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Yeah, it's pretty much by-the-books, what's-popular-right-now, clichéd-characters-up-the-wahzoo fluff that only lonely males would get into.

So, yeah... it's pretty much an actual Japanese-made game.

Man, it just looks and feels like they threw Devil May Cry and God of War in with one of the blond chicks from DOA into a blender and poured the results out onto a cookie sheet. Which they then took cookie cutters to. And then baked on "derivative" for twenty minutes.

EDIT: No links to videos? For shame.



All games should be like Japanese games... this may be the first Russian company to 'get' it.


Seriously though, it seems pretty lame, but who knows? With the right concept, and something like... a magic ring, kidnapped lover/family member, and a large array of weapons it would be 100% like all video games.

And isn't that what we all want?

Nope... but still I like the main char design. :<

Man, it just looks and feels like they threw Devil May Cry and God of War in with one of the blond chicks from DOA into a blender and poured the results out onto a cookie sheet. Which they then took cookie cutters to. And then baked on "derivative" for twenty minutes.

Is that really a bad thing though? I'm all for ripping off a mishmash of other games, as long as they make it fun. Look at Halo. There was really nothing original about that game, and yet most everyone loves it.

I saw this and I think the voice acting is pretty cool, even though it's probably just cheesy dialogue. I dunno why, I just think Russian sounds cool in a videogame. Maybe why I liked STALKER so much.

The dialogue is not bad, basically the monster in the beginning is saying, "how did you find this place? get outta here" and the girl is all like "I didn't travel long roads to leave empty handed (referring to the orb)" and then in the next scene it follows with "you can't stop me, nobody could ever stop me" and the girl, "nonetheless, i can still try" and then they go into the dramatic music and battle scenes. finally in the end I think the monster says something about there being no chance of her beating him or something like that, it's kinda hard to understand since of the strange voice effects and my russian not being as sharp as it was, oh well.

finally in the end I think the monster says something about there being no chance of her beating him or something like that

The monster says "Now I have no choice but to kill you".

Meh, the dialog sounds a little pretentious. But then, it's still true about a lot of video games, regardless of origin.

Yeah, it's pretty much by-the-books, what's-popular-right-now, clichéd-characters-up-the-wahzoo fluff that only lonely males would get into.

So, yeah... it's pretty much an actual Japanese-made game.

Man, it just looks and feels like they threw Devil May Cry and God of War in with one of the blond chicks from DOA into a blender and poured the results out onto a cookie sheet. Which they then took cookie cutters to. And then baked on "derivative" for twenty minutes.

EDIT: No links to videos? For shame.


Even DOA girls aren't as openly buxom as that lead character.

I think the game actually looks nice and at the least, it looks better animated than many Japanese games it is trying to emulate. Most anime-styled Japanese games have really bad animation.

I wish the company wasn't named Gaijin Entertainment... I think the game itself looks pretty good otherwise.


You know, every time I hear about someone pissed about Westerners emulating an eastern style it pisses me off.

I don't get the argument that just because a style is "Japanese" that people outside of Japan cannot emulate it, and if they do decide that they want to emulate it, then the developers have succumb to selling out for mass appeal.

It's just a style, the same way as Kojima attempts to make Metal Gear look like a Hollywood movie, the same way Team Ico had a lot of concept art that resembled Giorgio de Chirico's style of artwork. Bungie Studios used the anime look for Oni back on the PS2 through Bungie West, and hell, Bungie pretty much copied the style and character look from Ghost in the Shell, almost exactly. You don't see people saying that the Japanese are selling out when they started loving the US influence and items in the post-war era. The japanese have taken other inventions and improved them ten-fold, beyond what they once were merely copying. It's a similar case with New Hollywood when they started borrowing from the French, Italian, and German film styles in the late 50s, 60s, and 70s. It's just retarded to bash a game on it's style and call the developers sell-outs. It's a style and only a style.

I might have agreed if only Japanese style games were the only games that sold well, but that's clearly not the case as we see multiple examples of games like World of Warcraft selling like freakin' hotcakes, HalfLife 2, Halo for crying out loud. I may or may not personally like any of these games, but there's no denying their money making ability without a Japanese style.

What a stupid double standard.

Everything artistic that we have on this earth today is the result of people liking certain styles that weren't there own and incorporating it in a way that they feel can express themselves. When they add a twist to that new genres are slowly born.

Style emulation isn't always bad thing and could possibly be the best way that the developer feels can express their story to the player. Or hell, maybe they just wanted to use an anime-look. Who cares?! The character models, though a little low-poly by todays standards, don't look all that bad, and the animations are certainly interesting and well done.

