noah part is that you need to collect 2 snakes yet they are not the snakes that constantly knock you out of the trees.

Well, they have those Left Behind games, but that's only valid if you're one of those extreme protestant types, like a Pentecost.

I heard that game has you killing people if they won't convert. Sounds fun if it's true.


I downloaded the ROM for that a long time ago, just to see what it was like. I never had the patience to play the three-part Bible Adventures, but I DID play Spiritual Warfare and Bible Buffet.

If you WANT an excuse to remix old Christian hymns, then yeah, these games are remix-worthy. Bible Buffet doesn't have any music, really. It has jingles and sound effects... It's exactly like Monopoly for Nintendo... except every square you land on contains a two-screen dungeon you have to go through to actually claim that square.

BTW, the final boss in Spiritual Warfare has to be pretty close to the top of my "Most Annoying Boss Battles In Gaming History" list... it's not hard at all, it's just painfully time-consuming and requires your character to have more agility than the Nintendo system offered.


BTW, the final boss in Spiritual Warfare has to be pretty close to the top of my "Most Annoying Boss Battles In Gaming History" list... it's not hard at all, it's just painfully time-consuming and requires your character to have more agility than the Nintendo system offered.

Don't know about Nintendo. But I played that game on PC as a kid. All I did was shoot apples through the rock and it worked like a charm.

I'm surprised on this thread, no one has mentioned the only other Christian game: "Captain Bible." It was sort of an action RPG quest thing.

I want to play this game, if only to see Moses heft a stack of 3 oxen, 1 horse and a cow over his head while outrunning the game screen.

That would Noah...

There were some other ones in that series, Exodus and Joshua (never played that one, though). Exodus was actually pretty cool and somewhat difficult. That one you play as Moses and shoot glowing 'w's out of your mouth.

Let us not forget.






...Man, I am totally getting smote for those. :(

To put this nicely... that was kinda sacreligious (if I spelled that right!) I'm a Christian, and I don't make fun of others religion (like many so-called "christians" do) so I don't like it when people make fun of my God and King. I'm sorry If I have offended anyone. Thanks...

To put this nicely... that was kinda sacreligious (if I spelled that right!) I'm a Christian, and I don't make fun of others religion (like many so-called "christians" do) so I don't like it when people make fun of my God and King. I'm sorry If I have offended anyone. Thanks...

Internet = Serious Business. Take it easy, man :/ If you can't handle a few jabs at your religion, how do you expect to survive The Internets?

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