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OCR00872 - Final Fantasy IX "the battle of strings and a cellphone"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I can't imagine the time and effort it took to learn all the parts of this on the guitar. I had a whole long post written... then my computer crashed... so I'll just say this:

excellent guitar playing + cool and original cell phone part = awesome remix.

  • 3 months later...

That cell phone brings back memories of playing Red Alarm on Virtualboy. I can see those red after images now.

As for the song, I can't help but echo what has already been said: Great work on the guitar, the clipping is bad, but not intolerable. I love the guitar playing a lot, and I think that we need more live instruments in our remixes.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After leveling up in FF9 against Grand Dragons, getting the battle theme ground into my poor mushy brain, this remix is a welcome relief. Not many remixes have made me laugh out loud, but this one did it.

  • 2 months later...

I actually heard this ReMix on a video game music radio show called Ultra Mega OK! before I found it on OC, and thought it was funny. Sure the sound quality isn't the greatest (it helps to use a DSP while listening), but the use of just an acustic guitar and a cellphone is quite creative. This has become the official song that I play when I get annoyed at cellphones (I don't have one).

Maybe Zid can make a ringtone out of this?

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Sweet mother of god, my ears. I mean, the song itself is okay, but I listen to music really loudly, and the fuzz of the guitar and the pierce of the cellphone are far to intense. Clean up the guitar a bit, and lower the volume of the cellphoen track, and you got a decent mix... right now, it's window shattering.

  • 4 weeks later...

Ahaha I love this song, its great. The quality is a bit low-par, but that doesn't really matter, I love this song because it made me remember FF9, and also because of the cell phone. Its one of the first mixes I downloaded, I believe.

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