I dunno, I guess I just get that feeling of don't judge a book by it's cover when I hear stuff like this, and while I certainly don't know whether this game will be good or bad, I just don't like all the hate these new developers are getting just because they're using a Japanese influenced art style.

... hell, like it or not the entire western world has just in the last 20 years been heavily influenced by Japanese culture, more so even today with Hollywood's escalation incorporating stylistic elements. I think Oniblade is an extension of that movement.


You know, every time I hear about someone pissed about Westerners emulating an eastern style it pisses me off.

I don't get the argument that just because a style is "Japanese" that people outside of Japan cannot emulate it, and if they do decide that they want to emulate it, then the developers have succumb to selling out for mass appeal.

It's just a style, the same way as Kojima attempts to make Metal Gear look like a Hollywood movie, the same way Team Ico had a lot of concept art that resembled Giorgio de Chirico's style of artwork. Bungie Studios used the anime look for Oni back on the PS2 through Bungie West, and hell, Bungie pretty much copied the style and character look from Ghost in the Shell, almost exactly. You don't see people saying that the Japanese are selling out when they started loving the US influence and items in the post-war era. The japanese have taken other inventions and improved them ten-fold, beyond what they once were merely copying. It's a similar case with New Hollywood when they started borrowing from the French, Italian, and German film styles in the late 50s, 60s, and 70s. It's just retarded to bash a game on it's style and call the developers sell-outs. It's a style and only a style.

I might have agreed if only Japanese style games were the only games that sold well, but that's clearly not the case as we see multiple examples of games like World of Warcraft selling like freakin' hotcakes, HalfLife 2, Halo for crying out loud. I may or may not personally like any of these games, but there's no denying their money making ability without a Japanese style.

What a stupid double standard.

Everything artistic that we have on this earth today is the result of people liking certain styles that weren't there own and incorporating it in a way that they feel can express themselves. When they add a twist to that new genres are slowly born.

Style emulation isn't always bad thing and could possibly be the best way that the developer feels can express their story to the player. Or hell, maybe they just wanted to use an anime-look. Who cares?! The character models, though a little low-poly by todays standards, don't look all that bad, and the animations are certainly interesting and well done.

I dunno, I guess I just get that feeling of don't judge a book by it's cover when I hear stuff like this, and while I certainly don't know whether this game will be good or bad, I just don't like all the hate these new developers are getting just because they're using a Japanese influenced art style.

... hell, like it or not the entire western world has just in the last 20 years been heavily influenced by Japanese culture, more so even today with Hollywood's escalation incorporating stylistic elements. I think Oniblade is an extension of that movement.


Way to read the posts in this thread chief.


Thankfully, unlike PoP: Warrior Within, this game doesn't have a magnificent prequel to show up. :?

I don't mind "art direction", but there's a lot of ways to make a female lead attractive without having her arse wobble in your face while you're playing. I mean, the character of Samus is attractive because you see so LITTLE for most of the game, and she's just blowing shit up.

I mean seriously, first the interactive porno that was Tetris, and now this?

Way to read the posts in this thread chief.


The sentiment, as well as the blatant implications, of a few posts earlier, both here and on YouTube, are essentially people lamenting "ZOMG!!11 Russians making Japanese styled game?!!!" In fact, the term "weeaboo" only further emphasizes this claim. My post had multiple examples of why I thought those feelings are misplaced.

My post is a response to both that and the outside influences directly affecting the game's reception by the public, both of which are relevent to this thread, therefore your response does not really apply to anything I've written.



I love Japan. The more Japanese-styled games to me, the better.

Even though the name is corny (Demon blade? Geez...) I like the character. I am so tired of seeing princesses run around with a smile on their face, destroying all. If you have a heroine, make her look tough, and not like a stick. Someone who looks closer to a woman is more appealing than the constant unrealistically propoertioned men and women populating video games.

Maybe if people had more types of groups and body types represented we would have a richer experiences, but even if not, it wouldn't be as boring and monotonous...

I love Japan. The more Japanese-styled games to me, the better.

Even though the name is corny (Demon blade? Geez...) I like the character. I am so tired of seeing princesses run around with a smile on their face, destroying all. If you have a heroine, make her look tough, and not like a stick. Someone who looks closer to a woman is more appealing than the constant unrealistically propoertioned men and women populating video games.

Maybe if people had more types of groups and body types represented we would have a richer experiences, but even if not, it wouldn't be as boring and monotonous...

Um I am having a hard time deciding whether this is awesomely sarcastic or not.


The feel does look paint-by-numbers (also, some parts remind me of Shadow Hearts), but I'd say good for them. They'll have a nice portfolio piece to add to their own experience. And seeing as these guys are geographically close to Japan, why not add some Japanese flair :P

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